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US talking to India, China to isolate Russia

I am pretty confident on India's foreign policy in this regard. Indians in their past 6 decades has never taken any such decisions to be compelled in the future to be dictated. Today when we are more self reliant, those decisions are proving to be fruitful. India today has balls to say straight no on face of Uncle Sam and they cant do a rats *** to us.

India always believed in mutual benefits rather than Ally and Brotherhood bullshit. Russia and China, tough apprehensive rite now but are a great prospects for Indian growth without any compulsions. Regional Block is the best way to go in the future, whereas being an ally to the superpower means accepting its hegmony and we r not willing to be anyone's bunny.
WASHINGTON: The US has been talking with India and China among other countries as part of diplomatic efforts to isolate Russia but it has not yet asked them to impose any sanctions, an American official said today.

"We have been talking with other countries diplomatically, though, if you remember the Security Council vote last weekend. It was significant that China, for example, abstained and did not vote with Russia," State department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf told reporters.

"Well, I don't think we're there yet. Obviously, we've been consulting very closely with the Europeans about sanctions," Harf said when asked if the US was going to seek Iran-oil like sanction from countries outside NATO.

"Yesterday, only 10 other countries in the General Assembly -people like Syria and Sudan - voted with Russia. So we are actively working on the diplomatic side to isolate Russia and that means with countries like China and India and others. But on the oil part, we're just not there yet," she said.

Harf also expressed US' disappointment with India's abstention on the UNHRC vote on Sri Lanka.

"It is disappointing to us that India abstained from voting on this resolution when they voted yes for the last two years. We have made our disappointment known to Indian officials. Beyond that, I'd refer you to them in terms of how they voted," she said.

US talking with India, China to isolate Russia - The Economic Times on Mobile
Russia cant be isolated completely, like Iran, Russia is a big regional player with strong ties with the countries in the region, particularly India......
And Problem is USA is talking too much :rofl:
Lets see how Japan react to China-US talks of interests ;)

- Russia is long trusted and time tested ally of India. India will hardly act against Russian interests - RIGHT OR WRONG.
- USA is trying to use diplomacy after they mess up with Indian diplomat :rofl:
One tip USA , IFS guies in the office are still mad at you ;)
- I don't see any reason why China will support anyone who is trying to contain them
It is really Bizarre to see both US and Russia considering Chinese Abstention in Security Council Vote as a victory for their side..........:lol:
Wtf...how do they think we will support a country which wanted to nuke us in the past and we'll isolate a country which averted that tragedy! !??:blah: :blah: :blah:
I think US is offering India what it has Like:
C-130s, P-8s and C-17s. Globe Master as well...
its a stupid assesement.

india and china are never gonna be anti russian.thats just not happening people.

indians have fond memories of russians helping us many times and there is a genuine goodwill.
with usa its only businesstand off late even that has stalled due to uber stupid socialist obama.clinton and bush were totally pro india while obama is borderline anti india.

as for chinese,they just hate west .no question of them going against russia as they need huge russian gas via pipeline and I hope that pipeline reaches india too.

everyone recognises that in the future china,india and russia will be more closer politically ,its inevitable
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