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US Senate warns Obama on Rouhani in letter signed by 76 lawmakers


Apr 13, 2013
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US Senate warns Obama on Rouhani in letter signed by 76 lawmakers | JPost | Israel News

WASHINGTON -- 76 Senators signed a letter sent to President Barack Obama on Friday calling on the White House to toughen sanctions on Iran, despite the election of Hassan Rouhani, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

In the letter, the large Senate group tells the president that time for diplomacy is quickly running out.

"Iran has used negotiations in the past to stall for time," the senators warn the president, noting Rouhani's former role as the regime's nuclear negotiator. "And in any event, Khamenei is the ultimate decision-maker for Iran's nuclear program."

"Mr. President," the letter continues, "we urge you to bring a renewed sense of urgency to the process. We need to understand quickly whether Tehran is at last ready to negotiate seriously. Iran needs to understand that the time for diplomacy is nearing its end."

The letter was sent to the president on the last day of the Senate session before summer recess— two days before Rouhani's inauguration in Iran— and was penned on July 30th, just a day before the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly, 400-20, in favor of a punishing new sanctions package targeting what remains of Iran's oil sector.

Earning significant bipartisan backing in just four days, the letter signals strong Senate support for the House bill, which aims to bring Iranian oil exports essentially down to zero by no longer providing exemptions to purchasing companies in allied countries.

The senators assert that the US "must toughen sanctions and reinforce the credibility of our option to use military force at the same time as we fully explore a diplomatic solution to our dispute with Iran."


It continues. Your thoughts?
Basically the senate is asking Obama to take a tougher stand on Iran, a military intervention may appear to be a little bit looming than ever.
Israel and its lobby that is entire US Congress and Senate are scared of US rapprochement with Iran. Still US position and thinking are divided with go and no go. At any case, if such initiative works out Israel will loose its unique position in ME. Saudi Arab will also loose its importance in gulf and ME region. But falling for Israeli-US line that Iran a ascendance is a zero some game is fundamentally flawed thinking. Saudi Arab and Iran does not have to be at each other throat, there are enough commonality within framework of common faith that both countries can cooperate and lead rest of ME and Muslim world in many different ways. Saudi rulers need to come out of the thinking that just because Shia regime in power that means Saudi Arab can not influence or have mutually beneficial relationship. And more importantly Saudi Arab need to realize the core fact that US rapprochement with Iran is taking place from the realization that Israeli line and agenda is not going to be beneficial for US interest in the long run. If US can mend fence with its arch enemy for its own long term interest and reality then why should Saudi Arab be left out from better relation and beneficial outcome. Its time Saudi rulers (Iran govt as well) see the light that co-leadership offer much more than confrontation along sectarian line.
It shows that Iran is not guilty in this conflict . The problem is US and it's allies that don't want peace .

They even haven't given a single chance to new Iranian elected president . More I see this brutality more I support my governors .

I hope our governors move their fat as$es and work harder than ever to reach independence and a stable economy which is not dependent on oil .
It shows that Iran is not guilty in this conflict . The problem is US and it's allies that don't want peace .

They even haven't given a single chance to new Iranian elected president . More I see this brutality more I support my governors .

I hope our governors move their fat as$es and work harder than ever to reach independence and a stable economy which is not dependent on oil .

When the country sets its policies based on interests of Israel, AIPAC and Jewish lobby, you can not expect a better outcome.
That's a shame.They have forgot the purpose of sanctions completely and now turned to targeting Iranians directly.They want to do to Iran what they did to Cuba and Iraq.
When a messianic lunatic like Netanyahu has such a strong say in your politics, this will be expected,
When the country sets its policies based on interests of Israel, AIPAC and Jewish lobby, you can not expect a better outcome.
That's a shame.They have forgot the purpose of sanctions completely and now turned to targeting Iranians directly.They want to do to Iran what they did to Cuba and Iraq.
When a messianic lunatic like Netanyahu has such a strong say in your politics, this will be expected,

Another thing is that a military action is highly unlikely to happen, IMHO. I don't like the way the international community deals with Iran's nuclear program :/
How would you like it to be?

