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US strengthens military ties with Pakistan

Too many ungrateful Bangladeshi cheerleaders being seen here cheering with pom pom for their ummah brothers. Why so much bitterness towards India?

what you stinky bhartis are doing on Pak US thread?
Too many ungrateful Bangladeshi cheerleaders being seen here cheering with pom pom for their ummah brothers. Why so much bitterness towards India?

Many Bangla people don't like how you control and influence their foreign policies and intervention in local affairs...Many criticize Haseena Wajid for being sitting puppet of India and becoming more Indian than Indians themselves...
nonsense. this mtg was about Pakistan nuclear security weaknesses and possible changes that we will require Pakistake in the short term.

Stop farting around :sick: .. they dont have any say in these matters.

I don't know what US means when they say "strengthening military ties". US is not willing to sell military hardware to Pakistan & here they are saying strengthening military ties, which I believe is nothing more than pure bullsh!t.

Pakistan should find ways to shut down the terror sponsoring so called US Embassy.

They plan to sell us their junk in Afganistan. i think the there should be check on the expansion
By isolation India meant SARC conference. indeed we are isolated alas Modi was right.
*good thing is that many of my friend used to refer Afghanistan and Bangladesh as Muslim brother countries but they have shown their true colors.
*India is showing how childish there leadership is (referring to Indus Water treaty). Just like a surgical strike it wont happen aswell mark my words.
*USA only do whatever is in her interest not for friendship with either Pakistan or India.
*@Post Colonnial Raising fingers at other country nuclear program wont make your nuclear program safe and upto international standards.
First get Those damn 8 f-16 then talk Do more talk less We Successfully cut your aid
These few Feel good article Only amuse fanboys Not Rational minds
OMG we are alone.....china, russia, Italy, us, uk, middle east, Iran , indonesia, malaysia , African countries and lot more all are well aware of Indian bs, and her atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir.
The public denunciation of Pakistan is for it to "do more" is to keep pressure. The US isn't happy about the pace Pakistan is getting it's act together. But this isn't the 20th century where capturing an enemy's Capital or Army General got you victory.

The is a slow methodical approach. To find the supporters of terrorists in the mist of the government and security forces. Isn't an easy task. These aren't some high school drop outs who post anti-government statuses on social media.

The officers who supported the Taliban and had sympathies are now well into their 40-50s? While the new blood is taking over, having witnessed APS/Lal Masjid, their comrades beheaded, indiscriminate killing of civilians, and international condemnation of Pakistan aren't supporting it anymore. They know the future of Pakistan rests in their ability to remove terrorists from their mists and establish the writ of the government.

This isn't Zia's or Musharraf's Military, active in the government. These guys have signed up, in line to support the civilian government.

You can't just say "Hey all the ISI agents who support the Taliban step into this line."

agreed. But being slow does not negate it is still a race between two things. The rate at which youngsters see the impact of negative strategy and forge mentally to no not repeat the mistakes of its prior generation; and the rate at which the active prior generation manages to convert them to sustain their old ways.

An interesting and similar corollary can be the Pakistani diplomatic core of yonder actively (and anxiously) trying to defend its legacy ....by making the next one do the same!

Welldone i know you was also present there :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

sorry, I won't attend any mtg where the level is only a retired general from Pak and a deputy u/s from US
Too many ungrateful Bangladeshi cheerleaders being seen here cheering with pom pom for their ummah brothers. Why so much bitterness towards India?

Its just the way you guys look, your appearance can turn a friend into a foe. :lol:
US strengthens military ties with Pakistan

The meeting of the United States-Pakistan Defence Consultative Group, which was held in Rawalpindi on September 21, carries profound symbolism. Although the attack on the Indian army camp at Uri, which India insists was Pakistan-sponsored, took place only on September 18, and ignoring the Indian elite’s hysterical threat of ‘jaw for tooth’ et al, Washington nonetheless decided to go ahead with the meeting.

So much for the India-US “defining partnership ”! So much for Pentagon chief Ashton Carter being a ‘Friend of India’! So much for the US-India logistics agreement, too!
Yet, the government continues with its grovelling at the American feet. The Indian Express newspaper reports today that India’s Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar is frogmarching Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s cabinet this afternoon to post-haste approve the Paris Agreement, overruling the scepticism of Enviornment Ministry and a host of sister ministries. To quote Indian Express,

  • He (Jaishankar) is also learnt to have quoted the special unilateral relation between India and the US, and argued that since the pact had been steered by the US, not ratifying it would send a wrong signal, especially when Barack Obama had just two months to go as US president. (Indian Express)
Isn’t it bizarre that when our government is preparing a nice farewell gift for Obama as he leaves the White House, and when Modi has vowed to ‘isolate’ Pakistan in the international community and hopes to get sanctions imposed on that country, for Pentagon it is business-as- usual with the GHQ in Rawalpindi?
Washington couldn’t care less that 18 Indian soldiers were slaughtered and that the pain still lingers in our heart. The Pakistan delegation to the meeting in Rawalpindi last Tuesday was led by Defence Secretary Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zamir Ul Hassan Shah, while the US delegation was led by a ranking Pentagon official, Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defence Policy Ambassador David B. Shear.

