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US Senator suggests a couple of permanent USAF bases in Afghanistan

You would have made a good "Confederate" the time of the US Civil War.

The US system of governance, while far from perfect, is about a good as exists worldwide. That of Canada and the UK is equally good, too.

But, the idea of declaring "independence" or "secession" as a state from within a union of staes is fallicious as in mistaken and wrong.

The US as intitally founded after the American Revolution used the Articles of Confederation as our "national government" methodology. This was an absolute disaster as there are key things such as national security, common taxation issues between and among states, numerous practical things that require a unified national government. When or if the people, your or others, feel that the "national government" is not properly addresses your common needs then you in a democracy vote the existing government out and elect people who promise to and who hopefully will then addres to the extent humanly possible your wants and needs.

Life is not simple. Things are complex. But the impact of secession in general is to have a weaker economy thereafter, a smaller tax base to pay for in common needs, a raft of problems you are less not more able to deal with.

Trying to condense a college degree study in political science and history into a few paragraphis is insulting to you, and I do apologize for that.
"When or if the people, your or others, feel that the "national government" is not properly addresses your common needs then you in a democracy vote the existing government out and elect people who promise to and who hopefully will then addres to the extent humanly possible your wants and needs."

This is possible in the countries who care about each other. The U.S. with all the evil in Capitalism, as they say, do not use one tribe against another or do not pay feudal lords to carry on the natural gas from Bugti region. However, in our region, until now, vote has no say. Sometimes, military comes and promises what they cannot deliver and sometimes politicians come on the golden horse. Sixty three years since independence, Balcohistan is still a medieval place. No education, no rights, no natural gas, no infrastructure etc Yet, our people, military estab and politicians are keen enough to label it a mossad and raw conspiracy. You have to admit what you did!!!
Our military used tribal leaders and our politicians, what can I say about those intellectually wonderful people.

"Trying to condense a college degree study in political science and history into a few paragraphis is insulting to you, and I do apologize for that."
It is fine.
So now US playing military mumbo jumbo in all over the world, and tell me does it effective?

I appreciate your way of comments about religion but it is you and th same respect might not entered into diplomatic face of your government.
Do you think that military targets religion? It is a war where people on both sides are dying because a few people in high seats are 'sympathetic' to a bunch of barbarians. I would assure you that the American soldier or any soldier involved in such a conflict would be the last person to be happy. But even he or she would know that fighting now and finishing a threat is much more sensible than idling and waiting for him to strike.

I would criticize all of American war campaigns and still I do except the Afghanistan war. Taliban are not exactly what you would call negotiable.
I gave you all the link on January 7, 2011 to the April 2008 MILITARY OFFICER MAGAZINE, which is on the Internet, article about and interview with me is on page 28.


Click on the above link to get to the referenced magazine issue then key in page 28 in the box in the upper right hand corner of the magazine website and there you are. The cover of this issue of THE MILITARY OFFICER MAGAZINE April 2008 issue is a photo of General Petraeus, to know you have found the right issue.


am afraid the link is dead.

would you be kind enough to cite some of your credentials.

To save time please go onto the Internet.

Enter as your search: April 2008 Military Officer Magazine

When the MOAA site comes up scroll down to the April 2008 cover page, which has a photo of Generasl Petraeus on it.

Click on the cover page of the April 2008 MOAA magazine.

Then enter "28" in the box in upper right hand corner of the site and go to page 28 directly and read the interview/article with/about me with photo.

Very sorry the link I posted "died" but it seemed to work "at" the time I posted that link this AM...but I agree is now "dead."

I prefer you read this article directly on the Internet and appreciate you doing so.

Happy Weekend,
America Eagle
To save time please go onto the Internet.

Enter as your search: April 2008 Military Officer Magazine

When the MOAA site comes up scroll down to the April 2008 cover page, which has a photo of Generasl Petraeus on it.

Click on the cover page of the April 2008 MOAA magazine.

Then enter "28" in the box in upper right hand corner of the site and go to page 28 directly and read the interview/article with/about me with photo.

Very sorry the link I posted "died" but it seemed to work "at" the time I posted that link this AM...but I agree is now "dead."

I prefer you read this article directly on the Internet and appreciate you doing so.

Happy Weekend,
America Eagle

well sir, if that is you then welcome.

i hope you stick around and share your views with us, and take on board some of our concerns, if you are so inclined in that way.
Thank you for your kind remarks. I was age 69 when that picture was made, and am now age 71.

I have an open mind and care about our incommon need for peace and progress instead of terrorism and backwardness.

Thanks again for looking up the article about me.

American Eagle
Freedom of speech is one of the most cherished rights enshrined in the U.S constitution. Senator Lindsey Graham is part of this society where one can express their personal opinions freely. But this does not mean that such comments are part of US policy – there are 100 US Senators, and 435 Representatives in our other house of Congress, each with their own opinion and agenda; Our policy in this regard has been clearly articulated by the Commander in Chief, who has affirmed that the US has no desire or plans to keep US forces in Afghanistan any longer than is necessary. We recall similar speculation about a permanent US presence in Iraq in previous years – but we have seen such speculation being proven wrong, as our forces draw down just as we said they would. We, and this includes Senator Graham, recognize Afghanistan as a sovereign nation that has a democratically elected government and a legitimate constitution. Therefore we would never make such plans without the consent and input of the Afghan government.

We do not have any imperialistic intentions towards Afghanistan. In the past the US was criticized by the Afghans for leaving their country too early after the Soviet War. We do not want to repeat that strategic error and so this time our economic social and political commitment is long-standing. The US along with its international partners, is working towards the day when Afghanistan is fully independent and can see to all its own needs without outside assistance. The Lisbon summit was a clear example of our commitment and intention to Afghanistan, as our President and NATO leaders agreed to set conditions for the Afghan government, army and police to lead the security and stability mission in Afghanistan.

LCDR Speaks,
DET- U.S. Central Command
Many on this site, PDF, and in letters to various in country Pakistani newspapers want, repeat want, NATO to stick around as long as possible which enables the Pak military and civilian government to more effectively deal with terrorists residing in and running raids in and out of Afghansitan to be better delt with on the Pak side of the Durand Line.

In my view Senator Graham is more than a single voice in our Senate and US Congress. He is a consensus seeker and is held in unusually high esteem both by President Obama and Secretary of Defense...and Secretary of State, Gates and Clinton.

America's foreign and military policies are recommended from the Senate, which has the Constitutional duty to "advise and consent" beyond the mere naming of US ambassasdors and such.

Likewise, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have a duty to advise the President, and they do this regularly, sometimes in the open, sometimes confidentially.

Ours is a complex situation and system, not quick and dirty a yes or no, black nor white process.
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