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US Senator suggests a couple of permanent USAF bases in Afghanistan

For one thing you are not in, as in inside Pakistan where the people are suffering. London is hardly a hardship place to be.
Whoever, anyone who uses the logical that because the Taliban and al Qaida and allied terrorists kill folks is the fault of dthe US needs to see a psychiatrist if they are able to find one in the haze of battle.

Think 911. Think the twin trade towers' Think a field in Pennsylvania where the passengers overcame the terrorists to crash the plane into a field rather than allow it to be used as a missle against the White House or Congress buildings in the District Of Columbia. Think the third terrorist driven plan which killed innocents in the Pentagon, all on the same date, 911.

I don't think for a minute that President Karzai is coo coo, I think the person who copied and posted this quote is muck raking with a chip on his shoulder, nothing to do with the historic and current tense facts whatsoever.

Let's be conservative here.

The U/S. and U.K. corporate media have been particularly guilty of censorship by omission – simply not reporting upon the “bad bodies” of those killed by US/NATO actions. (42) A little reported fact is that the number of Afghan civilians (43) killed by U/.S. and NATO forces since 2005 exceeds the total recorded during the three months of intensive U.S. bombing, October 7- December 10, 2001. The following chart presents the numbers. These numbers underestimate the true human toll because they exclude the thousands who later die from injuries incurred in a U.S/NATO attack, those killed in incidents which went un-reported, those who die from lack of vital resources in refugee camps (44), etc.

Killed October 7 – December 10, 2001 2,256 - 2,949
2005 408 - 478
2006 653 - 769
2007 1,010 -– 1,297
Jan. 1 – August 31, 2008 573 - 674
Sept. 1 -19, 2008 55
Sub-total 2005 - 2008 2,699 - 3,273

Afghan Civilians killed by U.S/NATO Actions since 2006

So, you have almost killed same amount of civilians (conservative) as terrorist killed your citizens, hay day is there. Mission is over, stop printing BS vast metal reserves or strategic interests. The goal was to eliminate taliban and kill OBL. Your incompetent and pathetic military achieved the first one but not the second. You won't find OBL as you did not according to your media and military. Feed this terror BS to other people. TAPI and geo political arena was on the top. I was the one who told people here in Jan 2010 that your military will kill Pakistani soldiers and after nine months they did. You talk about Pentagon policies, god damn, I know what they will do next year or the things they have not thought about.
For one thing you are not in, as in inside Pakistan where the people are suffering. London is hardly a hardship place to be.

all bluster no substance.

what do you know my connection to pakistan?


yet you talk about how learned you are with no real proof - hallmarks of a shyster.
So, you have almost killed same amount of civilians (conservative) as terrorist killed your citizens, hay day is there. Mission is over, stop printing BS vast metal reserves or strategic interests. The goal was to eliminate taliban and kill OBL. Your incompetent and pathetic military achieved the first one but not the second. You won't find OBL as you did not according to your media and military. Feed this terror BS to other people. TAPI and geo political arena was on the top. I was the one who told people here in Jan 2010 that your military will kill Pakistani soldiers and after nine months they did. You talk about Pentagon policies, god damn, I know what they will do next year or the things they have not thought about.

A family member was killed in the 9/11 attacks....

Me bring young at the time wanted to kill as much as these terrorist people 10 fold.

Im sure others express the same type of anger toward these terrorist as much as I had at the time.

Im sure if Pakistan was attacked the way we where, you guys would retaliate aswell, and thats what we are doing.

We will punish these terrorist and those who harbor them. Pakistan is lucky it was not attacked as im sure we had plans to.

you guys should thank Pervez Musharraf for following our demands at the time.
there we go first they used drones in pakistani tribal region,now the want to use larger,more destructive manned aircraft.........

i cant see why else they need aircraft bases there.......
No surprises here. Americans did not ome to fight for someone for free here. With that humungous cost of this war, it is natural that they would look for something valuable in Afghanistan. Mineral resources are an excellent compensation, however Chinese firms are taking the lead in trade. The next best thing about Afghanistan is, well its location.

A country, ravaged by war since thirty years, no infrastructure, low literacy, religious fundamentalism, unstable core economic structure and placed geographically so well that if harnessed and maintained, can keep a watch on activities inside Pakistan, Central Asia as well as emerging Asian powers such as China and India.

Who thought mere geographic location of a country could compensate a trillion dollar war?
The ideology of the Taliban and al Qaida is even worse than that of the Nazis and Fascists of WW II, if that is humanly possible.

Here is an e-mail received a while back by me from inside Pakistan, in country, that "should" be of interest and concern to those who wish to have long lasting democracy and freedom in Pakistan:

"Sir...I saw your letter in the FRONTIER POST, regarding the sectarian issues in Kohat and the adjoining area. In the letter you have mentioned that if the people of this part of Pakistan want the US Marines, ...

