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US refuses to take position on F-16 issue


May 21, 2006
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WASHINGTON: The US State Department has refused to take a position on New Delhi’s complaint against Pakistan for using F-16s in an air combat with India, saying that it does not offer public comments on bilateral agreements.

“We have seen those reports and we’re following that issue very closely. I can’t confirm anything, but as a matter of policy, we don’t publicly comment on the contents of bilateral agreements... involving US defence technologies,” the department’s deputy spokesman Robert Palladino said.

Know more: Foreign journalists find holes in Indian narrative on F-16 usage, Balakot strike

At a news briefing on Tuesday, Mr Palladino said the US also avoided public discussions on communications with other countries about such issues.

“So we’re taking a look and we’re going to continue to take a look, and I’m going to leave it at that,” he said.

On Wednesday, New York Times journalist Maria Abi-Habib released a set of tweets saying that contrary to India’s insistence, Pakistan may not have violated its F-16 sales agreement with the US even if it used the American-made fighter jets to shoot down Indian aircraft last week.

On Feb 27, Pakistan Air Force announced that it had shot down two Indian aircraft inside Pakistani airspace when they tried to give chase to Pakistani jets.

Indian officials, however, complained that the aircraft used by the PAF to ingress into occupied Kashmir had included an F-16.

New Delhi insisted that Pakistan’s use of F-16 against India meant that Islamabad stood in violation of a sales agreement with the US, which reportedly restricts the fighter jets to be used for anti-terrorism activities alone.

However, Abi-Habib, the NYT’s South Asia correspondent, explained how Pakistan may not have committed a violation of its sales agreement with the US even if it did use F-16s to shoot down Indian jets (which the PAF says never happened). “The US says if Pakistan used an F-16 to shoot down an Indian MiG, it may not have violated sale agreement,” she tweeted.

“They say if India entered Pakistani airspace for a second day, and Pakistan used the jet defensively, the contract wasn’t violated. But, if Pakistan used an F-16 to attack India first, then deal was violated.”

Citing weapons experts and officials, Abi-Habib also put a question mark on the Indian Air Force’s claim that the AIM-120 missile’s remnant that was displayed by New Delhi was ‘proof’ of Pakistan’s use of an F-16 in the counter-strike to the Balakot incident. She also said US officials still do not have sufficient reason to believe that an F-16 was shot down by India, as claimed by the IAF.

Abi-Habib noted that despite its desire to strengthen its ties with India, the US was not endorsing the Indian version of last week’s events. She described the US reluctance as “very interesting”.

At the State Department briefing, Mr Palladino said the US was still engaged in “high level” but “quiet” diplomacy to reduce tensions between South Asia’s two nuclear-armed neighbours.

“We continue to urge both sides to continue to take steps to de-escalate the situation, and that includes through direct communication. And we believe strongly that further military activity will exacerbate the situation,” he said.

He noted that last week, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo played a direct and “essential role in de-escalating the tensions” when he spoke with leaders in both countries, including Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Published in Dawn, March 7th, 2019
so apparently these khusri people and their lull fauj complained to daddy ji in 1965 when Sherman tanks of Pak Army were used to annihilate them in Chawinda, in 1965 when PAf used Sabres,in mid 80's when US gave us F16 and now this?
There are things which separate men from boys but apparently, these #$%^#& want to remain rondu & ony strike a weaker enemy. This is how brave these men are.
what position should US take?
if we plane we have the right to use it whatever purpose we want. we didn't buy them than to just show on parades.
if anybody from Pakistan ever agrees to not use them against india then he should prosecute for treason.
so apparently these khusri people and their lull fauj complained to daddy ji in 1965 when Sherman tanks of Pak Army were used to annihilate them in Chawinda, in 1965 when PAf used Sabres,in mid 80's when US gave us F16 and now this?
There are things which separate men from boys but apparently, these #$%^#& want to remain rondu & ony strike a weaker enemy. This is how brave these men are.
They want there crowd and there own referee and with there own term .... but they lose.
in other words, this is how uncle sam responded to bharat mata's whining...
Pakistan is destroying its own grassroots Mujaheedin.
USA is not releasing a statement debunking use and destruction of F 16.
Our joker media has still not found a whiff of the second downed fighter.

Something is amiss.
Question to senior members.
If US admits imposing conditions on F16 sales. Wont that hurt US arms sales to future customers???

