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US proposal of guarding Bangladeshi maritime boundary:


Oct 18, 2006
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New Age editorial (Today 10 February 2009)

US maritime co-op with Bangladesh
is wolf in sheep’s clothing

When the visiting US assistant secretary of state Richard Boucher expressed his country’s willingness to help Bangladesh in patrolling and protecting its maritime boundaries on Sunday, the offer had a terrifying resonance though dressed in the clothing of goodwill.

At a pre-departure press conference, even as Boucher sought to explain that his country had no plans to establish a permanent military base in Bangladesh, he brought up the possibility of cooperation in this area, as reported in Monday’s New Age. While the US asserts its naval and military dominance on the Indian Ocean through the use of its military base in Diego Garcia — one of the largest US military bases in the world — this dominance would extend into the Bay of Bengal if Bangladesh were to accept this evidently innocuous offer.

While Bangladesh has long standing maritime boundary disputes with neighbours India and Myanmar that have gone unresolved for the past 38 years, seeking a military solution, that too with the aid of US military prowess will likely be a deadly endgame in which Bangladesh might see its interests compromised, its standing in the region, and its territorial sovereignty, though US corporate and geostrategic interests may be served. Bangladesh, after all, finds itself at this critical juncture largely because successive governments since 1971 have shirked the responsibility of resolving the disputes over maritime boundaries, as have the establishment in Delhi and Yangon.

In fact, we find it unfortunate and malafide that both Myanmar and India engaged in pseudo-military brinkmanship with Bangladesh over the maritime disputes in the past year, possibly exploiting the fact that Bangladesh was at its most vulnerable point at the time, governed by an unelected interim regime. Both countries violated Bangladesh’s territorial sovereignty by sending in mineral exploration survey vessels flanked by navy ships. This is not the sort of neighbourly behaviour which builds confidence in the ongoing diplomatic talks on the maritime disputes. In this context, we urge the incumbents to initiate effective and pragmatic dialogue with Yangon and Delhi so that the culture of brinkmanship and opportunism is replaced with more meaningful processes.

In the meantime, we want to politely remind the people of Myanmar and India — and their respective governments — that a US naval dominance in the Bay of Bengal is as much a threat to their geostrategic interests and goals as it is to our territorial sovereignty.

Not only will the entire region find itself gradually succumbing to US military and consequently economic control, it is almost axiomatic now that a friendly alignment with US military-corporate interests earns nations more enemies than they can count, making small nations complicit in military aggression and corporate oppression that they can neither stop nor disown.

Under these circumstances, perhaps all three nations locked in maritime disputes will find it in their interests to seek a diplomatic solution resisting the mediation and pressure of third parties.
Where is oil in bangladesh...Anyway India wont let this happen..
Where is oil in bangladesh...Anyway India wont let this happen..

I dont think BD people will let it to happen a foreign base in BD soil. It does not require any Indian approval, US navy comes here quite often despite Indian protests and barking.
I dont think BD people will let it to happen a foreign base in BD soil. It does not require any Indian approval, US navy comes here quite often despite Indian protests and barking.

:) infact more than Bangladeshis, these will be Indians who will not want US arround in BD.

What you think if US is there would it not be good for BD ?
:) infact more than Bangladeshis, these will be Indians who will not want US arround in BD.

What you think if US is there would it not be good for BD ?
walk the talk..
Why you people are so upset about US forces in your backyard..If you are not ready for it then why should bangladesh..?
walk the talk..
Why you people are so upset about US forces in your backyard..If you are not ready for it then why should bangladesh..?

I am not favouring US presence in BD.

I am asking that more than Bangldeshis, the Indians are concerned over presence of US in BD.
I am not favouring US presence in BD.

I am asking that more than Bangldeshis, the Indians are concerned over presence of US in BD.
It is up to bangladesh what they want to do with their country..As far as my post is concerned I said US wont do anything like that without consultation with India..
There are two US objectives behind this proposal. The first relates to the huge gas and oil reserves in the Bay of Bengal very near our coast and within our territorial waters. The US would guarantee our rights which has been infringed by both India and Myanmar by exploring illegally in this area even before delimitation of maritime boundaries have occurred. BD should be careful that the US does not come to a separate understanding with India to exploit these reserves to our disadvantage. The second reason is they seek to police the Bay of Bengal which leads to the Malacca Straits which is the main route from the Middle East to China and also the principal source for oil coming to the Far East. The US would also want to keep observation on Myanmar and China
If Bangladesh give permission to US then there is no chance of Indian Navy to come near Bangladesh.USN will keep Indian Navy at bay.
If Bangladesh give permission to US then there is no chance of Indian Navy to come near Bangladesh.USN will keep Indian Navy at bay.

India is already having headach due to US presence in Indian Occean and now if US gets controle over Bay of Bengal then you can understand what will be Indian concerns.

I am not sure if US presence will benefit BD in long way.
friends its not india nor bangladesh that the us is trying to undermine its trying to put the chinese idea of string of pearls in the indian ocean as just an idea and limit its presence in the indian ocean.
Allowing US in BD will enrage our friend China.Although it will help to keep India and especially Myanmar at bay,but the cost is too much to pay for.
Enraging China is a problem,because they are our largest supplier of arms and we have economic ties with them.Other thing is that,US can't be trusted for arms.They will attatch lots of strings to it.


There are very high possibility that Bangladesh has huge reserves of gas and oil in Bay of Bengal.India already found large amount in their portion.
Where is oil in bangladesh...Anyway India wont let this happen..

It was OIL Indian for what Indian Ships came Looking for in Bangladeshi Waters.

Read this Again Dear.

Both countries violated Bangladesh’s territorial sovereignty by sending in mineral exploration survey vessels flanked by navy ships

Now USA has Heard about OIL and they are after it Now.
It is up to bangladesh what they want to do with their country..As far as my post is concerned I said US wont do anything like that without consultation with India..

Huh.. ofcourse they will consult with India like the way they consult with Russia before deploying anti missile shield and assure them that those are not aimed at Russia. But at the end they do it, and ofcourse they are aimed at russia. If they get a base in Bay of Bengal it will be aimed at China and rogues state like Myanmar and not aimed at India.. that is what they gonna tell.

Bay of Bengal is a lucrative strategic location for any super power as they can launch tomahauk cruise from here which could even reach Russia, without any anticipated retaliation as these have come through Indian Ocean to get them and will take month...

Also India is not a trusted partner for USA and they know it very well. They want India to counter China, the way they wanted China to counter Russia. Its all game bro...
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