Sir, you should know that we the Shia community (minority one) have become the target of the extremist Taliban in this part of our country. The whole area especially from Kohat to Parachinar is dominated by the fanatic Taliban. In other words this area has turned into a small Taliban country where only their rules would be followed. For example they are not allowing the Shia community to hold their religious ceremonies such Muharram etc. In 2006 during the Muharram processing in Hangu district, a suicide attacker blew himself up as a result of which more than fifty Shias were killed. This incident led to the start of war between the two sects in which a number of people were killed. And the curfew which followed lasted for about seven months. This was followed by another attack the next year in which a mortar was thrown on Shia procession in which four Shiates were killed. Again this was followed by another attack on Shiates in Parachinar in which 73 people were killed. And then the recent war which is going on between athe Taliban and the Shites of Kurram Agency has so far resulted in the loss of about 355 people. Then started the process of kidnapping of the Shiites by the Taliban and the custodial killing. The custodial killing of a Shia namely Layeq Hussain by the Taliban who was serving in the Frontier Corp in the most horrible incident. Taliban have made a video of this incident when they were slaughtering this gentleman. Besides, a number of Shites have been kidnapped by the Taliban-some of them were tortured to death. Recently two shites were kidnapped by the Taliban in Dara Adam Khel - a tribal area located between Kohat and Peshawar - and later on both of them were killed. The area of Dara Adam Khel has become a strong hold of the Taliban. No Shia can go to Peshawar via Dar Adam because the Taliban are stopping the vehicles of the passengers and checking even their ID Cards. If they see that a Shia is there in a car then they kill him on the spot. So consequently the Shites are adopting a very long route to reach Peshawar via Rawalpindi. Though the distance between Kohat and Peshawar is about 80 km but and one can reach there in one hour but a Shia is bound to adopt hundred of km long route which is about seven hours from Kohat to Rawapindi three hour and then from Rawalpindi to Peshawar three and half hour. For "left blank on purpose" Shites have been using this long route which means wastage of time, money and what not.

Recently four people were killed by Taliban when their van drove past the Taliban area. Several witnesses saw Taliban coming out of the Nasrat Khail Madrasah ambushing the van. This incident further deteriorated the already tense situation in the area. Since they have established their headquarters in the foot hills of Tanda Dam near Kohat, so the sectearian tension is bound to rise.

We have informed the concerned authorities of our country but so far they have done nothing in this respect. Frankly speaking our government has been absolutely failed to do anything.

The only solution to this problem in the opinion of the Shia community is the deployment of US forces in this part of our country. I think there would be hardly any member of the Shia community who does not want the US forces in this area. The Shites have been long waiting for the arrival of US forces against these unhuman fanatics. The deployment of US forces would not only relieve the Shites of this problem but it would also serve US purpose of eliminating the Terrorists from this part of the Globe...."

This is but one example from inside Pakistan as to how bad things are there. My point to those outside of Pakistan having opinions does not say you don't have a right to any or all opinions, pro or con. I am simply saying some who are outside of Pakistan just don't know how bad things are, Muslims murdering innocent Muslims, inside Pakistan, where NATO and the Pak military are not involved whatsoever, as explained here.

It is long past time to face the criminal actions of the Taliban and Al Qaida, both inside Pakistan and inside Afghanistan, and have all people who want law, order, security, and democracy to stand up for their country and support both their police, their native military, and the allies in the form of NATO, who are there by UN Mandate, which some writers in this form are oblivious to.

I again remind all readers of this posting that Pakistan IS an AFFILIATE of NATO which gives Paksitan a seat at the table and both military and economic benefits which flow to Pakistan BECAUSE this nation is an affiliate of NATO.
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It took over 50 years to overcome the old Communist Cold War threat. It may take even longer to overcome terrorist zealotry which is self-created religious mumbo jumbo in the disguise of what is to those of you who are practicing Muslims intended to be a peaceful religion, not bent on forced conversions, but seeking to go along to get along with the rest of the world's religions and society.

All religions are a way of life, a system of living, not just Islam, with all due respect and value to those who do practice the positive and peaceful tenants of Islam.

So now US playing military mumbo jumbo in all over the world, and tell me does it effective?

I appreciate your way of comments about religion but it is you and th same respect might not entered into diplomatic face of your government.
Thank you for your remarks and comments.

Noting you are apparently in Russia, are you in Moscow or elsewhere there? I have found the editor of the MOSCOW TIMES, who has risen to that post and title from a subordinate one since I started being published in the MT after 911, to be a very fair minded and able professional journalist. Remember, I am just as some on this site more politely describe me "a geriatic old coot" but I still have to keep on keeping on as long as the Lord gives me a degree of good health.

