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US to be the sole Superpower for century at least !

Yes , his predictions are based on his man looking at sun spots... LOL

I don't know about sun spots, but S&P is saying this:

S&P upgrades outlook for US economy to 'stable' | Business | guardian.co.uk

S&P upgrades outlook for US economy to 'stable'
Ratings agency said strengthening US economy contributed to decision to reverse 2011 unprecedented negative downgrade

Dominic Rushe in New York

guardian.co.uk, Monday 10 June 2013 10.44 EDT

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has upgraded its outlook for the US economy stable from negative, two years after its controversial downgrade caused a political and economic firestorm.

S&P said a strengthening US economy and the dollar's status as the world's "key reserve currency" contributed to its decision to reverse 2011's unprecedented downgrade. The rating agency assigned the US AA+ long-term and A-1+ short-term ratings.

"We believe that the US monetary authorities have both the strong ability and willingness to support sustainable economic growth and to attenuate major economic or financial shocks," the agency said in its report. S&P praised the Federal Reserve's "timely and effective actions to lessen the impact of major shocks since the Great Recession".

The report is a major reversal from S&P's shock downgrade of US debt in August 2011. That report said the weakened "effectiveness, stability, and predictability" of US policy making and political institutions was exacerbating the country's economic malaise.

In its upgrade the agency warned that the ability of politicians to address the country's medium-term fiscal challenges remains hampered by partisan bickering in Washington and "fundamentally opposing views by the two main political parties on the optimal size of government. But S&P said it saw signs of hope in the bipartisan agreement reached to deal with the "fiscal cliff" at the end of last year.

The report comes after a series of lackluster economic figures have suggested the economic recovery remains fragile. Last week the Labor Department reported that the US economy had added just 175,000 new jobs in May and the unemployment rate ticked up to 7.5% from 7.4% in April. Last week the Institute of Supply Management reported its manufacturing activity index fell in May to its lowest since June 2009.

The S&P report concludes that while difficulties remain, the long-term outlook for the US economy is bright. "The stable outlook indicates our appraisal that some of the downside risks to our 'AA+' rating on the US have receded to the point that the likelihood that we will lower the rating in the near term is less than one in three. We do not see material risks to our favorable view of the flexibility and efficacy of US monetary policy. We believe the US economic performance will match or exceed its peers' in the coming years," the agency concludes.
decade? maybe
century? I do not think so.

Often I read on PDF that Chinese and Indians put up topics of being Superpower to challenge the US. I thought it was time we discussed it seriously. To be super power you have to 3 ingredients in sync.

- Having a NATO like alliance: When it comes to India, they are pacifists by nature i.e. will never go for challenging the US, and China -no NEW friends i.e. not many countries outside current ones that are aligned with Russia already, have a chance at creating such a NATO like alliance. Both these countries need NEW alliances that are outside the ones aligned with Russia.

- International bases in developed countries that also have nuclear bombs. Again, the issue here is_ Russians will never accept these two playing in their backyard and challenging their alliances. So who is going to give you that GLOBAL presence and it has to be GLOBAL to be a superpower.

- Dominant Currency – As much as India or china gets some countries to accept their currencies in trade, some is not over 80-90% of countries. Now to get your currency to dominate you have to be democracy , free access to internal investments ( china restricts this due to fear of influence by developed countries over their citizenry and India is still not mature as markets go)

There are several other factors but for now I will submit-bottom line is for a century at least- Both India and China can be great @ GDP’s but as old USSR showed us GDP does not equate to being a superpower!

All 3 of these have to place and no single one can be sufficient for either India or China to challenge the US
So the dunce is not going to take up my bet? I can show you opposite data too and speak to derivatives too. But that is debating in circles with you- Nothing qualifies as betting on it yeah? If you think your " voodoo math" is going to hold , then certainly you should not walk away from the bet I made.

It is simple- you say 2014 our currency will crash and dollar wont be a reserve anymore. If it does not then you will execute the losers side of the bet- if it does crash then I will execute the losers side of the bet too.

I know 99% of Indians here are looking at you as the dunce with no education vs me, given your moronic predictions.

What I am witnessing is only barking from you and clearly you have not provided any requisite evidence. And your moronic predictions have no fundamental support levels considering the derivatives,debts and deficits USA is in. Also a number of analysts are in agreement with me.

