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US Solider got half of his head blown off

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This is **** for many here. The gorier the wound to any US soldier, the faster the fists pumps. The lust is disguised behind some incoherent rant about US foreign policy.

No my friend, sadly many here know the sorrow associated with such misfortune.
In Pakistan we have seen too much death, blood and injuries...this is not **** for most of us but something we are familiar with.

We can relate to what this family is going through, because we too have seen friends and family go through similar ordeals.
An associate of mine was injured in the inconclusive FATA operations in early 2000 and has lost control of his entire lower body, a hale and hearty fellow who was a great soldier with much promise is now forced to seek help from those around him to just move...he will suffer all his life and such sacrifices demand that the policy makers are crystal clear in their objectives and deliver something so as to justify the sacrifices.

Some people have not seen human suffering so cannot imagine how it feels but many do know it and sympathize with the family.
The soldiers do their duty and sacrifice for a higher cause which they fight for, that is something we all respect since many of us have seen such things as well.

I salute this young man for bravery and i have respect for his family which is dealing with this tragedy.
I think we can discuss the policy matters on another thread.
The Picture

By: David Glenn Cox


I want you to look very closely at this picture and try and keep it in your minds eye. This was a perfectly healthy twenty two-year-old young man who in the service of his country got half of his head blown off. I think that’s important, I think that’s newsworthy. Let me tell you how newsworthy I think it is. I think that it’s more important than chocolate cake recipes .................................................

American taxpayers bill as of today $964,044,305,874

*** : Information Clearing House -* ICH

I know the discussion has strayed from the plight of the soldier concerned. There are arguments for and againt, and everything in between. Some are angry at him, some salute him. Soldiers fight because thats what is asked of them. Internet chest thumpers, how many of these folks you really know ? The story of this soldier is an American one, but his story is routinely played out in every nation all over the world.

The name of the soldier is Sgt. Frank M. Sandoval. 27 years old and assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Artillery, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He sustained injuries when his unit was attacked by insurgents using small-arms fire Nov. 28, 2005, in Tikrit, Iraq.

Sandoval, of Yuma, Ariz., joined the Army after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He was on his second tour in Iraq when a bomb left him badly wounded on Nov. 28, 2005. After he was airlifted to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C., his family was told he would probably not live more than 24 hours, and if he did, he would not be able to walk or see.

But he undertook months of rehabilitation, relearning to perform the simplest functions — swallowing, speaking, walking. He made much progress, and the prosthesis was designed to cover an exposed part of Sandoval’s brain, which would have allowed him to stop wearing a protective helmet, doctors said.

“All he wanted to do was serve his country and make the world better,” said Frank Sandoval’s father Ricky Sandoval, a Department of Homeland Security official who works along the California-Mexico border.

He underwent brain surgery to remove the brains exposed part.
Before the surgery, Sandoval said he wanted to be more independent and not have to rely so much on his wife Michelle, 22, and the couple’s 5-year-old daughter, Joelena.

He was also worried “that I won’t wake up,” he said the day before the operation.

He never woke up after the surgery.

Sgt. Frank M. Sandoval was declared brain dead on June 18, 2007.

His family made the decision to keep Sandoval, 27, on a ventilator till June 21, 2007, so seven of his organs can be harvested for donation.

"I really hope someone can use his heart," his wife, Michelle, said through tears. "And if another man can love a woman as much as he loved me, that would make me very happy."
I don't know about you folks, but to me Sgt. Frank M. Sandoval is a champ all the way to end.


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This is **** for many here. The gorier the wound to any US soldier, the faster the fists pumps. The lust is disguised behind some incoherent rant about US foreign policy.
Ummm... ?????

I skimmed through the thread, and I couldn't find any such comment celebrating this poor guy's misery. At most people are mixing up economy with it.
Just wanted to add as a clarification that for most people this thread showed the plight of the regular Americans too who are standing in harms way protecting all of us just like the Pakistani soldiers are.

The ISAF and Pakistani soldiers fighting this war and sacrificing their body parts deserve our (the enitre world's) gratitude - they literally got their heads blown away so ours won't!
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