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US provided $ 6.5 million for training of voters in Pakistan: State deptt



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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The United States is looking forward to timely, free and fair elections that will result in the first civilian democratic transition of power in country’s history.

State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland answering a question during news briefing Friday said the US would be looking to the government of Pakistan with regard to any help or support they might need for the elections.

She however pointed out that the US do have a number of ongoing programs that support election – clean, fair elections in Pakistan. She said they are providing support through local organizations to encourage voter participation among groups that have historically low turnout, such as women.

Nuland said they also provide grants for two-way communication forums for citizens to discuss the election process.

“We also fund training for poll workers. The total amount of that assistance is about $6.5 million”. She however said that to date, they haven’t had any request from the Government of Pakistan for concrete support for the election itself.

To another question, she said this assistance has been given under Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill.

US provided $ 6.5 million for training of voters in Pakistan: State deptt | The Nation
What's the training for voters. I think how to eat maximum biryani or qeemay Waly nan. :devil:
US conspiring to rig Pakistan's election. A bad govt. will come and people will bring another Conspiracy theory. :D
KUTI SHORAAAN NAAAL RALI HOI HEY! we know which kind of training they provide!
What's the training for voters. I think how to eat maximum biryani or qeemay Waly nan. :devil:

If you are educated enough to understand how to vote properly that doesn't mean everyone knows.

Many poor people can't even read or understand the symbols or party names during exercising there vote.

If (I don't know about it) Pakistan is using electronic voting machines than the task becomes much tougher as one has to told that how you will make your vote count.

Many will be first time voters among them also.

I was also confused when i voted for first time in my life, was excited, but this excitation can make my vote irrelevant.

So better to be trained than to vote again for Pee Pee Pee ;) :lol:
If you are educated enough to understand how to vote properly that doesn't mean everyone knows.

Many poor people can't even read or understand the symbols or party names during exercising there vote.


No amount of training is enough to change the mindset of people in rural areas. They will vote for their overlords again and again and again.

The US knows this and yet their decision to "teach" people is questionable. They are knowingly setting up an excuse for the next government to get slammed with being a American puppet.
Why is U.S always thought to be so negative ? Yes at times they are evil but don't forget at the end of the day, the whole world is surviving because of them. Going by this news, i'm sure the money is in the right area. Fasala awam nay karna hain. They are encouraging, not discouraging. vote ke takath humaray paas hain.
If you are educated enough to understand how to vote properly that doesn't mean everyone knows.

Many poor people can't even read or understand the symbols or party names during exercising there vote.

If (I don't know about it) Pakistan is using electronic voting machines than the task becomes much tougher as one has to told that how you will make your vote count.

Many will be first time voters among them also.

I was also confused when i voted for first time in my life, was excited, but this excitation can make my vote irrelevant.

So better to be trained than to vote again for Pee Pee Pee ;) :lol:

Simply this money will be used to buy some people, may be TV channels. This amount seems to be less but I tell you actual expenditure is something different. We haven't yet forgotten 50 million $ US for media which Mrs Clinton accepted and its effects on Pakistani media. Keep a watch on election surveys.
US treating Pakistan as nascent and incompetent country. Time for Pakistan to grow some balls ask US to stop violating their sovereignty
No amount of training is enough to change the mindset of people in rural areas. They will vote for their overlords again and again and again.

The US knows this and yet their decision to "teach" people is questionable. They are knowingly setting up an excuse for the next government to get slammed with being a American puppet.

well said..spending billions wont do the job..
No amount of training is enough to change the mindset of people in rural areas. They will vote for their overlords again and again and again.

The US knows this and yet their decision to "teach" people is questionable. They are knowingly setting up an excuse for the next government to get slammed with being a American puppet.

Sir, India is a Democracy for 65 years, even than when it comes to General Elections, common populace has to be taught how to vote, there are crores among them who are first time voters. I an educated person, asked atleast 2-3 elders before going for my first vote. Imagine, than how an illiterate will be completely lost as to what to do when they come to vote.

Training is an IMPORTANT phase of any elections, a nation can't ignore it if it wants to make elections successful.

As far as US is concerned, who is asking Pakistan to take the money from it on the first place?? I am sure if the GoP have sufficient funds they are not being forced by Americans to take that money.

But, one has to accept the fact that under current economic conditions, Pakistan simply lack the funds.

So, America becomes a NECESSARY EVIL for Pakistan. You might hate it, but you can't change it.
Wow...money for training people how to vote....Dude...with that $6.5 million, they could have sponsered the scholarship of bright Pakistan students in American university.....That could have given them more credibility...
I agree with @arp2014 here, many people in urban don't even know how to vote, i have witnessed in rural areas that individuals thumbs are held by the polling station staff and they make them cast vote of their choice not by force but people don't even know what to do.

However i still don't approve of this move by US, pakistan needs to do this thing on its own
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