Some one needs to sit you down, and break it down to you that you have;
No system of government.
Your country has no law and order or accountability.
Your country is experiencing civil war for the last 30 years now.
You are essentially bankrupt and not economically viable.
And lastly there is an overpopulation issue, the elephant in the room.
Nukes are not going to solve these problems Einstein. You can't use them anyway. No one can. I'll repeat here yet again, you are a threat to no one, other than yourself. We have seen this over the last 30 years of Pakestan kowtowing to U.S. policy. Just corrupt leaders of your country leading you down the path of destruction.
Your country is a failed state. In case you haven't noticed. Do we hold your hand and explain this further to you? Iran doesn't have half these problems, that you have.12 people died in those riots back in Jan throughout Iran. You seriously believe that event somehow represents the ease with which Iran's gubment could be brought down? you are a teenager or just joking with us?
Your country men were just recently rioting all over due to poverty and nearly gave your pathetic country a "regime change", and here you are showing the audacity to tell us that Pakistan is a failed state! LOL
No system of government? WTF is that about? you lost your marbles?
Your country has no law and order or accountability? We don't have mass protest against the government like you do sunshine. we have strong judiciary which just recently send a sitting PM send packing and just today, literally, a senator send to jail!! You living on Mars?
Your country is experiencing civil war for the last 30 years now?? LOL. What an idiot!
You are essentially bankrupt and not economically viable? Yet we are at the centre of biggest geostrategic and geo-economic programme called CPEC. There are world powers who are investing heavily in our country. you morons, after bending backwards over your nuke programme cant even get your money back frozen in banks! You do have some audacity boy.
And lastly there is an overpopulation issue, the elephant in the room.. Our pollution, our manpower is one of our strength, we are not a limp nation like you Persians.
Our nukes give us pride, sense of superiority over other pathetic nations who talk plenty of sh|t but are useless. They give us confidence to talk eye ball to eye ball to others powers to be. And when we are in a mood for charity and give pther nations the knowhow , even then , they fk it up. Oh where have we seen this before? That reminds me a pathetic nation which is right next to us. Be humble you moron, thank us that the deal you had with west was due to the tech we provided to you. Its another story that you bendover.
If nukes were that useless, your Mullah regime wont be going after them like a kid running for candy.
You country is insignificant pile of poo, nuisance for literally everyone, including Pakistan. We in Pakistan are indeed cursed when it comes to having the worst of neighbours.
Know your place sunshine.