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US strengthens military ties with Pakistan

As far as the Indian interests are concerned the Ambassador has pulled almost all of the right chords. Mr. Modi is playing the cards which aren't supposed to be played and vice versa. By the by the table was set by 70 years of painstaking efforts from the Indian Brahmin leadership. It was a grand and working plan to keep Pak at bay, and I have to admit it was dead successful. The author must be pulling his hair to see that it's falling apart as Russians are exercising within Pak while "old boys" are again in action in Aafganistan with the USA for memory's sake, and at the same time China is building CPEC. Not to mention Turkey who wants to carve out a grand future in tandem with Pak. Even Iran is trying to fit in by bringing her some crappy boats to Karachi. Shouldn't be the other countries' reply be like "How high?" if India ever asks them, "Jump"?!?!? Many more happy years of such "isolation" for Pak!!!!!

Perhaps you don't know much about IR. It's one thing to say in front of reporters your nation has fears of another nation's nuclear arsenal. It's another thing to sign off on actual meeting minutes released to the public.

For the first time there is a comprehensive operation plan to go after terrorist networks throughout Pakistan.

The Americans aren't going to waste time, or distract, in actual direct meetings to discuss things that can be said anytime.
Perhaps you don't know much about IR. It's one thing to say in front of reporters your nation has fears of another nation's nuclear arsenal. It's another thing to sign off on actual meeting minutes released to the public.

For the first time there is a comprehensive operation plan to go after terrorist networks throughout Pakistan.

The Americans aren't going to waste time, or distract, in actual direct meetings to discuss things that can be said anytime.

and the two are not one and the same/. going after terrorist networks in Pakistan and controls are the same issue.
"Isolation" is not a vague concept for which everybody's opinion differs. It literally means that your left standing alone where no one is willing to support/ stand with you. Your Op "isolation" has already been coffined up and buried by none other then your best mates the Russians .. forget China or the OIC or the US. At the end of the day, historically your biggest ally is conducting it's first ever military exercise with the aim to improve militarily ofcourse but also to build better relationships. This happens right after you claim that ... Pak was behind Uri attack and your media props up the idea that mission "isolation" is at play and Russia has taken the first jab by cancelling the exercise ... and a day later Russian special forces are on Pakistani soil for an exercise that was propagated to be cancelled .. and your here talking about the "definition of isolation" ... My personal opinion... looking up the definition of a 'slap in the face' would do much better for you guys right about now ... Don't worry too much though ... we can surely lend you some help with that one ..

It is a nice logical rejoinder. The clip in end is hilarious and since you have figuratively slapped Indians...so I'll just rejoice and take chill pill :)
"Isolation" is not a vague concept for which everybody's opinion differs. It literally means that your left standing alone where no one is willing to support/ stand with you. Your Op "isolation" has already been coffined up and buried by none other then your best mates the Russians .. forget China or the OIC or the US. At the end of the day, historically your biggest ally is conducting it's first ever military exercise with the aim to improve militarily ofcourse but also to build better relationships. This happens right after you claim that ... Pak was behind Uri attack and your media props up the idea that mission "isolation" is at play and Russia has taken the first jab by cancelling the exercise ... and a day later Russian special forces are on Pakistani soil for an exercise that was propagated to be cancelled .. and your here talking about the "definition of isolation" ... My personal opinion... looking up the definition of a 'slap in the face' would do much better for you guys right about now ... Don't worry too much though ... we can surely lend you some help with that one ..

Who cares if Russia is conducting military exercises with Pakistan. China and India have also conducted military exercises together. What exactly does this prove?

Regardless, my question is a rhetorical one. If being isolated is, as you say, "literally means that your left standing alone where no one is willing to support/ stand with you" then what does it mean in the context of international relations? Is there any country in the world today, or ever, that has been totally isolated? So how can it be possible for Pakistan?

The problem here is that the word is being used rather loosely. This is my point.
Who cares if Russia is conducting military exercises with Pakistan. China and India have also conducted military exercises together. What exactly does this prove?

