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US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers


Jun 26, 2012
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Classified Evidence: US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers

Now, over a decade later the evidence of these events are beginning to surface, but the Department of Defense is still doing their best to keep it under the radar.
By John Vibes | December 19, 2014

(TheAntiMedia) According to a number of global mainstream media sources, the Pentagon is covering up a disturbing video that was never made public with the rest of the recent torture report.

According to various well respected journalists, including Seymour Hersh, the appalling video was recorded at Abu Ghraib, the notorious US torture dungeon in Iraq that made headlines roughly a decade ago, when the inhumane tactics being used at the prison were exposed.

Sadly, it seems that the evidence released years ago was only scratching the surface.

While the video has remained under wraps thus far, Hersh says it is only a matter of time before it comes out.

Giving a speech at the ACLU last week after the senate torture report was initially released, Hersh gave some insight into what was on the Pentagon’s secret tape.

In the most revealing portion of his speech he said that:

“Debating about it, ummm … Some of the worst things that happened you don’t know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib … The women were passing messages out saying ‘Please come and kill me, because of what’s happened’ and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It’s going to come out.”

“It’s impossible to say to yourself how did we get there? Who are we? Who are these people that sent us there? When I did My Lai I was very troubled like anybody in his right mind would be about what happened. I ended up in something I wrote saying in the end I said that the people who did the killing were as much victims as the people they killed because of the scars they had, I can tell you some of the personal stories by some of the people who were in these units witnessed this. I can also tell you written complaints were made to the highest officers and so we’re dealing with a enormous massive amount of criminal wrongdoing that was covered up at the highest command out there and higher, and we have to get to it and we will. We will. You know there’s enough out there, they can’t (Applause). …. So it’s going to be an interesting election year.”

Put into context with another speech that Hersh gave earlier this year, it becomes clear that the women who witnessed these young boys being raped were actually their mothers.

At a speech in Chicago this past June Hersh was quoted as saying:

“You haven’t begun to see evil… horrible things done to children of women prisoners, as the cameras run.”

Other stories at the London Guardian also talked of young Iraqi detainees getting violently raped by US soldiers.

Ten years ago when the initial Abu Ghraib scandal was in the news, the Guardian published the testimony of an Abu Ghraib detainee who allegedly witnessed one of these brutal attacks.

Former detainee Kasim Hilas said in their testimony that:

“I saw [name blacked out] fucking a kid, his age would be about 15-18 years. The kid was hurting very bad and they covered all the doors with sheets. Then when I heard the screaming I climbed the door because on top it wasn’t covered and I saw [blacked out], who was wearing the military uniform putting his dick in the little kid’s ***, I couldn’t see the face of the kid because his face wasn’t in front of the door. And the female soldier was taking pictures.”

Now, over a decade later the evidence of these events are beginning to surface, but the Department of Defense is still doing their best to keep it under the radar. That is why now more than ever, it is important to keep the pressure on and force the release of this evidence, while the torture report is fresh in the minds of the general population.
The perpetrators of the crimes at Abu Ghraib were caught and punished.
where did i say so? Its copied 100% from the article. Its not propaganda its all over interent
The internet is filled with whatever you want to find. If you want evidence that aliens are real, you can probably find whatever it is you're looking for to "prove" it, even though the proof doesn't make much sense.

Doing a little searching on mint press news, I found this.

"The MintPress report was widely circulated[10] and cited by other news outlets, such as Military.com, the Voice of Russia, Press TV, the Spanish newspaper ABC,ConsortiumNews.com and InfoWars.[11][12][13][14][15] When asked about the MintPress News story, Åke Sellström, the chief UN weapons inspector in Syria remarked, "They are famous for [the] 1001 Arabian Nights stories."[16]"

Mint Press News - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

VoR, PressTV, InfoWars?

A pattern seems to be emerging. All typically anti-US-government outlets, especially infowars, which is known for it's idiotic host Alex Jones.

Yet again, you've proven why I, nor anyone with a bit of sanity can;t take you seriously.
The internet is filled with whatever you want to find. If you want evidence that aliens are real, you can probably find whatever it is you're looking for to "prove" it, even though the proof doesn't make much sense.

Doing a little searching on mint press news, I found this.

VoR, PressTV, InfoWars?

A pattern seems to be emerging. All typically anti-US-government outlets, especially infowars, which is known for it's idiotic host Alex Jones.

Yet again, you've proven why I, nor anyone with a bit of sanity can;t take you seriously.

I didn't know wikipedia was anti-US. Do you really think BBC, CNN and other Western media will dare to publish reports like these unless the whole World is aware of the incident.

