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Featured US seeks formal alliance similar to Nato with India, Japan and Australia, State Department official says

USA alliance only
If India receives $10 billion in FREE MILITARY AID every year
F35 for Air force
F18 hornets vikrant carrier
Predator combat drones
Permanent base of F22 raptors in ladakh with 20,000 USA troops in Kashmir Ladakh.
24/7 access to USA satalites so we can monitor all our hostile borders
That was funny from the Chinese cowards, a US plane was 76km from Shanghai monitoring everything and yet the brave Chinese warriors didn't do anything.

But they waited for 24 hours and fired two missiles into an empty ocean, China the biggest cowards on earth.

76km from Shanghai? Well, that is international water, there is nothing Chinese can do except warning. The same applies to any country, such US.

But of course, I guess Dalai didn't tell you that.
US can't be trusted, better stay out of such alliance. We Indians our enough to defend our country.

You Indians are a joke on the world stage, you Indians need all the help you can get, and even then you Indians are too dumb.
You Indians are a joke on the world stage, you Indians need all the help you can get, and even then you Indians are too dumb.
Dear bright spot of world please do tell me what will you call a country want to an alliance with dumb people?? We may be a joke but you are a living joker to have that illegitimate son of mr castro ruling you country.

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