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US to be the sole Superpower for century at least !

That is GDP and this is a whole different topic.

Read what I was responding to, china has already overtaken US as global growth engine, china has added more Nominal GDP year on year than the us since 2008.
What happened to your 2014 prediction: ?

how about a tangible bet that either of us can actually follow up. I'm not about to contact you and give you my personal details to get the INR 50k in $.

How about this we do this in steps. If 2014 our currency collapses and or we lose what was it your fab 5 of moronic economist told you - we will lose currency reserve status. as you predicted earlier ... - we delete our accounts and name a new one called " I'm Jay AtL's b*i*t*c*h " or vice verse if I lose?

then we deal with what the bet is 2016 because no guarantees that you will be around nor will i be around to collect.

Get your tin foil pressed and ready , we are about to beam you more information to your dunce cap

LOL, you keep calling yourself an American, yet your country flag is India. Face it buddy, you are fooling no one.
LOL, you keep calling yourself an American, yet your country flag is India. Face it buddy, you are fooling no one.

MY flag of origin is Indian because that is my heritage and country I left as a child when I came here close to 4 decades ago. unlike a chini noodle head like you who pretends to be Korean. A forever transplant grasshopper
Read what I was responding to, china has already overtaken US as global growth engine, china has added more Nominal GDP year on year than the us since 2008.

Apart from fudged up metrics and data that you guys use to pump those figures up--- yet a US kid at McDonald on a part time job makes more than 90% in your country . Yet you are called and referred to as 3rd world country / undeveloped by your own premier. Yeah dream on kiddo....

Fitch warns on risks from shadow banking in China http://news.yahoo.com/fitch-warns-r...-165602740.html;_ylt=A2KJ2Ub_cLZRQxEAiSHQtDMD
Do they speak in sun spot language?

Well, none of that actually, but debt and deficit are real problems, despite him saying it because he heard it from a crystal ball.

Check the correlations between major revolutions,start of depressions and wars with sunspot peaks and lows. Second , check the correlation b/w Stock/commodity markets and X-Class flares.


One of the above links is about Sunspots,Geomagnetic storms and Flares and their correlation with stock markets .Written by Federal Reserve bank of Atlanta.

make sure you stick that vibrator far up enough for it to reveal the answer for you

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...superpower-century-least-4.html#ixzz2W57CNLHK

I see you have chickened out indeed.

Evidence speaks in favor of sunspot cycles .
http://www.michaelmandeville.com/earthmonitor/cosmos/solarwind/Sunspot Cycles & Human History.pdf

Apart from fudged up metrics and data that you guys use to pump those figures up--- yet a US kid at McDonald on a part time job makes more than 90% in your country . Yet you are called and referred to as 3rd world country / undeveloped by your own premier. Yeah dream on kiddo....

Fitch warns on risks from shadow banking in China http://news.yahoo.com/fitch-warns-r...-165602740.html;_ylt=A2KJ2Ub_cLZRQxEAiSHQtDMD

what a joke and utter hypocrisy considering that the Federal Reserve and the Big banks are fudging economic data of BLS and derivatives and VAR.
That's your level of comprehension in what I meant - when I sated if I knew I could collect for sure, I would up the ante by making the bet @ 10 lakhs? you are truly the child of the lesser gods.

send me 10 lakhs and i will put up 10 lakhs and put in escrow till 2016.

It's not a fair bet. 1 $ = 55 Rs. So the bet should be 50000 times 55.

If Jay loses he pays 2750000 and if VK loses he pays 50000.

Now that's a fair bet :)
MY flag of origin is Indian because that is my heritage and country I left as a child when I came here close to 4 decades ago. unlike a chini noodle head like you who pretends to be Korean. A forever transplant grasshopper

Whatever you do, you're still brown. You should try Acid.
Often I read on PDF that Chinese and Indians put up topics of being Superpower to challenge the US. I thought it was time we discussed it seriously. To be super power you have to 3 ingredients in sync.

- Having a NATO like alliance: When it comes to India, they are pacifists by nature i.e. will never go for challenging the US, and China -no NEW friends i.e. not many countries outside current ones that are aligned with Russia already, have a chance at creating such a NATO like alliance. Both these countries need NEW alliances that are outside the ones aligned with Russia.

- International bases in developed countries that also have nuclear bombs. Again, the issue here is_ Russians will never accept these two playing in their backyard and challenging their alliances. So who is going to give you that GLOBAL presence and it has to be GLOBAL to be a superpower.

- Dominant Currency – As much as India or china gets some countries to accept their currencies in trade, some is not over 80-90% of countries. Now to get your currency to dominate you have to be democracy , free access to internal investments ( china restricts this due to fear of influence by developed countries over their citizenry and India is still not mature as markets go)

There are several other factors but for now I will submit-bottom line is for a century at least- Both India and China can be great @ GDP’s but as old USSR showed us GDP does not equate to being a superpower!

All 3 of these have to place and no single one can be sufficient for either India or China to challenge the US

@JayAtl - this is how poodles do tricks for their masters . Now sit boy!


Even your own countrymen think you're a disgrace. Sharam karo!
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A superpower is in deep debt. Its biggest donor and investor is China. A superpower cant be a superpower on overdraft.

Days of US status as superpower are numbered. Like every dominant nation, it will march into history as 'had been'. Look at where Britain is. Once the mightiest power. Mightier than US ever was at its peak.
"If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem."

J. Paul Getty
Keep us out of the supa powa race.

You Chinese seems to have no problem with 'China will overtake US in x number of years' surveys.

No one clamour for superpower title more than Indians. Your post just show that.

As for China will overtake US, its highly likely and predictable when it comes to GDP number as China's economy is growing in a faster absolute dollar amount than the US per year. Its just a near future projection after China overtakes Japan to be #2 in GDP.

On the other hand, Indians are projecting India to over take China when India's growth rate is not even matching up to China's yet. First, have a GDP growth rate that consistently surpass China before make predictions about overtaking China.
No one clamour for superpower title more than Indians. Your post just show that.

As for China will overtake US, its highly likely and predictable when it comes to GDP number as China's economy is growing in a faster absolute dollar amount than the US per year. Its just a near future projection after China overtakes Japan to be #2 in GDP.

On the other hand, Indians are projecting India to over take China when India's growth rate is not even matching up to China's yet. First, have a GDP growth rate that consistently surpass China before make predictions about overtaking China.

Whats left is posting that India 2030 video.
Do these dumb superpower threads ever serve any useful purpose?
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