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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

Let China, the new super power, take on the Palestinian Authority as its new client. Oh! No! Wait! the Palestinians don't have any raw materials that the PRC wants!! Too bad, no aide from China!! There is nothing in it for the PRC .......
Am fully behind that. I fully support US withdrawal from the UN as well. Let US and similarly minded countries form our own alliance. What is 'the West' is now more notional than geographical so we should make real that notion. But the reality is that China, despite being a Security Council member and a nuclear weapons state, will run from any serious global responsibility where China must take a stance and/or a side. Not even as small a client as the Palestinians will be worthwhile for China.
Let China, the new super power, take on the Palestinian Authority as its new client. Oh! No! Wait! the Palestinians don't have any raw materials that the PRC wants!! Too bad, no aide from China!! There is nothing in it for the PRC .......

well, it is not china that goes around and supports israel on every single case. they are not the one giving aid to israel.

they havent anything to do with the conflict because they dont go around and pick a side, whereas america does. and where do you get super power from? as far as i know, china doesnt work to become a superpower!
Comon Ptex,

As much as I don't like Iranian expansionism, we all know that Iran is NOT an existential threat to Israel because Israel HAS nukes. It will be a threat only to those countries that DO NO have nukes. Besides, GCC countries would already be doing all the hard work for Israel.

And Israel has been such a pain BECAUSE the Palestinian issue has not been solved. If Israel accepts the Arab peace plan and resolves the Palestinian issue, the Iran will have its influence directly curtailed because of that.

And if recognition of Palestine will not change anything, then that is more of a reason why US should not veto this. Why should US get pissed if nothing will change? Why make itself look isolated by vetoing this? The Israeli ruling coalition is basically being run by a coalition of the far right and the loony right and have been making one blunder after another. There is no visonary like Rabin for example who knew the importance of a settlement. If the US is truly a friend of Israel, they should bring them back to the center and explain them the importance of resolving this now when Israel is undisputably the most powerful country in that region.
Now is the time to resolve the issue as soon as possible before the advantage that Israel has will no longer be there. Or the Congress can continue to hobble the President, give standing ovations to the Israeli PM then they can be happy for now, but they are creating problem for the future of Israel.

The existential threat to Israel is if a Palestinian state is NOT created. Because what is the other option? Give voting rights to the people of West Bank and Gaza? Either Israel should give up the lands to a free Palestine, or give equal rights as other Israeli Arabs. And if you want to maintain the Jewish character of Israel, then the latter will be the existential threat - not Iran.

I`m not sure you know how nuclear bombs work.... But then again i`m no nuclear scientist, do you know what a fallout would do to such a small country like Israel? Even if it was intercepted midway? Do you know what that would do to the land, water, crops?
Yes, Iran was and is a threat. Especially when religious lunatics are in power.
The Israeli government was chosen by Israelis and thus will stay in power until the voters choose otherwise, i for one would vote for Likud again.
It appears that there are too many vested interests at stake in the US Congress here as far as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes. Probably the entire Middle East! Appears to be more so than the Palestinian desire for a state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

I don't understand why such a tiny strip of land can be such a pain in the a$$ for half a century. I'd say, there certainly are certified bigots, warmongers, and greed on all sides.

Anyways, I wish both the Israelis and Palestinians peace. And remember, compromise pays. Don't let US Congress to dictate EVERYTHING for you. I think this is the big part of the problem here.

I see the US as having zero credibility as far as the Middle East goes at present. Better the US troops pack up and go home. Maintaining bases in other countries is very expensive. Seriously, just give the Iraqis some sweets and candies, and go home.
It appears that there are too many vested interests at stake in the US Congress here as far as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict goes. Probably the entire Middle East! Appears to be more so than the Palestinian desire for a state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

I don't understand why such a tiny strip of land can be such a pain in the a$$ for half a century. I'd say, there certainly are certified bigots, warmongers, and greed on all sides.

Anyways, I wish both the Israelis and Palestinians peace. And remember, compromise pays. Don't let US Congress to dictate EVERYTHING for you. I think this is the big part of the problem here.

I see the US as having zero credibility as far as the Middle East goes at present. Better the US troops pack up and go home. Maintaining bases in other countries is very expensive. Seriously, just give the Iraqis some sweets and candies, and go home.

And let Iran take over? Too much blood and money have been spent on Iraq to just let Iran swoop in and control Iraq.
Arabs have demonstrated that they are incapable of having a fair political system running. Let Turkey control those lands again for god's sake, if not problems will never end in ME.:coffee:
If the US is truly a friend of Israel, they should bring them back to the center and explain them the importance of resolving this now

This prespposes that the US administration is in a position to dictate anything to Israel.

The fact is that the Zionist lobbies have such a chokehold on US politics that no American politician in his right mind will dare stand up to Israel. Even Obama, with all his popularity, bowed down and caved in to Netanyahu. If people think the Israelis are fanatical, they ain't seen nothing yet. The Florida and New York-based Zionists make the Israeli hardliners look like doves.
I say go for it cut and veto, UN is a useless organization, the world will see the Hypocrisy of the USA, also third intifada , and finally we will see if Saudi Arabia and the other gulf oil rich states will fund their Muslim brethren, this perfect chance to see to reveal whose who.
I`m not sure you know how nuclear bombs work.... But then again i`m no nuclear scientist, do you know what a fallout would do to such a small country like Israel? Even if it was intercepted midway? Do you know what that would do to the land, water, crops?
Yes, Iran was and is a threat. Especially when religious lunatics are in power.
The Israeli government was chosen by Israelis and thus will stay in power until the voters choose otherwise, i for one would vote for Likud again.
Not just Israel but the neighbors as well. The Iranians are willing to 'martyr' any 'collateral damages' just to wipe Israel off the map.
This is really shocking news. Shame on President Obama.
Not just Israel but the neighbors as well. The Iranians are willing to 'martyr' any 'collateral damages' just to wipe Israel off the map.

Gotta love them, such a peaceful bunch they are. Especially when it comes to their fellow Muslim`s lives.

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