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US professor who said Muslims, Christians worship 'same God' leaves college

Yes, I have the idea and knowledge which even can be understood by layman, if some points should be shown. Why the hell would Muslim wants to keep Judaism and Christianity as their "brother" religions?

Muslims (and Arabs) are considered as the descendents of Ishmael by the Abrahamics (Jews/Christian). But, what old testament says about the sons of Ishmael (Arabs and Islam):
Genesis 16:12
A wild donkey of a man he will be, his hand against every man, and every man's hand against him, living his life in defiance of all his kinsmen.

^^ How can such a group (Jews/Chrisitans) the same people as Muslim? See - Direct verses offending what Koran taught as the dearest son of Abraham..

A Hindu doesn't have to present views of Christians on this forum. There are plenty of Jews and Christians on here. You are misquoting the bible as its not in the old version. Here, I am putting the entire summary and a link for you. People who spread religious hate and flat out lie, and have never worshiped one God, instead everything shinny is a God to them, should stay away from this topic. Just setting the stage right. You write one more out of context statement, believe me, I'll start explaining Hinduism to you and you won't like it. Why does a Hindu women has to burn herself alive, when her husband dies????? This STILL happens in India. Warning taken? Respect other religions and I'll respect yours!!

Here's the scripture for you. When God wanted Ishmael to leave, Abraham was very sad and he went alone to pray to him. God promised him that Ishmael will have a nation given to him. Just like the story below explains:

Genesis 16:1-16; 21:8-21 – “God Was with the Boy” (Ishmael)
Hagar, the servant of Abraham and Sarah, bears a son by Abraham. He is showered with promises almost as extensive as those given Isaac. This raises the issue of how God will keep these promises to an "outsider."
Through Genesis 15, the story does not make clear the identity of the mother of Abraham's promised descendants (the specific promise regarding Sarah does not appear until 17:15-16), an issue not least in view of Sarah's barrenness. At the initiative of Sarah, Hagar is given to Abraham to enable him to bear children through her. There is no indication that this move is a lack of faith, for the identity of the mother has not been made clear by God and this means of bearing children was common in Israel and the ancient Near East (for example, 30:1-5).

Abraham becomes the father of a child through Hagar (named Ishmael at God's directive), and the story strongly suggests that he is a fulfillment of the divine promises (16:15-16). Indeed, Ishmael is at least thirteen years old before Sarah as a mother comes into view (16:16; 17:1).

In the wake of the birth of Isaac (21:1-7), a conflict within the family emerges, perhaps especially since Sarah is concerned about the place of her son Isaac's inheritance (21:8-11). As a consequence, Hagar and Ishmael are excluded from the family and wander at deep risk to their lives in the wilderness. But God comes to them where they are and preserves the lives of these outsiders. Indeed, "God was with the boy" (21:20; the same language that is used for Abraham in 21:22).

One of the most striking dimensions of these narratives is that God makes extensive promises to Hagar and Ishmael (16:10-11; 17:20; 21:13, 18). These promises are very similar to those given regarding Isaac (except for covenant, 17:21). What does it mean for God to speak such promises to outsiders and so commit the divine self to this unchosen community? What might such divine commitments mean to the descendants of Isaac and their relationship to the descendants of Ishmael? Where might the "chosen people" look for the fulfillment of God's promises? Is this fulfillment ongoing through the centuries into our own time? Might it be found among the present-day descendants of Hagar and Ishmael--that is, traditionally, the Arab people?

Enter the Bible - Books: Genesis

@Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence @Horus @Oscar : since when did we allow people from different religions to sound like PHD's, without any experience, and create hatred and divide among the world and speak on behalf of over a billion and half Christians and Jews???? Please ban this idiot before his trolling goes too far.
Yes, I have the idea and knowledge which even can be understood by layman, if some points should be shown. Why the hell would Muslim wants to keep Judaism and Christianity as their "brother" religions?

Muslims (and Arabs) are considered as the descendents of Ishmael by the Abrahamics (Jews/Christian). But, what old testament says about the sons of Ishmael (Arabs and Islam):
Genesis 16:12
A wild donkey of a man he will be, his hand against every man, and every man's hand against him, living his life in defiance of all his kinsmen.

^^ How can such a group (Jews/Chrisitans) the same people as Muslim? See - Direct verses offending what Koran taught as the dearest son of Abraham.