I don't care about the 99% indians or 99% americans ,because I am in 0.1 % range of people. I don't care about the masses and the useless eaters who think from their egos and have no understanding of basics of finance or how the physical and paper markets operate.
99% are dumb money.1% is the smart money. Nugh said. If the 99% learned about sunspots or geocosmics or law of vibration I will not be able to profit. The stupidity of the 99% is what enables profit.

Here are my bet conditions:

1) If I lose I pay 50000 if you lose you pay 50000


2)If you lose You will start a thread admitting defeat and apologise. If I lose I will start a thread admitting defeat and leave this forum .

My target for US economic collapse 2014-16.
I don't know about sun spots, but S&P is saying this:

S&P upgrades outlook for US economy to 'stable' | Business | guardian.co.uk

S&P upgrades outlook for US economy to 'stable'
Ratings agency said strengthening US economy contributed to decision to reverse 2011 unprecedented negative downgrade

Dominic Rushe in New York

guardian.co.uk, Monday 10 June 2013 10.44 EDT

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has upgraded its outlook for the US economy stable from negative, two years after its controversial downgrade caused a political and economic firestorm.

S&P said a strengthening US economy and the dollar's status as the world's "key reserve currency" contributed to its decision to reverse 2011's unprecedented downgrade. The rating agency assigned the US AA+ long-term and A-1+ short-term ratings.

"We believe that the US monetary authorities have both the strong ability and willingness to support sustainable economic growth and to attenuate major economic or financial shocks," the agency said in its report. S&P praised the Federal Reserve's "timely and effective actions to lessen the impact of major shocks since the Great Recession".

The report is a major reversal from S&P's shock downgrade of US debt in August 2011. That report said the weakened "effectiveness, stability, and predictability" of US policy making and political institutions was exacerbating the country's economic malaise.

In its upgrade the agency warned that the ability of politicians to address the country's medium-term fiscal challenges remains hampered by partisan bickering in Washington and "fundamentally opposing views by the two main political parties on the optimal size of government. But S&P said it saw signs of hope in the bipartisan agreement reached to deal with the "fiscal cliff" at the end of last year.

The report comes after a series of lackluster economic figures have suggested the economic recovery remains fragile. Last week the Labor Department reported that the US economy had added just 175,000 new jobs in May and the unemployment rate ticked up to 7.5% from 7.4% in April. Last week the Institute of Supply Management reported its manufacturing activity index fell in May to its lowest since June 2009.

The S&P report concludes that while difficulties remain, the long-term outlook for the US economy is bright. "The stable outlook indicates our appraisal that some of the downside risks to our 'AA+' rating on the US have receded to the point that the likelihood that we will lower the rating in the near term is less than one in three. We do not see material risks to our favorable view of the flexibility and efficacy of US monetary policy. We believe the US economic performance will match or exceed its peers' in the coming years," the agency concludes.

But does the S&P look at sunspots! :taz:
I don't know about sun spots, but S&P is saying this:

S&P upgrades outlook for US economy to 'stable' | Business | guardian.co.uk

S&P upgrades outlook for US economy to 'stable'
Ratings agency said strengthening US economy contributed to decision to reverse 2011 unprecedented negative downgrade

Dominic Rushe in New York

guardian.co.uk, Monday 10 June 2013 10.44 EDT

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has upgraded its outlook for the US economy stable from negative, two years after its controversial downgrade caused a political and economic firestorm.

S&P said a strengthening US economy and the dollar's status as the world's "key reserve currency" contributed to its decision to reverse 2011's unprecedented downgrade. The rating agency assigned the US AA+ long-term and A-1+ short-term ratings.

"We believe that the US monetary authorities have both the strong ability and willingness to support sustainable economic growth and to attenuate major economic or financial shocks," the agency said in its report. S&P praised the Federal Reserve's "timely and effective actions to lessen the impact of major shocks since the Great Recession".

The report is a major reversal from S&P's shock downgrade of US debt in August 2011. That report said the weakened "effectiveness, stability, and predictability" of US policy making and political institutions was exacerbating the country's economic malaise.

In its upgrade the agency warned that the ability of politicians to address the country's medium-term fiscal challenges remains hampered by partisan bickering in Washington and "fundamentally opposing views by the two main political parties on the optimal size of government. But S&P said it saw signs of hope in the bipartisan agreement reached to deal with the "fiscal cliff" at the end of last year.

The report comes after a series of lackluster economic figures have suggested the economic recovery remains fragile. Last week the Labor Department reported that the US economy had added just 175,000 new jobs in May and the unemployment rate ticked up to 7.5% from 7.4% in April. Last week the Institute of Supply Management reported its manufacturing activity index fell in May to its lowest since June 2009.

