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US professor who said Muslims, Christians worship 'same God' leaves college

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Would you extend the same courtesy to threads on hinduism, where Hindus are rampantly attacked by the members prominently featured on this thread? @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch ... I can recount a dozen of posts which are demeaning to hindus, on threads totally unrelated to religion, instead of discouraging such behavior I see rating magically disappearing for such members.
Albeit the grievance, wasn't discussing religion a banned topic on a defence forum? @HRK
I agree its a waste of time, expecting discussion which is objective and meant to be scholarly and not blatantly insulting. This forum specially is not designed for that even a debate among Abrahamic faiths.

I consider insults on Hinduism same as insults on Islam on my prt I ban people put red posts and amend my signatures
Prevention is best
Would you extend the same courtesy to threads on hinduism, where Hindus are rampantly attacked by the members prominently featured on this thread? @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch ... I can recount a dozen of posts which are demeaning to hindus, on threads totally unrelated to religion, instead of discouraging such behavior I see rating magically disappearing for such members.
Albeit the grievance, wasn't discussing religion a banned topic on a defence forum? @HRK
one has to have patience and some grace while discussing or commenting other religions.
if you look up the shorter versions of the debates held between "Shabbir Ali" or Shabir Ally with Dr William Lane or David wood or James white etc. you will see that all participants in those videos are respectful and polite to to others but also firm and certain about their view point.. Shabir Ali een explains to the audience that they shouldnt confuse the argument with his counter parts as a fight or some personal point scoring as he has debated with them for long time and has mutual respect

people can look up on youtube to get a gist of what I am talking about. the issue is .. you and I have the right to be offended when someone else analyses our faith, questions our belief system and its logic
both you and I, being grown up people can easily distinguish between a pure scholarly PoV vs. something Bill Mahr or some other unknown will make about ANY religion (Islam) or mock its practices and its .people .

like I said earlier. our forum members and our forum team is not designed and qualified to hold such debates and such discussions lead to some very vile and disgusting commentary towards the two major faiths on this forum followed by a majority of members.
the situation is not hopeless, do put your point across and report the offenders.. they are dealt with publicly and privately as well,

there is no problem from me if someone is commenting about my faith. but what I expect a learned person like you to do justice to your argument and be honest.
the way I read you, you question Muslims for having faith and placing Jesus PBUH in high esteem whereas their text dismisses the bloodline of Muhammad PBUH.

as if we should amend our faith and omit all Jewish prophets including Jesus PBUH from our belief system?

argument is flawed because

Christians suffer same mockery and disgust from Jews with some very vile and unthinkable commentary from Jews about Jesus but that doesn't stop them from showing respect in Jewish prophets like Moses, Yacob David etc...
secondly .. it is expected from those people of the book to dismiss later prophets in order to justify their own faith./.. such \action shouldn't affect a Christian or a Muslim and give up his faith and its basis.
My take is all these 3 religions I mean Abrahamic religions have the same root but all of them have distorted to some extend through the time ... that's why we see differences between them ... Moses left his people for 40 days and they started to worship Golden calf ... Jesus never called himself God but his people did and finally what happened to Moses happened to Mohammad too, his people followed everything except his teachings .... Mohammad acknowledged Jesus and Jesus acknowledged Moses ...
All of them worship Same God ...

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