And I KNOW that it will offend religious Muslims, particularly this being a Pakistani forum. Still, I thought to show some of you the Jewish-Christian POV. Ostad's when teaching about Islam ALSO teaches the students about Christianity and Judaism in a Islamic point of view and that's the sole path through which they understand Judaism or Christianity. As an example, A Muslim assumes that his religion is respecting Christianity by calling Christian Son of God as a "Islamic prophet":tdown: ...And to show the divide - Is Allah means Father-Son and Rooha-Quedesha (Holy Spirit)? NO! That simple term will be enough to separate Islam from Christianity.

And even if Muslims are not people of the book, that does not stop humans from having a good relationship and respect. No need to look for people of the book and other (Believers vs Infidels) - We are all Human. - And Don't break that glass of water, I live among Sunni's. I know how uncontrolled animalistic anger unleashes when opposing view on religion is discussed with them. So, may be, buzz off.

Thanks for selective text to get some cheap brownie points
Jews have vey dim and completely derogatory view of Jesus .
I won't even right it here maybe you know already or you failed or chose to mention it because your target is Islam
Don't get into this discussion. It is not going to help you.
Jews do not believe Jesus as messiah , Christians do not believe Islamic version of Jesus, Islam do not believe Jesus as son of God. There are many contradictions and differences between these three religions.

Each religion claim theirs is the true religion and others are on the wrong path.

Judaism and Islam follow similar kind of doctrines and beliefs, but Christianity has evolved with time.
The point is that unless you know for certain that God exist and in which form, neither you nor the professor nor the college have exclusive claim on how to regard God or Allah or by whatever name. So all your 'proofs' are for naught.

And then there is this. You are right, the modern Science doesn't believe in God. Ask a scientist in Stem Cell research or a Cardiac surgeon. They'll both give you a different scientific explanation. They'll tell you the human body is like a Machine. If it breaks down like a Machine, someone will get sick and die.

They will also tell you, that if a Surgery goes as planned and all protocols are met, there is no human that should die.Like an Old running computer, it runs, but one of those days after years, you decide to open it for service, guess what? It dies and never runs again.

Similarly, the Stem Cell Scientists believe that they couldn't reproduce life and fix everything because the technology wasn't there. So if you have the tech in the next ten years, theoretically, all damaged hearts can be fixed, all cancers can be cured, all born diseases and birth defects can be resolved through re-using Stem cells.

For example, someone going through a Heart attack and having a scar tissue left (which results in weakened heart rhythm and majority of deaths post surgery), so 20 years from now, they'd scrape the scar off, put a Stem cell jelly on it (making it simple to understand), and the Heart will form brand new skin like the scar tissue never existed. Same with Cancers, Lung Disease, Brain Disorders, Bad Knees, Spinal Cord abnormalities, Arthritis, and etc, etc.

This is exactly like the Movie Terminator three, where the Nitrogen liquid forms whatever shape it wants to, call it Stem Cells in this case. Similarly, there is now a belief system that death by disease is a Genetic coding process. If you alter the sequence of Genes, you can alter disease and live longer, some experiments prove it. In fact, we know today, Cancer, Heart Disease, Blood Pressure and Diabetes (the 4 TOP killer diseases covering over 60% all deaths) are based on Genetics, or in some cases, due to the environment.

So yes, scientifically, the concept of God is heavily contested. Many say these things internally to not stand out from the main stream but its there.
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Thread rules: Only Muslims,Christians and Jewish people will do comparative analysis without any offence.Any nonsense will be highly discouraged.In case if "any" religion was targeted ,the poster can think of dire consequences.
Jews do not believe Jesus as messiah , Christians do not believe Islamic version of Jesus, Islam do not believe Jesus as son of God. There are many contradictions and differences between these three religions.

Each religion claim theirs is the true religion and others are on the wrong path..

I don't think you know what you are talking about....sure, and there are historical reasons for it. But NONE of these religions deny the existence of One God....or Jesus as the Messiah. At the end, everyone is waiting on Jesus to come back.....so whatever these three religions don't AGREE on.....makes no difference. Because the end is with Jesus and he killing the anti-Christ. There is no disagreement there. So that tells you that these are three different branches of the SAME belief system based on One God. Which is why the Bible (Genesis to be precise as that's what you quoted above), refers to Ishmael in a similar context it does to Isaac, and in Koran, its the same story and Jews and Christians aren't called the enemies, the enemies were the Idle Worshipers, who went against the concept of One God.

