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US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

King Fahad said : "Iran has been around for thousands of years and our nation has been around for thousands of years as well we can never cancel each other out, it is best to seek a way for us to sit in the same table and discuss our differences in a way of mutual respect"

I agree with him. Loved that person. May Allah bless him.
The case about Iran is different than other Arab countries. Iran is progressing in a manner such that in 5 years time there will be significant changes to their capabilities, on the other hand i dont see much change happening in Arab countries when it comes to home grown defense equipment. So even if the arab countries combined can match Iran now, in the near future they wont be able to.
Iranians and arabs would have to be stupid to fall for america and israeli stirring shix between them. We are all muslims and as such we should think a million times before any hostilities take place. can you imagine if arabs turks iranians and pakistanis etc spoke with one voice. We must sort out our issues and face outwards instead of inwards judging each other or siding with zionists and west. The fault lies with the leaders not our people
The case about Iran is different than other Arab countries. Iran is progressing in a manner such that in 5 years time there will be significant changes to their capabilities, on the other hand i dont see much change happening in Arab countries when it comes to home grown defense equipment. So even if the arab countries combined can match Iran now, in the near future they wont be able to.

The Arabs do buy billions of dollars worth of defense equipment. The Saudis recently had a ToT deal with the BAE over Typhoon jets.
The thread title should be broke american liars have no money and are gonna now rip of some arabs and sell weapons that can only be used against american enemies
Iranians and arabs would have to be stupid to fall for america and israeli stirring shix between them. We are all muslims and as such we should think a million times before any hostilities take place. can you imagine if arabs turks iranians and pakistanis etc spoke with one voice. We must sort out our issues and face outwards instead of inwards judging each other or siding with zionists and west. The fault lies with the leaders not our people
:lol: Where do you think your leadership came from?
The case about Iran is different than other Arab countries. Iran is progressing in a manner such that in 5 years time there will be significant changes to their capabilities, on the other hand i dont see much change happening in Arab countries when it comes to home grown defense equipment. So even if the arab countries combined can match Iran now, in the near future they wont be able to.

Here is where you are wrong. Iran holds a parade over every nail they make pn the other hamd we ourselves are also working on our things I admit Iran DOES make more things however we are well on our way Into catching up with them that and we are also making use of the glbal economic crisis and are getting loads of ToTs from planes to tanks to missiles to AESA radars which are extremely ugh tech. Wait a couple of years still and you will see yourself.

---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 PM ----------

The thread title should be broke american liars have no money and are gonna now rip of some arabs and sell weapons that can only be used against american enemies

Actually all new weapons deals MUST contain complete ToT which is the new GCC policy. In the future the GCC will be a confederate and will have a single army and this army must have complete ability to wrk together in a way similar to NATO and the only way to do it is through making our weapons. The visions is not 1-2 years from now the plan has been set and the goals charted and planned to be completed by 2025.
Most Middle Eastern leaders are dictators.
Dictators or not, your leadership came from you. Not US. If it was something as simple as plopping a guy into a chair, give him a sceptre, and proclaiming him 'King', we would be ruling the world by now. But even if we have a puppet in our pocket, we would still have to find someone with sufficient local support, knowledgeable about the country, greedy, shifty eyes, blackmailable if possible, and so on and so on...

Bottom line is this: The mess that is the ME is your doing, not ours. We only exploit what/who is willing to deal.
Dictators or not, your leadership came from you. Not US. If it was something as simple as plopping a guy into a chair, give him a sceptre, and proclaiming him 'King', we would be ruling the world by now. But even if we have a puppet in our pocket, we would still have to find someone with sufficient local support, knowledgeable about the country, greedy, shifty eyes, blackmailable if possible, and so on and so on...

Bottom line is this: The mess that is the ME is your doing, not ours. We only exploit what/who is willing to deal.

Bangladesh is not in the Middle East :P

But, I'm sure there'll be changes and that no war takes place between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

But hey, the US is also a huge supplier of military equipment to those countries.
Bangladesh is not in the Middle East :P

But, I'm sure there'll be changes and that no war takes place between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Have you not noticed how almost ALL articles sites etc. That talks of military confrontation between Iran and Arabia and that talk of possible war and enmity between them are NEVER from a Saudi source. On fact Saudi sources only bring Iran in casual news form with no hidden messages or anything you are more than free than seeing Saudi news sources of it.

On the other hand look at Iranian media filled with propaganda hate and brainwashing.
Have you not noticed how almost ALL articles sites etc. That talks of military confrontation between Iran and Arabia and that talk of possible war and enmity between them are NEVER from a Saudi source. On fact Saudi sources only bring Iran in casual news form with no hidden messages or anything you are more than free than seeing Saudi news sources of it.

On the other hand look at Iranian media filled with propaganda hate and brainwashing.

I don't know, the Iranians seem a little crazy in my opinion. I do not think the Iranians identify too much with the current regime. They simply didn't want a pro-US lapdog during the Shah days, which was one of the causes of his downfall. I simply dislike their current regime.

Let me tell you something.

When the British first came into Bengal (my place) many eons ago, they did implement the divide & conquer rule. Through the East India Company, they engineered a model that caused various feudal lords against one another.

At times putting up a pig's head on a mosque and a cows head on a temple. This trend in renewed tensions continued during the 300 year British rule of India. During the last days of British rule, communal rioters were often equipped with British weapons. Many industries destroyed in the process. And that was partly the reason why Pakistan was created.

I have come to believe that it is this very same process that some of the Western powers are undertaking, particularly the USA. But they haven't actually fully mastered the art as the British. They just don't have the brains nor the experience.

An Iran-Saudi war will benefit no one but the USA. And to a limited extent, Israel.
Dictators or not, your leadership came from you. Not US. If it was something as simple as plopping a guy into a chair, give him a sceptre, and proclaiming him 'King', we would be ruling the world by now. But even if we have a puppet in our pocket, we would still have to find someone with sufficient local support, knowledgeable about the country, greedy, shifty eyes, blackmailable if possible, and so on and so on...

Bottom line is this: The mess that is the ME is your doing, not ours. We only exploit what/who is willing to deal.

In case u forgot the so called ME, countries and its borders were drawn by west ( particularly france , GB)

Time will till who will squash who.
How on earth could you possible defeat Iran? you guys are so backward, You buy some dowgraded planes now all of a sudden you think you're some superpower in the region. Iran would squash you in minutes, what will you do when few thousand of their missiles come down on your nation? all you have over Iran is a newer airforce.

I am not trying to be nasty buddy, i am just saying what i think.
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