As a Saudi Arabian? I would love to settle the issue through diplomacy, and political dialogue. As I said before, Rouhani stressed out the importance of pursing better relations with KSA, and he referred to us as a " brotherly nation "

KSA should stay the hell out of Israel's frustration, it is time to accept Iran as it is.
Rouhani married his cousin, Sahebeh Arabi (Rouhani)[77] who is six years younger, when he was around 20 years old[75][78] and has four children.[79] Rouhani's wife changed her last name from "Arabi" (Persian: عربی‎) to "Rouhani" some time after marriage.[74] Born in 1954, she has no political activity.[77] One of Rouhani's sons committed suicide in 1992.[80][81] According to Yedioth Ahronoth he committed suicide "in protest of his father's close connection with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei".[82]

What is the history behind his wife's (cousins) surname, "Arabi"?

He was born in Sorkheh and Wiki says that most people there speak the Sorkhei language which is one of the Caspian languages (Semnani languages). Is that his native language?

What is his policy towards us Arabs and Sunnis? Will he continue to meddle in the Arab world and face the harsh consequences of that?

I don't know anything about that Shia Mullah.
What is the history behind his wife's (cousins) surname, "Arabi"?

He was born in Sorkheh and Wiki says that most people there speak the Sorkhei language which is one of the Caspian languages (Semnani languages). Is that his native language?

What is his policy towards us Arabs and Sunnis? Will he continue to meddle in the Arab world and face the harsh consequences of that?

I don't know anything about that Shia Mullah.

The guy is moderate, reformarist, and being backed by millions. Idk about the intervention in the Arab world, all what we know for now is that last frieday, Rohani lashed out Israel on Al-Quds day.
The guy is moderate, reformarist, and being backed by millions. Idk about the intervention in the Arab world, all what we know for now is that last frieday, Rohani lashed out Israel on Al-Quds day.

The first 3 words to describe him probably should be seen in the fake wannabe Arab iranian Mullah context. Don't give much for that given what he came from and what circles he is part of. He is basically just a puppet. We all know that the Azeri (Khamenei) - the so-called "Supreme Leader" is pulling all the strings from behind.

Well, the "blame Israel for everything" is a well-known tactic employed by those Mullah's. They used the tactic before to suck up to the Arab world and it worked partially for a few years immediately after the 2006 Lebanon-Israel war but after the entrance of HizbAlShaitan in Syria we saw it all and it collapsed including the support.

Anyway let us wait and see. I don't trust any of those Mullah's and neither should any Arab ruler or country. Unless they change dramatically. Until then there will be no true reconciliation at most just cheap diplomatic words and I am perfectly fine with that since we don't need them in the Arab world.
We will have to wait and see. I'm just concerned over the nuclear program beef..
We will have to wait and see. I'm just concerned over the nuclear program beef..

The international community will deal with that and put an quick end to such ideas. Don't worry.
Besides if by any miracle they develop something other than a fake drone then we and Turkey will acquire the bomb too. There is no chance of a non-nuclear KSA or GCC if the Mullah's acquire the weapon.

If a attack is needed then so be it. I am personally not in favor of nuclear weapons in our region since this is the last thing that we need. So if they try to develop the bomb then the international community has my blessing in case of an attack on them.
As a Saudi Arabian? I would love to settle the issue through diplomacy, and political dialogue. As I said before, Rouhani stressed out the importance of pursing better relations with KSA, and he referred to us as a " brotherly nation "

KSA should stay the hell out of Israel's frustration, it is time to accept Iran as it is.

thank you bro for your comments

well not only he has obligatory inside the Islamic Iran to say some support words but his words are and will be transformed anyway

anyway it is the system of leadership which is bad in Iran
and until we have this leadership, USA will never never want normalized relations. it is like that and it is logic,
even if this is painful.
they are the people of Iran trapped :(
I don't think KSA needs anyone else's help for now :), & I welcome a nuclear-armed Iran, if that's what you're trying to say.
The international community will deal with that and put an quick end to that. Don't worry about that. Besides if by any miracle they develop something other than a fake drone then we, Turkey will start our own development of nuclear weapons. There is no chance of a non-nuclear KSA or GCC if the Mullah's acquire the weapon.

If a attack is needed then so be it. I am personally not in favor of nuclear weapons in our region this is the last thing that we need. So if they try to develop the bomb then the international community have my blessing of an attack on them.
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