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Featured US seeks formal alliance similar to Nato with India, Japan and Australia, State Department official says

you cant handle one American plane flying 76 km from shanghai... cant fire one missile to take it down... but next day you will fire missile in open waters? what a pathetic show man... you should die of humiliation.

and now you talk to looking forward for many American bases in India.... already you lost your pants... what more to lose for china?

That was funny from the Chinese cowards, a US plane was 76km from Shanghai monitoring everything and yet the brave Chinese warriors didn't do anything.

But they waited for 24 hours and fired two missiles into an empty ocean, China the biggest cowards on earth.
US need SUPA POWA India' protection. Go for it.
Nope, India was actually created for such purpose by British.

What is India?
An artificially created land with a borrowed name, civilization, etc...British power diminished after 47 and now US is using this artificial British creation.

For China, it should heavily arm Pakistan(especially navy and airforce). Make Pakistan Navy equivalent to Indian navy so that CPEC and Chinese oil routes safeguard is guaranteed and India could be kept busy while China completes its SCS tasks. Later on together with Pakistan, China could fix all the border permanently with India.
That was funny from the Chinese cowards, a US plane was 76km from Shanghai monitoring everything and yet the brave Chinese warriors didn't do anything.

But they waited for 24 hours and fired two missiles into an empty ocean, China the biggest cowards on earth.
wait till tomorrow and garbage times will vomit all over the place.... an then these ccp posters will come back with new potion to fight on pdf... the only place they think they can win.... :lol: :lol:
This is a well come offer but that should not define who will be our friends and who will be our enemies. Russia was our friend and will remain our friend. If this is done, dragon is doomed.
you cant handle one American plane flying 76 km from shanghai... cant fire one missile to take it down... but next day you will fire missile in open waters? what a pathetic show man... you should die of humiliation.

and now you talk to looking forward for many American bases in India.... already you lost your pants... what more to lose for china?

American plane flies 76 km from Shanghai. Let's say you're right. But PLA was inside claimed Indian territory and killed 20 Indians inside what they regarded as their own territory. Meanwhile Indian military cannot provide any evidence that they inflicted a single casualty on China.

Can you imagine if US forces kill 20 PLA soldiers inside China, China could provide no proof of retaliation, and then China "rules out the military option"?

Yet that's exactly what happened to India. Total humilition. India can stop at ego losses for now, but if it keeps up, then it'll have real attrition losses.
US is losing allies, not gaining them. Containment of China has failed and all SEA, SA, and EAsian countries are pivoting towards China.

Old jealous lady India simply cannot digest the rise of Pakistan and China, which it tries to stop at every point to abysmal failure.

Kashmir and Afghanistan are both fast moving towards Pakistan. Iran is now out.

India is isolated internationally, so now the fight will be taken on Indian homeland by both Pakistan and China.

Generations of two-faced policy is going to cost India.
The last thing India needs to join is a suicide pact like NATO, compromising India's sovereignty. Plus, there's no need for it. Creating a bulwark against China is a common interest among Indo-Pacific countries. India can work with these countries both bilaterally and multilaterally without entering a formal alliance.

India has always prided itself on taking an independent course in foreign policy since it's founding. There's no reason to change this stance, in my opinion.

You are missing Russian Angle here

Due Russians We cannot go into any formal Alliance

I think India spends too much time trying to please the Russians. India needs to take a holistic view of Indo-Russo relations given current geo-political realities. For one thing, they are getting rather cozy with the Chinese, especially on defense matters. They are selling China advanced military equipment that will be USD against China while selling the same to India. For this, India gives Russia a pass.

The question is: can India trust Russia going forward? India should be more skeptical.
US is losing allies, not gaining them. Containment of China has failed and all SEA, SA, and EAsian countries are pivoting towards China.

Old jealous lady India simply cannot digest the rise of Pakistan and China, which it tries to stop at every point to abysmal failure.

Kashmir and Afghanistan are both fast moving towards Pakistan. Iran is now out.

India is isolated internationally, so now the fight will be taken on Indian homeland by both Pakistan and China.

Generations of two-faced policy is going to cost India.

I never saw a post that was completely wrong from beginning to end. Definitely, drinking the Chinese Kool-Aid here: grossly overestimating their capabilities while underestimating Indian resolve. Pakistan never learns.
China needs to make an equivalent of NATO, get into military alliance
with friendly countries.
good it will be another CETO CENTO . india went total stupid and joined USA when usa is on decline
That was funny from the Chinese cowards, a US plane was 76km from Shanghai monitoring everything and yet the brave Chinese warriors didn't do anything.

But they waited for 24 hours and fired two missiles into an empty ocean, China the biggest cowards on earth.
But we can handle bare knuckle and take down 20 Indian soldiers without even using arm and suffer 0 fatality.

US don't even have balls to declare war on Iran after Iran humiliate US with ballistic missile and we have clown claiming US can take on China?.

Their plane can even fly 50km near to China but nothing short of a real action to attack China. So what is the point of this coward acts? :enjoy:

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