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US sets benchmarks: Release Afridi or forego $33 million

Why would a traitor be released?

Sadly for some here on this forum, he is a hero. In service of some foreign intel, bringing bad name to Pakistan, for some its heroism. He has done nothing wrong apparently, thats why.
This is the last question everybody likes to ask when they want to disprove the obvious. By your logic, Where is your proof?

Innocent until proven guilty should have some value. especially if we are dealing with our brave men and women who at this very moment are laying their lives down so we can all have Pakistan instead of bombed out shell called Islamist Emirate/hell of Afghanistan.

Hope you understand

Pakistani state is the most precious thing we have,

and jawans and officers who give their lives for it, well what can I say. they are worth 1000 times more than the gold equivalent their weight.

Thank you,


At this time, it is not worth it to keep Afridi---. The u s wants him bad----so let them take him. Pakistani does not need more problems. Pakistan made a point with Afridi----it is not worth it to push their luck.

If paks had stood behind the Musharraf govt and forced it to go after al qaeda----they need not have faced these issues.

I don't think US WANTS him bad

USA is just asking us to lock up TTP goons for 30 years

and not a daaaktar who has done nothing to harm the state of Pakistan or its citizens.

Why you all are behaving like dimwit Mullah Munawwar


Sadly for some here on this forum, he is a hero. In service of some foreign intel, bringing bad name to Pakistan, for some its heroism. He has done nothing wrong apparently, thats why.


he is no forking hero

He is not the villain that you all are trying to make him

While Mullah goons and suiciders and anti state elements like Burqaposh roam free

you all are lynching a doctor who never wore a suicide vest or harmed a single Pakistan or the state of Pakistan

Where is your logic brother

Where the heck it is gone?

You all are like those new englanders who were burning innocent women on the stake

Where the hell is your anger for the beardo wierdos who attacked Malalah


where the hell is your anger for those who are killing our army and police jawans

Daaaktar Afridi never hurt police army or even a single girl

he never bombed a girls school either

But you all are running after him like rabies infested animals

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He helped find someone who was given refuge in Pakistan by state elements. I do not think it was lesser than a crime. And all of the world were blaming that Pakistan had hidden him, for a long time prior to this incident. I never believed anybody in the world blaming Pakistan until he was eventually found living peacefully here.

It means you believe that "State elements" of Pakistan gave refuge to Osama? Your state accepted that officially? I do not think so. If state wants to prove Dr Afridi exposed state secret then state has to accept in front of the court that they provided refuge to Osama and kept it secret which is against Pakistan's official stand in front of the Global forum. This is the reason why state of Pakistan did not book him with the charge of criminal conspiracy, espionage or violating state secret
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It means you believe that "State elements" of Pakistan gave refuge to Osama? Your state accepted that officially? I do not think so. If state wants prove Dr Afridi exposed state secret then state has to accept in front of the court that they provided refuge to Osama and kept it secret which is against Pakistan's official stand in front of the Global forum.. This is the reason why state of pakistan did not booked him with the charge of criminal conspiracy, espionage or violating state secrete

While your argument is logically valid

but it reeks of anti-Pakistan conspiracy theories

Not too different from the Pakistani Islamists and marxists

???? :confused:

He is our son of soil

who tried to help catch an Arab terrorist aka bin fing laden. Why we would want to ask billion from USA. What kind of thinking is that? pathetic sadly!

Many agree with you on one thing he was helping hunt down an arab Terrorist, but sadly he did not inform and get permission of KPK govt of that time, or and federal govt and Army...it would have been the best course of Action and the drive would have been more than successful, No? Tomw someone else would hunt down nuclear assets or scientists and transport them to and with the help of US and someone come running he is son of soil who just fk up the soil well...we don't want to be in that situation do we...nah.
Many agree with you on one thing he was helping hunt down an arab Terrorist, .

CIA with the permission of Pak government had setup bin fing Laden hunting offices

This Daaktar was not even close to any of those offices

CIA says that the REAL information that they got was from an ISI colonel who just walked into one of these offices and told them about Abbottabad location.

Then the phone records of the bin fing laden's own right hand Pakistani man proved to be the biggest lead.

This poor guy was vaccinating people.

And he never came even close to the bin fing laden's family

So anyone blaming him or praising him for the "hunt" are utterly wrong if not downright pathetic

Thank you
CIA with the permission of Pak government had setup bin fing Laden hunting offices

This Daaktar was not even close to any of those offices

CIA says that the REAL information that they got was from an ISI colonel who just walked into one of these offices and told them about Abbottabad location.

Then the phone records of the bin fing laden's own right hand Pakistani man proved to be the biggest lead.

This poor guy was vaccinating people.

And he never came even close to the bin fing laden's family

So anyone blaming him or praising him for the "hunt" are utterly wrong if not downright pathetic

Thank you

IF that was the case he would have been transported out like mr. davis that didn't happen so it leads us to believe Army was unaware which govt are you talking about Pak govt is US govt minus establishment largely I read alot of crap in US news papers and media colonel walked in general was involved blah blah.

The u s wanted to take him out---but the doctor wanted to stay to take care of things---. Bad choice---a terrible mistake by the doctor---.

And a terrible mistake by the pak govt to hold him---. They should have let him go right away---so---now for pakistan----they are going to-----

Sow littar wi khayay tay sow ganday wi khayay-----. Any punjabi translators------.