As it gives the impression US likes to kiss and tell.??
in other words, this is how uncle sam responded to bharat mata's whining...

USA is not releasing a statement debunking use and destruction of F 16.

You guys won't accept it despite of witnessing false information provided by your media,govt and armed forces here and there. Your armed forces and Govt openly lying about Balakot strikes, why can't they lie about F-16 shot down as well than ? damn...its so easy to fool these Indians ..i think they are still in a state of shock after Pakistani response..just can't comprehend the situation and thrashing they received.

Question to senior members.
If US admits imposing conditions on F16 sales. Wont that hurt US arms sales to future customers???

As it gives the impression US likes to kiss and tell.??

There is no such restriction at first place. The moment they gave AIM-120s to Pakistan, all such speculations should had died down than.
WASHINGTON: The US State Department has refused to take a position on New Delhi’s complaint against Pakistan for using F-16s in an air combat with India, saying that it does not offer public comments on bilateral agreements.

“We have seen those reports and we’re following that issue very closely. I can’t confirm anything, but as a matter of policy, we don’t publicly comment on the contents of bilateral agreements... involving US defence technologies,” the department’s deputy spokesman Robert Palladino said.

Know more: Foreign journalists find holes in Indian narrative on F-16 usage, Balakot strike

At a news briefing on Tuesday, Mr Palladino said the US also avoided public discussions on communications with other countries about such issues.

“So we’re taking a look and we’re going to continue to take a look, and I’m going to leave it at that,” he said.

On Wednesday, New York Times journalist Maria Abi-Habib released a set of tweets saying that contrary to India’s insistence, Pakistan may not have violated its F-16 sales agreement with the US even if it used the American-made fighter jets to shoot down Indian aircraft last week.

On Feb 27, Pakistan Air Force announced that it had shot down two Indian aircraft inside Pakistani airspace when they tried to give chase to Pakistani jets.

Indian officials, however, complained that the aircraft used by the PAF to ingress into occupied Kashmir had included an F-16.

New Delhi insisted that Pakistan’s use of F-16 against India meant that Islamabad stood in violation of a sales agreement with the US, which reportedly restricts the fighter jets to be used for anti-terrorism activities alone.

However, Abi-Habib, the NYT’s South Asia correspondent, explained how Pakistan may not have committed a violation of its sales agreement with the US even if it did use F-16s to shoot down Indian jets (which the PAF says never happened). “The US says if Pakistan used an F-16 to shoot down an Indian MiG, it may not have violated sale agreement,” she tweeted.

“They say if India entered Pakistani airspace for a second day, and Pakistan used the jet defensively, the contract wasn’t violated. But, if Pakistan used an F-16 to attack India first, then deal was violated.”

Citing weapons experts and officials, Abi-Habib also put a question mark on the Indian Air Force’s claim that the AIM-120 missile’s remnant that was displayed by New Delhi was ‘proof’ of Pakistan’s use of an F-16 in the counter-strike to the Balakot incident. She also said US officials still do not have sufficient reason to believe that an F-16 was shot down by India, as claimed by the IAF.

Abi-Habib noted that despite its desire to strengthen its ties with India, the US was not endorsing the Indian version of last week’s events. She described the US reluctance as “very interesting”.

At the State Department briefing, Mr Palladino said the US was still engaged in “high level” but “quiet” diplomacy to reduce tensions between South Asia’s two nuclear-armed neighbours.

“We continue to urge both sides to continue to take steps to de-escalate the situation, and that includes through direct communication. And we believe strongly that further military activity will exacerbate the situation,” he said.

He noted that last week, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo played a direct and “essential role in de-escalating the tensions” when he spoke with leaders in both countries, including Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Published in Dawn, March 7th, 2019

India is such a cry baby............. watch this program and enjoy..

USA... most untrustworthy...

They are in a fix...
they want to sell WEAPONS to India...
Banning Pakistan will put them in bad light as armament trader...
they need Pakistan for Taliban talks...

Nothing is going to happen... matter would be dragged to keep the balance...
Dear Indians

Please come out from Bollywood world, we know that u believe in bollywood movies how they kill militants and do operations in Pakistan by filming all of these rubbish. one of ur hero kill every one, who's come to against him or his country.

Its not happens in Real LIFE
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