The S&P report concludes that while difficulties remain, the long-term outlook for the US economy is bright. "The stable outlook indicates our appraisal that some of the downside risks to our 'AA+' rating on the US have receded to the point that the likelihood that we will lower the rating in the near term is less than one in three. We do not see material risks to our favorable view of the flexibility and efficacy of US monetary policy. We believe the US economic performance will match or exceed its peers' in the coming years," the agency concludes.
the same S&P that gave AAA to toxic mortgages .... give me a break.
What I am witnessing is only barking from you and clearly you have not provided any requisite evidence. And your moronic predictions have no fundamental support levels considering the derivatives,debts and deficits USA is in. Also a number of analysts are in agreement with me.

I don't care about the 99% indians or 99% americans ,because I am in 0.1 % range of people. I don't care about the masses and the useless eaters who think from their egos and have no understanding of basics of finance or how the physical and paper markets operate.
99% are dumb money.1% is the smart money. Nugh said. If the 99% learned about sunspots or geocosmics or law of vibration I will not be able to profit. The stupidity of the 99% is what enables profit.

Here are my bet conditions:

1) If I lose I pay 50000 if you lose you pay 50000


2)If you lose You will start a thread admitting defeat and apologise. If I lose I will start a thread admitting defeat and leave this forum .

My target for US economic collapse 2014-16.

Why have you moved the goal post if your sun spots secret crystal bowl is so accurate of an indicator. My question is why do I have to wait now till 2016. you wont be around I suspect in 2016, somebody will institutionalize you - with a window looking at the sun everyday :lol:

I'm not sure how the hell I get the 50,000 inr from you, hell if I knew 100% that you would pay up I would up the ante to 10 lakh INR. That is why I want to shame you more than just a "I lost he won" topic. I want you or me if I lose to don the new account I " I'm 'X" persons B*i*t*c*H
Why have you moved the goal post if your sun spots secret crystal bowl is so accurate of an indicator. My question is why do I have to wait now till 2016. you wont be around I suspect in 2016, somebody will institutionalize you - with a window looking at the sun everyday :lol:

I'm not sure how the hell I get the 50,000 inr from you, hell if I knew 100% that you would pay up I would up the ante to 10 lakh INR. That is why I want to shame you more than just a "I lost he won" topic. I want you or me if I lose to don the new account I " I'm 'X" persons B*i*t*c*H

So you mean you will pay 10 lakh Inr if you lose and I will pay 50000 INR if I lose.Sure thats even better. 20:1 . Thats great.Maybe I will locate an online financial betting third party forum for that purpose.

The sun does not put out TOXIC!!!!! :P

same S&P that gives your country ability to get loans at specified rates.

Same S&P whose credibility is being questioned.
So you mean you will pay 10 lakh Inr if you lose and I will pay 50000 INR if I lose.Sure thats even better. 20:1 . Thats great.Maybe I will locate an online financial betting third party forum for that purpose.


That's your level of comprehension in what I meant - when I sated if I knew I could collect for sure, I would up the ante by making the bet @ 10 lakhs? you are truly the child of the lesser gods.

send me 10 lakhs and i will put up 10 lakhs and put in escrow till 2016.
That is the opinion of Mr.Charles Nenner on basis of sunspot and cosmic wave intensity data.

I actually took you semi seriously up to this point. Silly me.
That's your level of comprehension in what I meant - when I sated if I knew I could collect for sure, I would up the ante by making the bet @ 10 lakhs? you are truly the child of the lesser gods.

send me 10 lakhs and i will put up 10 lakhs and put in escrow till 2016.

seems you chickened out on the 20:1 ratio.But Still I am considering your offer.

I actually took you semi seriously up to this point. Silly me.

Do you think I care ?For me data and money speak.
seems you chickened out on the 20:1 ratio.But Still I am considering your offer. .

make sure you stick that vibrator far up enough for it to reveal the answer for you .

or law of vibration I will not be able to profit.

I actually took you semi seriously up to this point. Silly me.

which part did you take semi seriously. the US currency crashing by 2014 or US economy destroyed by 2016. heh
Do you think I care ?For me data and money speak.

Do they speak in sun spot language?

which part did you take semi seriously. the US currency crashing by 2014 or US economy destroyed by 2016. heh

Well, none of that actually, but debt and deficit are real problems, despite him saying it because he heard it from a crystal ball.
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