Why do paks do stupid things----they have to do it----why not do it with a smile.
I know what im gonna say now is gonna hit really hard to the Pakistani patriots ( and don’t get me wrong, I am one too) but yeah our politicians are all sell outs. USA plays with Pakistan how a client plays with a whore! Shakil Afridi is out of Pakistan sooner or later! These politicians that sell our sovereignty are going to be in big trouble on the day of judgement because Allah is going to question them!
Shakil Afridi is a PR disaster for Pakistan.
While your argument is logically valid

but it reeks of anti-Pakistan conspiracy theories

Not too different from the Pakistani Islamists and marxists


Fauji, if it is logical and truth then it is independent of Islamic extremism, Marxism, liberalism. Otherwise its false. Please stop looking on facts with "specs of "ism"". The better way is to accept the fact as it is while it’s interpretation may be based on our political believe.
Fauji, if it is logical and truth then it is independent of Islamic extremism, Marxism, liberalism. Otherwise its false. Please stop looking on facts with "specs of "ism"". The better way is to accept the fact as it is while it’s interpretation may be based on our political believe.

Look dear

I am not against you.

You started a good argument, but could not resist to destroy your own "logical" stance by introducing anti-Pakistan conspiracy theory.

Your part A got destroyed by later part B.

Hope you understand now


Shakil Afridi is a PR disaster for Pakistan.


more like a pin prick


sadly and as usual

Pakistani themselves picked the damn pin and pricked their own @rse.

How $tupid could you get

only in desi policies we tend to lose the grip of reality

and start lobbing constipated conspiracy theories and thus hurting our own @rses.

I know what im gonna say now is gonna hit really hard to the Pakistani patriots ( and don’t get me wrong, I am one too) but yeah our politicians are all sell outs. USA plays with Pakistan how a client plays with a whore! Shakil Afridi is out of Pakistan sooner or later! These politicians that sell our sovereignty are going to be in big trouble on the day of judgement because Allah is going to question them!

U S does not play pakistan like a 'whore'----it is the pakistanis who want to be treated as such. The problem is with the pakistanis---they have no clue about their identity----they have no clue what the priorities of a nation ought to be.

Pakistanis gave refuge to murderers and terrorists thus threatening their sovereignty---" hamary islami bhai "---for these foreign murderers---they have destroyed their nation.

The same goes for Nawaz and Zardari---PML N and PPP---they both chose the ROAD TO DESTRUCTION to get back into power---tear up the old foundations and and start again---.

Well---tearing up the foundations and starting again----it never works---it always take you back---so far back that you may never recover.
US links issuance of $33m aid to Dr Shakil Afridi's release

January 17, 2014

WASHINGTON - Stepping up its pressure, the United States is asking Pakistan to release Shakil Afridi, the doctor who helped the CIA track drown Osama bin Laden , or give up $33 million from the annual aid it receives from Washington.

The bill to fund the US government binds the Obama administration to withhold $33 million, $1 million for each year of his sentence, from the funds meant for Pakistan.

The fund will be withheld “until the Secretary of State reports to Congress that Dr Shakil Afridi has been released from prison and cleared of all charges relating to the assistance provided to the United States in locating Laden.”

The CIA paid Dr Afridi to run a vaccination programme in Abbottabad in March and April 2011, as cover for an intelligence operation to establish that Bin Laden and his family were living in a large three-storey house in the town.

Dr Afridi, who was arrested in May 2011, was sentenced to 33 years in jail a year later by a court in the Khyber tribal agency for an entirely different offence - his alleged links to a banned militant group. But in August a court overturned the ruling, citing procedural errors and ordered a retrial.

Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces in Abbottabad in May 2011. His killing soured US-Pakistani relations as Pakistan saw the operation as a violation of its sovereignty.

In addition to the move to slash $33 million, Congress has also set aside clear benchmarks for Pakistan to fight terrorism. It has warned Islamabad that failure to curb terrorism could lead to the suspension of US assistance.

The suggested measures are included in a trillion-dollar spending bill Congress approved on Tuesday to fund the government for the remainder of the current fiscal year.



Release Dr Afridi or forego $33m in aid
This is insulting. It appears to me that Pakistan’s leaders are responsible for today’s heckle which as a nation they do not deserve. The leaders always kept one leg abroad and wait for the ripe time to lift the other leg. That is why they did not have long term vision neither they wanted to develop it. I always feel that Pakistani leadership is tentative and don’t have strong confidence on Pakistan's future. How many of your PM/Presidents enjoyed retired life gracefully within Pakistan and shared the common fate along with the nation? Just name them.

In India corruption is rampant too. Significant no. of leaders are corrupted. But leaders always remained part of the nation. None of our PMs flew from the country after retirement). Be it IK Gujral, Devagouda, Vajpayee, PV Narsima Rao( last one was perceived as highly corrupt) . Indira Gandhi rightly faced jail for her misdeeds but still fought back after that and re-elected. Not even a CM ever left the country. Even not Lalu Prasad who has been convicted for corruption recently. West Bengal CM Jyoti Basu retired wilfully after reigning the state for 34 years continuously. It appears that they care about how history will evaluate them and they assumed that their future lies within this country only. Probably this made India definite not an ideal country but in little comfortable position than Pakistan.

Democracy with all its shortcoming is another reason that no specific interest group could run the country at its whim. There were always other interest groups to counterbalance it. This diversity and conflicting interest definitely made our progress slow but at the same time steady. Our system prevented dramatic development under a charismatic leader but also ensured that there is no extreme decline under a bad leader as nobody enjoys absolute power within our system and everybody know that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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