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"US Team prepared to fight Pakstani forces" in raid to capture OBL


Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
President Barack Obama insisted that the team to hunt down Osama Bin Laden be large enough to fight its way out in case it met resistance from Pakistani forces, the New York Times reports.

The size of the assault team was expanded days before the operation, unnamed military and administration officials quoted by the paper say.

Pakistan has begun an investigation into how Bin Laden lived undetected.

But relations with the US have been severely strained by the raid.

US President Barack Obama had previously urged Pakistan to investigate how the al-Qaeda leader could live in the garrison city of Abbottabad undetected and to find out if any officials knew of his whereabouts.

But in a statement to parliament on Monday announcing the inquiry, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani insisted that allegations of Pakistani complicity and incompetence were "absurd".

He said that Pakistan was "determined" to examine the failures to detect Bin Laden and he mounted a robust defence of Pakistan's record in fighting terrorism.

He also added that the US raid was "a violation of sovereignty".

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says that although there have always been questions over the level of Pakistan's commitment to demobilise the Taliban and certain elements of al-Qaeda, the raid on 2 May is the first clear proof of the Americans giving up hope that the Pakistanis would really ever deliver.

But the UK's Guardian newspaper reported that a deal struck between former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and former US President George W Bush in 2001, paved the way for the US to conduct a unilateral raid inside Pakistan if they knew of Bin Laden's whereabouts.

The paper quotes serving and retired Pakistani and US officials as saying that under the terms of the arrangement Pakistan would "vociferously protest the incursion" after it took place.

'Return fire'
But the latest details of the operation reveal the extent to which the US was prepared to go in order to capture or kill the al-Qaeda leader.

"Their instructions were to avoid any confrontation if at all possible. But if they had to return fire to get out, they were authorised to do it," one senior Obama administration official is quoted by the New York Times as saying.

In the original plan, two helicopters were going to stay on the Afghan side of the border to be called upon for assistance should the need arise. They would have been about 90 minutes away from the Bin Laden compound.

But, the paper reports, just 10 days before the raid President Obama reviewed the operational plans and the decision was taken to send two more helicopters carrying additional troops, which followed the aircraft carrying the assault team.

"Some people may have assumed we could talk our way out of a jam, but given our difficult relationship with Pakistan right now, the president did not want to leave anything to chance," the New York Times quoted one unnamed senior administration official as saying.

"He wanted extra forces if they were necessary."

Interrogators on standby
US forces had been instructed to avoid engaging with Pakistani forces and if a confrontation appeared imminent, there were plans for senior US officials to call Pakistani counterparts to avert a clash, senior administration officials are quoted as saying

But the size of the US force was increased when the president expressed his concern that this was not enough to protect those on the ground, the paper reports.

Other details that emerged about the operation include:

Two specialist teams were on standby, probably on the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea: one to bury Bin Laden if he was killed, and a second team of lawyers, interrogators and translators if he was taken alive
One of the back-up helicopter teams was actually used when one of the first team's helicopters was damaged
US surveillance aircraft were watching and listening to how Pakistan's security forces responded to the raid to determine how long the team could safely remain on the ground
Correspondents say that Pakistan plays a crucial role in America's war efforts in Afghanistan, and too much public pressure on Pakistan could jeopardise the relationship.

And despite strained relations, Pakistan's prime minister also reiterated that Washington remained a key ally of Islamabad, in Monday's speech to parliament.

BBC News - Bin Laden raid: US team 'ready to fight way out'
Yes read about this, they had 2-3 more choppers with more Navy seal forces on standby as well.
My . For whatever reason the Pakistanis remain quiet, one thing is for sure if Pakistan actually had decided to intervene and give resistance, there wasn't a damn thing US could have done then. We would have simply over numbered and over powered them. By no means they could have resisted the intervention unless of course 1 US solider is equal to 100 Pakistani soldiers.
My . For whatever reason the Pakistanis remain quiet, one thing is for sure if Pakistan actually had decided to intervene and give resistance, there wasn't a damn thing US could have done then. We would have simply over numbered and over powered them. By no means they could have resisted the intervention unless of course 1 US solider is equal to 100 Pakistani soldiers.