I am not "unique." There are many on this site and other venues for written comments and commentary who bring both a full lifetime of valuable historic experiences to the table. There are also the youth who choose to write on this and other sites. The young are our future and while they can learn from us we likewise can learn from them as they can and do ask probing questions and sometimes see things from angles we have overlooked.

We expect potentially heavy snow and perhaps some freezing rain in our area later this weekend into next week.

I have reverse migrant UK cousins who had a heavy snow prior to and over Christmas in the London area, as those of you who live and work in that part of the UK know.

Of course Russia historically has pretty heavy snow winters.

Have a good weekend.
A family member was killed in the 9/11 attacks....

Me bring young at the time wanted to kill as much as these terrorist people 10 fold.

Im sure others express the same type of anger toward these terrorist as much as I had at the time.

Im sure if Pakistan was attacked the way we where, you guys would retaliate aswell, and thats what we are doing.

We will punish these terrorist and those who harbor them. Pakistan is lucky it was not attacked as im sure we had plans to.

you guys should thank Pervez Musharraf for following our demands at the time.

You are not an English speaking individual. Anyways, you cannot kill ten times more people. Speaking of lunatic version of Islam, I disagree. Speaking of proportion and international law, the U.S. is a criminal. Hell, they came here to fight with talibs and OBL--not to tell about vast resources nor an important location. Where did that come from? Okay, I invade the U.S. with my army--Kill eighty thousand people and say to the world--America has vast mineral resources and it is an important geo political location!! GOD DAMN, curse on my intentions!!!
whats your name?

give us links to your articles/work?

I gave you all the link on January 7, 2011 to the April 2008 MILITARY OFFICER MAGAZINE, which is on the Internet, article about and interview with me is on page 28.


Click on the above link to get to the referenced magazine issue then key in page 28 in the box in the upper right hand corner of the magazine website and there you are. The cover of this issue of THE MILITARY OFFICER MAGAZINE April 2008 issue is a photo of General Petraeus, to know you have found the right issue.

You appear to be living in and writing from Canada. Thus you lack the on the ground, on the scene daily reality of what the ordinary people, the masses of Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, the three parts of Kashmir, Pakistan Administered Kashmir, India Administered Kashmir, and China Administered Kashmir are going through.

It is unhelpful and wrong to blame NATO or the West or the US for everyone's problems. The core issue is radicalism using their own heretically concocted version of religion, extremist Islamics, to self justify essentially being "against the rest of the world."

Pakistan being adjacent to Afghanistan is a catchment area of organized inbred terrorists and terrorism, especially in the historically wild and wooly northern territories. Too, the people of Balochistan have historically been unable to make a decent living and have job opportunities to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

In short, the northern parts of Paksitan, Balochistan, Afghanistan in general are and have been a rather feudal region, to keep my comments and views simple. But anarchy and religious extremism is not the answer nor a lasting answer, either. Freedom of religions, free public education, encouragement and development of job creating businesses and industries are the right way. People have to have hope in a way up from poverty and misery by a self help means and methodology instead of being forever paid off and kept on "the dole."

As for you in Canada all the things you need, the tools to a successful life are at your disposal...that is why you and your family are in Canada instead of in Pakistan today.

You are not an English speaking individual. Anyways, you cannot kill ten times more people. Speaking of lunatic version of Islam, I disagree. Speaking of proportion and international law, the U.S. is a criminal. Hell, they came here to fight with talibs and OBL--not to tell about vast resources nor an important location. Where did that come from? Okay, I invade the U.S. with my army--Kill eighty thousand people and say to the world--America has vast mineral resources and it is an important geo political location!! GOD DAMN, curse on my intentions!!!
"It is unhelpful and wrong to blame NATO or the West or the US for everyone's problems."

"In short, the northern parts of Paksitan, Balochistan, Afghanistan in general are and have been a rather feudal region"


I am not blaming the U.S. or NATO. To blame others for your own problem is an act of a coward man. We have fanatics but the point is, as it was, the U.S. committed crime as did religious lunatics.

"As for you in Canada all the things you need, the tools to a successful life are at your disposal...that is why you and your family are in Canada instead of in Pakistan today."

Flag on the screen plays an important role?

EDIT: The U.S. was not in Afghanistan to look for mineral resources nor they were there, as they say, an important geo political location. They came here to topple the government of talib, which they did. OBL, a mystery--Strictly believing your media, he is hiding somewhere. Mission failed. Civilian casualties, shia vs sunni was not the mandate.
That is a criminal act. Also, the U.S. supported Mujahid during Cold War.
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"Too, the people of Balochistan have historically been unable to make a decent living and have job opportunities to pull themselves up by their boot straps. "

Agreed. The government of Pakistan, military estab who used one tribe against another, Pakistani citizens and feudal lords are responsible. Balochistan, as a matter of fact, any province/state, New York State, Quebec etc has the right to announce independence if the federal gov or the people of other provinces fall short of providing rights to the people.
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