The Jews and Christians are called the people of the book and allowed family relationship between them, like through marriages and all). Now if these were different Gods, why would they tell these three separate religions to marry and form families among themselves? Use common sense. Humans have created divide like you are doing on here. The One God didn't. He wanted all of his believers to live peacefully and form relationships till the end. Whatever that end might be.

You never answer my question, why do women have to be burnt alive in Hinduism after their husbands are dead? Don't you think its an inhumane practice? Why is an Elephant considered to bring luck? When I've been to the Zoo in my Childhood, I had to bring the Elephant the Food.....he didn't even give me a Chocolate in return and I was expecting a million dollar check :o:o_O
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I don't think you know what you are talking about....sure, and there are historical reasons for it. But NONE of these religions deny the existence of One God....or Jesus as the Messiah. At the end, everyone is waiting on Jesus to come back.....so whatever these three religions don't AGREE on.....makes no difference. Because the end is with Jesus and he killing the anti-Christ. There is no disagreement there. So that tells you that these are three different branches of the SAME belief system based on One God. Which is why the Bible (Genesis to be precise as that's what you quoted above), refers to Ishmael in a similar context it does to Isaac, and in Koran, its the same story and Jews and Christians aren't called the enemies, the enemies were the Idle Worshipers, who went against the concept of One God.

The Jews and Christians are called the people of the book and allowed family relationship between them, like through marriages and all). Now if these were different Gods, why would they tell these three separate religions to marry and form families among themselves? Use common sense. Humans have created divide like you are doing on here. The One God didn't. He wanted all of his believers to live peacefully and form relationships till the end. Whatever that end might be.

You never answer my question, why do women have to be burnt alive in Hinduism after their husbands are dead? Don't you think its an inhumane practice? Why is an Elephant considered to bring luck? When I've been to the Zoo in my Childhood, I had to bring the Elephant the Food.....he didn't even give me a Chocolate in return and I was expecting a million dollar check :o:o_O
Dude check your post once again, Jews do not admit Christ as messiah, Christians do not admit finality of the prophet .

Every one claim their own version is the true path.

When Arabs first conquered sindh they realized that Hindus are Ahle khitab , but we believe in one cosmic soul and many forms of divine Dharma is entirely different to Abrahamic religions.
Only Muslims,Christians and Jewish people will do comparative analysis without any offence.
That's not fair, you banned me. :(
You missed the point of my post -- completely.

The point is that unless you know for certain that God exist and in which form, neither you nor the professor nor the college have exclusive claim on how to regard God or Allah or by whatever name. So all your 'proofs' are for naught.
Your point of view is based off of agnosticism, mine was based off of the scriptures and history. So we can't agree.
A Hindu doesn't have to present views of Christians on this forum
Not a Hindu. Unlike Pakistan, A lot of minority religious people survive in India. Shocker? Ancient Syriac Christian if that answers your doubt. You might've guessed how I knows all these things.
your target is Islam
Every religion has offending views against each other. I'm not against Muslims, they are not my enemies. If you go through my posts in this forum, I am one of the very few, openly expressing what Hindutva is. Yes, what I posted is surely TRP things, that shouldn't well go with average people, especially Muslims. No more replies from me.
Well she stated the fact, all 3 Abraham religions follow the same creator. They should have fired Pope John Paul-II for saying it too.
That is up to the Vatican and the Catholics. Not Wheaton College.
. .
Thread rules: Only Muslims,Christians and Jewish people will do comparative analysis without any offence.Any nonsense will be highly discouraged.In case if "any" religion was targeted ,the poster can think of dire consequences.

Would you extend the same courtesy to threads on hinduism, where Hindus are rampantly attacked by the members prominently featured on this thread? @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch ... I can recount a dozen of posts which are demeaning to hindus, on threads totally unrelated to religion, instead of discouraging such behavior I see rating magically disappearing for such members.
Albeit the grievance, wasn't discussing religion a banned topic on a defence forum? @HRK
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Not a Hindu. Unlike Pakistan, A lot of minority religious people survive in India. Shocker? Ancient Syriac Christian if that answers yourdoubt. You might've guessed how I knows all these things.

I don't need anything "ancient". I can see what the ruling Hindu nationalist party is doing to Indian minorities by killing them like animals. So please, keep your propaganda to yourself and post things where you have comand on the subject, or ask for content from others. Its pretty obvious you have no clue about the topic due to gossip and "statements" you've written before without support from the scriptures !!
Well she stated the fact, all 3 Abraham religions follow the same creator. They should have fired Pope John Paul-II for saying it too.

Well unfortunately they consider him basically a heretic so firing him would be no big deal to them.

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