Mahmudiyah killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italy Is Getting Fed Up with American Soldiers | VICE News

Sorry but had to delete the last link as it violates this forums rules but Google :

And then click the first link.
The perpetrators of the crimes at Abu Ghraib were caught and punished.
no they were not , it was just a cover up and by the way try to read IT WAS A TIP OF THE ICEBERG
the ones that got away plus the ones that were not stupid enough to film , what would u say about them SYED g

Because it's a stupid thread. The actions of a few don't equal a condemnation of the entire organization. This is nothing more than propaganda, from a unreliable site.
WAR crimes is not a stupid thread . period
so why is it that even after more than half a century ur eyes go all blurry at the mention of auschwitz and still war criminals are processed as the crimes committed surface, so by ur own reckoning thats hocus pokus too
That is seriously condemnable. Strict measures must be taken and these animals (found guilty)must be punished at all cost.
Because it's a stupid thread. The actions of a few don't equal a condemnation of the entire organization. This is nothing more than propaganda, from a unreliable site.

Imagine a Hamas or Hezbollah fighter doing this, they wouldn't be blaming only the perpetrators, you know the trend, don't you? The entire Muslim community in the world is viewed as 'terror suspect' because of the actions of a few Mossad and CIA trained terrorists and here you are preaching your thoughts.
This story is over 10 yrs old and even back in '04, people in and out of the journalism profession had their doubts on what Hersh claimed to have seen and even about Hersh himself.

Sy Hersh's Loose Relationship With the Literal Truth
Sy Hersh's Loose Relationship With the Literal Truth
Sy Hersh Says It’s Okay to Lie (Just Not in Print)
The runaway mouth of America’s premier investigative journalist.

By Chris Suellentrop

Last July, not too long after the Abu Ghraib story broke, Hersh spoke to the annual membership conference of the American Civil Liberties Union. He stood before the crowd and in mid-speech appeared to talk to himself. “Debating about it,” he muttered, then paused. “Um.” Clucked his tongue. “Some of the worst things that happened that you don’t know about. Okay? Videos,” he said. “And basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children, in cases that have been recorded, the boys were sodomized, with the cameras rolling, and the worst above all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking. That your government has. They’re in total terror it’s going to come out.”

What Hersh said wasn’t entirely correct. His book Chain of Command would deliver the authoritative Seymour M. version: “An attorney involved in the case told me in July 2004 that one of the witness statements he had read described the rape of a boy by a foreign contract employee who served as an interpreter at Abu Ghraib,” Hersh wrote. “In the statement, which had not been made public, the lawyer told me, a prisoner stated that he was a witness to the rape, and that a woman was taking pictures.”

Horrifying stuff. But key details were different from the impression Hersh gave to the ACLU crowd. And the Sy version raced halfway across the Internet before Seymour M. could get his boots on.

Many who blogged the revelation believed that Hersh was talking about multiple rapes committed by American soldiers. Nearly everyone took it for granted that Hersh had seen the videotapes himself because he’d described their horrifying soundtrack. And everyone did assume that there were in fact videotapes, which there may not be. (“Was it a video camera or a digital camera? Nobody was quite sure,” Hersh told students at Tufts later in the year.) The speech was so widely blogged that the ACLU says Hersh asked it to remove part of the video—including the sodomy allegation—from the organization’s Website, which it proceeded to do.

That was Hersh’s first encounter with streaming online video, something that makes a spoken remark as replicable and as easy to distribute as the written word. He’d never heard of it before. “I actually didn’t quite say what I wanted to say correctly,” Hersh now says. “It wasn’t that inaccurate, but it was misstated. The next thing I know, it was all over the blogs. And I just realized then, the power of—and so you have to try and be more careful.”

Yet a more careful Hersh may not be what the world needs at this moment. Former Washington Post reporter Scott Armstrong puts it this way: Say Hersh writes a story about how an elephant knocked someone down in a dark room. “If it was a camel or three cows, what difference does it make? It was dark, and it wasn’t supposed to be there.” And nobody else had yet described it. Sometimes, says Warren Strobel, “it’s worth it for him to be wrong.”
Basically, Hersh have a history of avoiding putting in print what he cannot prove or confirm what was said, and when he does say something about an event, he have a history of omission of critical details and even changing vital elements like dates and names, rendering the story unverifiable.

About this claim by Hersh, if one chose to believe him, in the absence of anything concrete in print, belief of Hersh depends more on one's own attitude about US and far less about facts and their veracity.

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