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Rizwan Alam

Jun 30, 2012
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Dubai: The US suspect arrested for soliciting the murder of a federal judge is not an Emirati, confirmed a senior ministry official.

Dr Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, tweeted on Saturday: “On reviewing our embassy in Washington... it said the information about an Emirati citizen accused of plotting to kill a judge in America is incorrect. He is an Asian national and lived for a time in the country.”

The official website of the Judicial Department in Toledo, Ohio, revealed that the charge sheet indicates that the accused, an Indian national, lived in the UAE from 2004 to 2008, before he went to the United States and married an American citizen.

According to a news release from the US Department of Justice, the suspect, identified as Yahya Farooq Mohammad, 37, was charged on July 6 with attempted first-degree murder of a federal officer, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and use of interstate commerce facilities in commission of murder for hire.

The suspect was charged after he told an inmate at a county jail in April that he was willing to pay $15,000 (Dh55,000) for the murder of US Federal Judge Jack Zouhary.


Yahya Farooq Mohammad, an Indian national, was initially charged in 2015 for supporting violent jihad against US military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world.

Mohammad was indicted last year on charges of conspiring with three other men to travel to Yemen and provide thousands of dollars to terrorists, in an effort to support violent jihad against US military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world.

The case is currently pending in the US District Court of Northern Ohio.

US Attorney Barbara L. McQuade, for the Eastern District of Michigan, said in a statement issued last Wednesday: “According to the charges in the indictment, this defendant not only attempted to have a federal judge murdered, but he did so to obstruct justice in a terrorism case against him.

“This prosecution seeks to hold the defendant accountable for attempting to victimise the judge and for trying to undermine our criminal justice system.”

Terrorising the biggest terrorist i.e. US. All muslims should be terrorist. - Zakir Naik.
Terrorising the biggest terrorist i.e. US. All muslims should be terrorist. - Zakir Naik.

Blair's own deputy now admits that Bush and Blair representing the west at the time are the greatest terrorists. So, there's no reason blaming Zakir Naek for pointing the finger at the right direction.
Blair's own deputy now admits that Bush and Blair representing the west at the time are the greatest terrorists. So, there's no reason blaming Zakir Naek for pointing the finger at the right direction.

Is he the final authority for you?

And even if true, how can you kill common westerner? And do you support Dhaka attack? Are you also closet terrorist who want to terrorize US and UK?
Is he the final authority for you?

And even if true, how can you kill common westerner? And do you support Dhaka attack? Are you also closet terrorist who want to terrorize US and UK?

Yes he is, he supports "Islamic Rebels Fighting for Democrazy" in the Middle East, basically Assad and anyone fighting these two dollar Zakir Naik Wahhabi Salafist extremist terrorists is their version of freedom, which coincidentally is not that off from the western wars, if actually not worse. He wants his garbage to be imposed on everybody, but because hes islamic, he is right. Crocodile tears really, reminds me of that fat bengali kid from his country that came from the UK to kill our people in Syria and Middle East and then had bombs dropped and sent to hell. These Jahils are the real enemies of Islam, Zakir Naik is a Fraud that appeals to low intellect idoits, hes a saudi sponsored crappy wahhabi and whats worse is...saudi is but a pawn of the same enemies these terrorists loath, aka creation of west and serve their cause to keep their rule..

Hes the type that said Dhaka attack was nationalistic.. by killing people of other nations, ordinary civilians, dont know if he learns his islam from the moon .... but this is their goal..I hope all this garbage types are deported from europe and all their types waging jihad now are wiped off the map.
Is he the final authority for you?

And even if true, how can you kill common westerner? And do you support Dhaka attack? Are you also closet terrorist who want to terrorize US and UK?

Are you into the business of putting words into people's mouth? Who said anything about killing common westerners? People like you secretly support, fund and arm these terrorists.
Are you into the business of putting words into people's mouth? Who said anything about killing common westerners? People like you secretly support, fund and arm these terrorists.

You can not hide.
It's you who is hiding behind your hatred. Bush and Blair committed terrorism with the help of terrorists like you.

And you are also calling muslims to become terrorist to terrorize west?

Follows Naik like Dhaka terrorists?
And you are also calling muslims to become terrorist to terrorize west?

Follows Naik like Dhaka terrorists?

No, RSS terrorists like you are recruiting terrorists like the way you supply the Daesh terrorists with detonators and IED explosives. Even maggots in sh!t are way cleaner than thugs like you.
No, RSS terrorists like you are recruing terrorists like the way you supply the Daesh terrorists with detonators and IED explosives. Even maggots in sh!t are way cleaner than thugs like you.
Or we are supplying those detonators legally to your Muslim countries like saudi lebanon turkey who gives them To ISIS.So Much for Muslim UMMAH
No, RSS terrorists like you are recruiting terrorists like the way you supply the Daesh terrorists with detonators and IED explosives. Even maggots in sh!t are way cleaner than thugs like you.

You are coming out more openly, next what? Death threats or worse you may blow up on PDF?

As I said, you can not hide. :lol:
Are you into the business of putting words into people's mouth? Who said anything about killing common westerners? People like you secretly support, fund and arm these terrorists.

Bengali Babu... Seriously..you want us to believe this guy @-xXx- whos is a poster of an internet forum...is secretly supporting, funding and arming terrorists? Whom by your definition is President Assad of Syria...

Do you suffer mental illness, you are making your enemy the indians actually look and sound quite sane..I can only imagine how you drove the pakistanis insane..

I'll make this even more interesting..maybe this suspect is a RAW Agent...

lol.. But no seriously getting back on topic... this is horrible...not just because this is an indian..but really how far this radicalization thanks to the tv and internet and the saudi madrasas and thanks to your lord and savious Zakir Nayek.. so many muslims from various backgrounds and races are being mislead for "Jihad Democrazy"..
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