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US soldier shoots nine children dead in rampage that kills 16 civilians

well said

sadly the debates tend to move away from the topic depending on our flags.
All I can say is Rest in peace to the civilians and I second your opinion about that lunatic who committed this crime.

just imagine whats happening in rest of Afghanistan where there is no Media presence. I fear that there will be far more horror stories of cover-ups once the Americans leave this place.

Unfortunately U.S decides about the justice too:cry:
This is another barbaric case which happens so frequently!:tdown::tdown::crazy::crazy::tdown::tdown:
stress levels have risen sharply amongst the deployed US troops after the incidents of Quran burnings.Least to mention the poor of America are more pitiable than any other..!
Afghans responses to the buring of Qoraan were courageous and impressive. I salute them. History learnt us that Whoever antagonizes Afghans will definitly lose after paying a very deer price. And that is what happening to USA. They just should **** off and show proper respect to such great nation and people with such little resources.
Unfortunately U.S decides about the justice too:cry:


remember Iraq?

the Marines setup a post to avenge the death of 2 of their soldiers and started killing innocent travelers. and when that was not enough they went house to house and killed innocent residents including toddlers.

a US commander very arrogantly dismissed the media questions saying it was their SOP to clear a room.
no one challenged him if that included shooting children in the head at point blank range too?

I recall a US raid on a Pakistani house in tribal area where they killed people the same way.

the world was celebrating them because the dead were Pakistanis.

Might is right. Hitler might be dead but the mighty of today follow the footsteps of the Nazis

the disgraceful part is the kind of comments posted by the pro military blowhards on the youtube where they are justifying this killing and posting all sort of shameless ***** about those poor Afghans.

why these American soldiers should behave when they know that the American Media has built an atmosphere where these killers will get unqualified support and justification.
US Court martials are open to the press and covered in the News. look at the ongoing prosecution of Major Nidal Hasan , the trial of Sgt Hasan Ackbar, the trial of the "KillSquad" which took fingers and murdered civvies, the trial of the squad in Iraq who raped and murdered a family. None of that hidden
Do we know anything about these kids, what were their hopes and aspirations? What were their dreams?

Or is that only the reserve of the Americans and zionists? I think we all know the answer, but few have the guts to say it out aloud.
Do we know anything about these kids, what were their hopes and aspirations? What were their dreams?

Or is that only the reserve of the Americans and zionists? I think we all know the answer, but few have the guts to say it out aloud.

some extremely sick and disgusting comments by Americans on youtube who are supporting this killing.
they blame Muslims for blind hatred but their own hatred seems to have no limits.
Remember that any excuse this American soldier has applies ten fold to any afghan women, man or child that has struck back at a NATO soldier.
It’s quite shocking to see what many soft trolls have written in this thread.

Things like ''it’s not good for winning hearts and minds'', it looks bad for US..., this cannot be tolerated.....

Especially the suggestion that 'it is not the best way of winning hearts and minds' made me cringe inside of me.

This is all what we can say on this barbaric act?

I have put following before in this forum, we have got a CENTCOM member on this forum, he always is very measured in responses and tries his best to convey their point of view.

Can someone simply put down the mission objectives that US and NATO set for themselves, when entering Afghanistan post 9/11?

And what are the objectives now?

I have asked many of my western friends, all what I hear is rambling on this or that, never a definitive answer.

100s such acts have gone unnoticed; I am amazed that even this story got out.

This Psycho went out on a killing spree.

The moron walked out of his base in Kandahar in the early hours of the morning, heading for the closest village home nearby. Then the cold blooded manner in which he went on a killing mission puts him on par with Taliban and even worst, from home to home, room to room targeting anyone insight, killing 9 women, 3 children and 4 men.

The ISAF spokesperson - Carsten Jacobson - had following to say:
Well we have to look into what motivation of the soldier - who is in custody - was at the time, all we know so far is he left the base, he returned to the base after the incident, he was taken to custody straight away and investigation is ongoing which would include what was the reasoning and what were the circumstances of his doings.

James Cunningham – Acting US ambassador to Afghanistan.
We deplore any attack by US armed forces against innocent civilians and denounce all violence... we assure the Afghan people that the individual or individuals responsible for this terrible act would be indentified and brought to justice

Is this going to become yet another pathetic general consumption material? I am amazed at media who would talk about it max for a week and then go hunting for another urgent topic for the ratings? Is this case going to be followed up?

I am not optimistic.
Well, the drones strikes have also played a big role in adding more fuel to the already blazing fire in this region, and shame on Pak government and army for staying silent and not doing anything to stop the murder of our own people.

Also, do check this thread out as well since the video highlights how the militants gain support due to the incompetency of the government and army:

Why The Pakistani Taliban/Extremist Organizations gain support/sympathizers
Some members here had the audacity to put cheap emotes in their posts, you guys have become accustomed to such news, it doesn’t matter to you much.

Even this animal's fellow countrymen would have been disgusted by this act. or so i hope
Well, the drones strikes have also played a big role in adding more fuel to the already blazing fire in this region, and shame on Pak government and army for staying silent and not doing anything to stop the murder of our own people.

Also, do check this thread out as well since the video highlights how the militants gain support due to the incompetency of the government and army:

Why The Pakistani Taliban/Extremist Organizations gain support/sympathizers

Mate plzz. This is no thread to be used as point scoring opportunity for anyone. Lets not give trolls the chance to disrespect the deceased.

I am quite sure that this is not your intension, but really my friend dragging Pakistan Army into killings in Afghanistan would not be right. there are enough threads where people are more than welcomed to bash Pakistan Army. this would be doing big disservice to our bereaved Afghan neighbours.
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