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US talking to India, China to isolate Russia

Isolating Russia is not a good idea. This will lead to cold war type crisis. Whole world will engulf itself in a new war. Use minimum sanctions only. BRICS has importance!!
The irony. Poor Yanks, so desperate, yet, still so arrogant. World may've progressed, however, the age-old-adage still stands valid: "jiss kee lathi, uss kee bhens," and Russia has plenty sticks to shove somewhere....

Btw, I'm against what Russia did, however, watching the "Helpless West", does tickle me! :D
india and china should help the US. make them russian monkeys desperate, then we'll buy $1 a barrel of oil from them. also, india should use this opportunity to negotiate for more work share and lower the cost of the T-50 fighter :D
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