Regardless, my question is a rhetorical one. If being isolated is, as you say, "literally means that your left standing alone where no one is willing to support/ stand with you" then what does it mean in the context of international relations? Is there any country in the world today, or ever, that has been totally isolated? So how can it be possible for Pakistan?

The problem here is that the word is being used rather loosely. This is my point.

China never offered you J-20s. ;)
Another "gem" by former Amb. MK Bhadrakumar. The bitterness of this man is for all clear to see with his mocking tone. He was a EAM babu once, but has been scribbling columns for fifteen years decrying India's move away from Nehurvian foreign policy of non-alignment.

A bakwas article.

you dont like the message or the messenger?

Who cares if Russia is conducting military exercises with Pakistan. China and India have also conducted military exercises together. What exactly does this prove?

Regardless, my question is a rhetorical one. If being isolated is, as you say, "literally means that your left standing alone where no one is willing to support/ stand with you" then what does it mean in the context of international relations? Is there any country in the world today, or ever, that has been totally isolated? So how can it be possible for Pakistan?

The problem here is that the word is being used rather loosely. This is my point.

I guess you wrote this before the big news broke out, "Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan not to attend SAARC meeting"
now you did it, now you go all three regional powers on your side.
you dont like the message or the messenger?

In this case, both. I've been reading Amb. MK Bhadrakumar's rants for years now. I find his views on Indian foreign policy not only outdated but dangerously naive and I find his tone to be both whiny and derisive.

I guess you wrote this before the big news broke out, "Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan not to attend SAARC meeting"
now you did it, now you go all three regional powers on your side.

Skipping a useless SAARC meeting is hardly isolating Pakistan.
and the two are not one and the same/. going after terrorist networks in Pakistan and controls are the same issue.

The public denunciation of Pakistan is for it to "do more" is to keep pressure. The US isn't happy about the pace Pakistan is getting it's act together. But this isn't the 20th century where capturing an enemy's Capital or Army General got you victory.

The is a slow methodical approach. To find the supporters of terrorists in the mist of the government and security forces. Isn't an easy task. These aren't some high school drop outs who post anti-government statuses on social media.

The officers who supported the Taliban and had sympathies are now well into their 40-50s? While the new blood is taking over, having witnessed APS/Lal Masjid, their comrades beheaded, indiscriminate killing of civilians, and international condemnation of Pakistan aren't supporting it anymore. They know the future of Pakistan rests in their ability to remove terrorists from their mists and establish the writ of the government.

This isn't Zia's or Musharraf's Military, active in the government. These guys have signed up, in line to support the civilian government.

You can't just say "Hey all the ISI agents who support the Taliban step into this line."
  • Bill Against Saudia (Not acceptable)
  • Bill Against Pakistan (Not acceptable)
  • Topple attempt on Turkey (Not acceptable)
We value the cooperation but , respect is also due to us and our global partners

US itself is isolating itself from world and it is sad as we enjoy great level of cooperation on global issues

  • Continued aggression against Russia
  • Continued aggression against China
  • Disrespecting Philipines

We were deeply sadend by the news against Saudia recently

  • We would also like to file Law suit against all the people who died in Drone attacks on Pakistani Soil
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I don't know what US means when they say "strengthening military ties". US is not willing to sell military hardware to Pakistan & here they are saying strengthening military ties, which I believe is nothing more than pure bullsh!t.

Pakistan should find ways to shut down the terror sponsoring so called US Embassy.
1. u.s. state dept disregards indian uri attack evidence
2. secretary of state shows grave concerns about the iok human rights violations.
3. u.s. pressures india to get back to the negotiations table
4. now this, u.s. wants to strengthen military ties with Pakistan

Who is isolated again??? :blink:

Side note: some ally of india:laughcry:
Looks like we really need a 12000km missile in our arsenal:pop:
Too many ungrateful Bangladeshi cheerleaders being seen here cheering with pom pom for their ummah brothers. Why so much bitterness towards India?
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