The joint statement issued after the meeting said the US and Pakistan “recognized the centrality of the US-Pakistan bilateral security partnership to their overall bilateral relationship and acknowledged that continued cooperation remains vital to promoting peace, security and stability in the region and beyond”.
The statement highlighted the two countries’ “commitments to a strong defence relationship in years ahead, geared to achieve common strategic objectives particularly related to counter-terrorism, regional stability and other areas of security cooperation”.

There were discussions regarding both countries’ “strategic priorities”, Pakistan’s on-going counter-terrorism operations, maritime security in the North Arabian Sea and Horn of Africa, “political and security situation in Afghanistan”, Afghan reconciliation, “operative coordination” between the two militaries, Pak-Afghan cooperation in border management, etc.

The overall sense one gets is that the US highly values the mil-to-mil cooperation with Pakistan, and the special flavour of the relations has far from dissipated.

Second, the joint statement underscores that US continues to ascribe centrality to Pakistan’s role in the stabilization of Afghanistan. The Pentagon’s eagerness to bond with the GHQ in Rawalpindi highlights how heavily Washington depends on Pakistan’s cooperation to sustain its open-ended military presence in Afghanistan — over 30000 trained American personnel, Special Forces, a full-fledged intelligence apparatus, drone aircraft for surveillance on Iran and surrounding regions, air power, plus of course the NATO forces in their thousands.

Significantly, the joint statement contains a pointed formulation to the effect that US and Pakistan “underscored that no country’s territory should be used to destabilize other countries”. Indeed, this is all incredibly ludicrous. Here in Delhi, Modi government is supposedly looking at ‘options’ to hit back at Pakistan in any whichever way it can, while in Washington, Obama administration is looking for ways to strengthen US’ military cooperation with Pakistan.

The illusion in the public mind that Modi ‘transformed’ the US-Indian relationship is fast evaporating.

What was all that banga banga on Madison Square Garden really about? What difference did it make to US-Indian relations?
Clearly, the US stance on the recent tensions in India-Pakistan relations and on the situation in Kashmir has not at all been helpful. The unkindest cut of all is that Washington doesn’t appear to believe in the Indian allegation that Pakistan had a hand in the Uri attack. Consider the US-Pakistani exchanges in these 10 days alone since the Uri attack on September 18:

  • On September 19, US Secretary of State John Kerry met Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif;
  • On September 21, US-Pakistan Defence Consultative Group met in Rawalpindi;

  • On September 23, White House “welcomed” the peace deal with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar (who lives in Pakistan).
Pakistan is accordingly toughening its stance toward India. The Advisor on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz told the National Assembly in Islamabad on Tuesday that if India so much as decides to revoke the Indus Waters Treaty, Pakistan will treat it as an act of war. It’s both a snub and a defiant challenge to Modi himself personally.

Again, Aziz added that Pakistan is preparing a dossier on India’s alleged interference in Baluchistan. “We will expose India at the United Nations Security Council and before the international community,” he said.
Aziz would have factored in that US takes a dim view of Modi’s foray into Baluchistan. (See an acerbic commentary on the topic by the US government-funded RFERL entitled India Unlikely To Reshape Pakistan’s Baluch Conflict.)

Wake up, Modiji! Obama simply did his job for promoting his country’s exports (civilian and military) to the Indian market, and we paid dearly for those imports in hard-earned money. Obama doesn’t expect a farewell gift from us!

It’s this appalling comprador mindset of servility in the Hindu DNA that once tragically led to the shameful history of our beloved country becoming a British colony. The text of the US-Pakistan joint statement issued at Rawalpindi on September 21 is here.


has the PAF gotten their f-16s ??
how do you define surgical strike???;):sarcastic::haha:

Surgical strike means when the para commandos enter Azad Kashmir, kill some mard-e-momin, mujahid's, kill the shamshir-e-sulaimani , jilla-i-subhani, falam falle falani armyman, and when the ssg bats look to retaliate, the para commandos attack so ferociously, that the bats have to run like a rat, that is called a surgical strike also when marines wipe the floor with OBL that is called a surgical strike.
On the second thought, what happened to tat -t-i-cal nukes of Pakistan.
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