Either you think the American military planners are such fools to have not taken into account any such contingency or you are a fool yourself.

Pick one.
My . For whatever reason the Pakistanis remain quiet, one thing is for sure if Pakistan actually had decided to intervene and give resistance, there wasn't a damn thing US could have done then. We would have simply over numbered and over powered them. By no means they could have resisted the intervention unless of course 1 US solider is equal to 100 Pakistani soldiers.

Us would rip threw Pak to get it's boys back

A b2 and some f15e would drop your laughable air force out of the sky.

Lol picture if India wanted to invade this shows a big weakness in your systems

Once were out of afghan were droping you like a fatchick
China has to form a military pact with Pakistan to stop US from infringing Pakistan's sovereignty. If the US tries that kind of stunt again, China-armed Pakistan would have Dongfeng missiles nuking US bases in Afghanistan and aircraft carriers in the Indian Ocean.
China has to form a military pact with Pakistan to stop US from infringing Pakistan's sovereignty. If the US tries that kind of stunt again, China-armed Pakistan would have Dongfeng missiles nuking US bases in Afghanistan and aircraft carriers in the Indian Ocean.

Please don't nuke US mainland until 2014,i plan to do my MS there.
Us would rip threw Pak to get it's boys back

A b2 and some f15e would drop your laughable air force out of the sky.

Lol picture if India wanted to invade this shows a big weakness in your systems

Once were out of afghan were droping you like a fatchick

Dude. Be respectful. I can't tell. You're either a 13 year old or a gunslinging redneck retard.
Either you think the American military planners are such fools to have not taken into account any such contingency or you are a fool yourself.

Pick one.

Coming this from you is hardly a surprise after all i don't consider much from the likes of you. Why do you think such an operation is called a covert operation? Its plain common sense that no matter what you have planned or how much you are prepared, you cannot fight with numbers in a hostile territory and that too when your foe is not some rag tag militia and even if you somehow do manage, there is a huge chance for the original mission to fail i.e was to either capture or kill OBL. That is why such missions are called covert missions and that is exactly why i dont believe this anymore that Pakistan army was as ignorant as it claims to be.
Us would rip threw Pak to get it's boys back

A b2 and some f15e would drop your laughable air force out of the sky.

Lol picture if India wanted to invade this shows a big weakness in your systems

Once were out of afghan were droping you like a fatchick

Its well past your bed time. Have you finished your assignment?........yes the assignment your history teacher gave you today?
Coming this from you is hardly a surprise after all i don't consider much from the likes of you. Why do you think such an operation is called a covert operation? Its plain common sense that how matter what you have planned, you cannot fight in numbers and even if you somehow manage, there is a huge change for the original mission to fail i.e was to either capture or kill OBL. That is why such missions are called covert missions and that is exactly why i dont believe this anymore that Pakistan army was as ignorant as it claims to be.

The Americans had all their paraphernalia up in the air near your border even before your jets took off.

They were ready, just in case.

They are not world's sole superpower for nothing. Please don't embarrass yourself next time.
The Americans all paraphernalia up in the air near your border even before your jets took off.

And do what exactly? bomb us back to stone age?......even then the so called mission will go south ways, and not just that but also open hostility will begin resulting in the loss for both sides.
The point i am stressing on is that for the US the important step was to finish OBL, what they can or could have done in case Pakistan got involved in debatable but one thing is for sure, they could forget the change of ever capturing OBL.
And do what exactly? bomb us back to stone age?......even then the so called mission will go south ways, and not just that but also open hostility will begin resulting in the loss for both sides.

Not really all of you, but only those of your jets which would, so they pre-empted, would come in pursuit of their choppers.
lol, they had to fight for 40 minutes against osama bin ladens wife that was the armed person in the house and you are telling me that they could take out the military camp in abottabad?!!

i give my opinions based on norwegian news, as far as i know it was only the wife that was armed and gave them a 40 min long resistance! hahaha it is laughable if that actually happened!
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