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US refuses to take position on F-16 issue

Dear Indians

Please come out from Bollywood world, we know that u believe in bollywood movies how they kill militants and do operations in Pakistan by filming all of these rubbish. one of ur hero kill every one, who's come to against him or his country.

Its not happens in Real LIFE
you are asking impossible from them .
If F-16 and the AMRAAMs we have bought are not meant to attack or defend from india so then for what purpose we should use these thing, against the hypothetical TTAF (tehreeke taliban air force)
In the OP video, Amir Mateen acknowledges that in the 80s Pakistan was sold F16 because, then, the Soviet MiGs would often come near Pak border during the Soviet-Afghan war. But Mateen says that there are indeed conditions like F16 cannot be used in an offensive role against India. From the Pak perspective, IF Pak used any F16 then it was in defense.
You cannot blame India for trying to use whatever leverage it can get trying to less Pakistan's arsenals. It's quite UNMANLY for a military to do so with so much firepower, international clout, and budget but that's another topic.
Question to senior members.
If US admits imposing conditions on F16 sales. Wont that hurt US arms sales to future customers???

As it gives the impression US likes to kiss and tell.??
No, because everyone who wants to buy U.S. arms already knows that the U.S. imposing conditions.
Pakistan is destroying its own grassroots Mujaheedin.
USA is not releasing a statement debunking use and destruction of F 16.
Our joker media has still not found a whiff of the second downed fighter.

Something is amiss.

There is no grassroots mujahideen movement supported by Pakistan. Everything happening is domestic you can see this from the common people marching in the streets raising slogans, to the 700,000 occupying force making infiltration on such a widespread scale virtually impossible

There is no F-16 that was shot down, if there was we would have seen a name, or a video, or photographs, or some kind of leak. Stop following this retarded narrative and start looking at the basic facts first.
Pakistan is destroying its own grassroots Mujaheedin.
USA is not releasing a statement debunking use and destruction of F 16.
Our joker media has still not found a whiff of the second downed fighter.

Something is amiss.
jis ko Allah T'Alla chakar mein daal they, woh ghoom jata hai.
hahahahaha priceless, this information bubble that India has created for its people, since surgical strike #1 in 2016 is gonna burst soon and it will burst hard. And every one in this region will watch that firework happen, I am waiting patiently :pop:.

No, because everyone who wants to buy U.S. arms already knows that the U.S. imposing conditions.
In retrospection to this, and "please help USA they are using abusing power." card which Indian are using too much since 1965, I think Pakistan became self sufficient much quicker. And they are not familiar with this situation. Its totally alien to them.
If F-16 and the AMRAAMs we have bought are not meant to attack or defend from india so then for what purpose we should use these thing, against the hypothetical TTAF (tehreeke taliban air force)
Thats true USA knows that too, that sooner or later these weapon are gonna be used on India. but no worry PL-15 is on its way.
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