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US tech workers' body ask Trump to suspend H-1B visa programme amid layoff fears

Please define low tech jobs.. Most Americans don't know that every H1B has to go through a Labor Certification process where job descriptions are compared against a database of Position titles and job descriptions. This includes wages. Now please define a low tech job and I shall show you the position description and wages to match it on a database that is used by USCIS.
Most of these folks here on PDF dont even know what is an LCA and how USCIS evaluates the specialization to be eligible- Yes a few do get through the cracks- sure- but will be found out and denied their stay in the long run.
Please re-read what you wrote. So you claim these companies don't care for their own business and will hire low skilled people particularly from India and don't care if they go bankrupt? They outsource work to Indian compabies knowing they will get substandard work in return but hey we just need to hire Indians..?

India does not have the environment for it yet. But skill-wise we see contributions of Hindus in other countries

Yet??????........indians have been saying that they are going to become a superpower soon for the last 73 years. Only China has become a global superpower since then. In 1947, india was ahead of China. In 2020 the gap between india and China is way bigger than even the gap between Pakistan and india. That too when Pakistan is more than 7× smaller than india.
Please re-read what you wrote. So you claim these companies don't care for their own business and will hire low skilled people particularly from India and don't care if they go bankrupt? They outsource work to Indian compabies knowing they will get substandard work in return but hey we just need to hire Indians..?

India does not have the environment for it yet. But skill-wise we see contributions of Hindus in other countries
Nope not just Hindus from India!- Muslims/sikhs/Christians/jains-etc from India.
What is your race and what has been your achievement?


EXACTLY!!!!.........We're not even 3% of the world population yet we are the first EVER NATION in the ENTIRE history of mankind to have thwarted an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than us for nearly 73 years. A 7× bigger enemy that has the full backing of the West and Russia. This achievement is unprecedented.
Please re-read what you wrote. So you claim these companies don't care for their own business and will hire low skilled people particularly from India and don't care if they go bankrupt? They outsource work to Indian compabies knowing they will get substandard work in return but hey we just need to hire Indians..?

India does not have the environment for it yet. But skill-wise we see contributions of Hindus in other countries

These companies are learning the hard way now -- Nokia Data Center didn't renew their contract with HP and shifted to HCL -- the quality was so bad they had to bring on HP Engineers on contract basis who they just left months ago for hardware/software support.

American business concept shifted to save money on wages and their quality has suffered -- I know because I deal with these companies on a regular basis for insurance purposes ranging from EPLI, D&O, Workers Comp, GL and Professional E&O policies.
Except Indian politicians, here is one example

Sure- Thats the Job of these useless politicians- If you are educated enough-These clowns will be shown their place- Thats why as a nation India has put Education as the highest priority- None of the educated folks in India believe the nonsense that most of the Politicians say anyways- I am surprised you believed him- (Oh well education is the key word here).
Yet??????........indians have been saying that they are going to become a superpower soon for the last 73 years. Only China has become a global superpower since then. In 1947, india was ahead of China. In 2020 the gap between india and China is way bigger than even the gap between Pakistan and india. That too when Pakistan is more than 7× smaller than india.
what has this got to do with what is being discussed here?
Yet, I'll bite..
Yes. India is zealous and inspired and wants to be like China. Indians or India have never shy to accept the growth of the Chinese. If ever we give Chinese a hard time, it's only because of the high horses some ride on.
Hindus are making great strides in STEAM all around the world.
India is too focused on service as a business vs product for business. But yet we see so many products even in the software/hardware areas that are made in India and used in India only.
Why does anyone have to migrate?-Once you get the answer for that you can self teach yourself- No one said India is such a superpower- A very young robust intelligent population who have been successful where ever they have migrated too- The country as in India is still developing and has a long way to go- The people know that and are working towards that- Thats all anyone can ask for.

Successful in what? What have indians EVER invented or created? If indians are successful abroad then it will ultimately only benefit those nations, not india or it's citizens. If that were not true then india would have been a superpower by now.
EXACTLY!!!!.........We're not even 3% of the world population yet we are the first EVER NATION in the ENTIRE history of mankind to have thwarted an enemy that is more than 7× bigger than us for nearly 73 years. A 7× bigger enemy that has the full backing of the West and Russia. This achievement is unprecedented.
Great- All the power to you as a nation- The day you guys pay more attention to education/Science etc, is the day India would start getting worried, untill then keep doing what you are doing suits the world just fine- Its unprecedented indeed.
These companies are learning the hard way now -- Nokia Data Center didn't renew their contract with HP and shifted to HCL -- the quality was so bad they had to bring on HP Engineers on contract basis who they just left months ago for hardware/software support.

American business concept shifted to save money on wages and their quality has suffered -- I know because I deal with these companies on a regular basis for insurance purposes ranging from EPLI, D&O, Workers Comp, GL and Professional E&O policies.
Bull shit of the highest order. Work agreements only last a quarter. Every quarter there is re-bidding. In your own example, one Indian company replaces another -- why? arent we supposed to be low skilled?
Successful in what? What have indians EVER invented or created? If indians are successful abroad then it will ultimately only benefit those nations, not india or it's citizens. If that were not true then india would have been a superpower by now.
First of all as a Man- Success to me is taking care of my family needs- Give them the best possible life that I can- Be a good Father/Son/Husband/Brother/Citizen -in that order- "Charity always begins at home"- The rest is secondary.
what has this got to do with what is being discussed here?
Yet, I'll bite..
Yes. India is zealous and inspired and wants to be like China. Indians or India have never shy to accept the growth of the Chinese. If ever we give Chinese a hard time, it's only because of the high horses some ride on.
Hindus are making great strides in STEAM all around the world.
India is too focused on service as a business vs product for business. But yet we see so many products even in the software/hardware areas that are made in India and used in India only.

What strides are hindus making in STEM? Can you post the links here.

First of all as a Man- Success to me is taking care of my family needs- Give them the best possible life that I can- Be a good Father/Son/Husband/Brother/Citizen -in that order- "Charity always begins at home"- The rest is secondary.

IF charity begins at home then why are indians immigrating to White nations? Whites are not indians and have 0 connection to the indian race.
Nope not just Hindus from India!- Muslims/sikhs/Christians/jains-etc from India.
I know.
They are waiting for you to give them an example of a great Indian scientist who has naturalized and then they will claim he is no more Indian. Calling them Hindu is still calling them Indian but avoiding the nuances these guys argue against. I encourage you to do it also.
Leave it dude, every where else is different and pdf is different, they intentionally open these threads in their war against Indians.

I agree. A rather pathetic attempt.

Labelling a trade union conveniently as an "anti immigration" group. Right then.

Most trade unions are anti-immigration. They see immigrants as competitors for jobs and depression of wages. In the US, it's one of the few things that Trump and Bernie Sanders agree on.

Only reason they getting Visas is cause Ganguland churns our more tech students and companies will pay low wages and you people jump for it.

How ever the structure is set up where workers from India work in a group dominated by Americans and Chinese as managers and executives and you people work in a sweat shop style environment.

So your main complaint is that Indians invested in education -- learning IT or programming language -- so they can get better jobs than their parents, who probably worked in factories, farms, or elsewhere, and move up economically. An so what if the jobs are considered sweatshops or entry-level? You have to start somewhere. India's investment in IT paid with plenty of Indian managers, including CEO's of major tech companies.

My question to you is: what did Pakistan do during this time? Little to nothing. It just sat on its hands and did nothing. This is nothing but sour grapes.

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