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US preapring for Another WAR

Really. Some military vehicles being transported around in the US and the Indians and Pakistanis get orgasms on PDF :D

Now on a more serious note..guys please cut out the personal attacks. Mr Z..you are a senior member on this forum. To the rest of the keyboard warriors including Mr Z, this is an internationally accessed forum. Please stop playing to the gallery. You guys are an embarrassment to your sub-continent, no matter what your ages are
I dont need to watch movies or read novels to know what happened.

My village (Parachinar) was one of the main transit points for the mujahideen, given the proximity to Afghanistan which is literally just over Pewar valley.

you were probably not even a fetus at the time......
Large Amount of Military Good are being shifted to east coast of USA from all regions

This has been reported by several people they have seen military goods moving to eastern and western ports of US

So you assumed that US is preparing for another war? We may make different conclusions from these types of transportation. May be i next few days purpose of these military movements will clear.
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I think its your people who marry dogs and other animals.

this thread went to junk real fast. No point in delving further.

enjoy your stay (while it lasts) at PDF.

boom boom indeed!

as the wise man once said SHUT UP

and as for as animal marriage in my country here is the secret they are pakis in sheep's skin so we fcuk them good

by the way all your abuses won't get you banned huh???
This has been reported by several people they have seen military goods moving to eastern and western ports of US
Credibility of the report ? Military goods keep moving ... Whats so special this time ?
USA forces cant hold much longer in Afghanistan ... Opening a new conflict with Pakistan will be absolute nightmare
Dont ever think that Pakistan is some country with no navy or airforce like USA is used to dealing with

he is an indian you dumb a**
Keep your mouth in check ! An Indian with Vietnamese flag ? Are you typing under the influence ?
Probably the redaction of Obama's withdrawal policy from Afghanistan.Here's hoping he gets the boot in the upcoming elections and a Republican takes over the reins.
weak reply......try again later after some rest.

i used to stack people like you 5 feet high and use them as sand-bags. That's why i laugh when some short indian who talks cheap on the net tries to issue threats like that. I mean, really dude?



Thats from Gran Torino!
All offensive posts here are reported ... Expect mods action any time
Some false flaggers are once again resorting to their desperate attempts to prove points
I think its your people who marry dogs and other animals. this is your second or third time mentioning indecent 'activity' with animals --first goats now dogs? Just sayin!! :lol:

this thread went to junk real fast. No point in delving further.

enjoy your stay (while it lasts) at PDF.

boom boom indeed!

hmmm is that the case ?
lets take a look on these two links

********.com - Exclusive: ?Pure? Pakistan?s Internet Perverts

********.com - Afghani Man has special relationship with sheep.
tjpf & kaislerlaut are the same person, as far as IP addresses are concerned

it's one bi-polar malnourished indian talking to himself on a net forum to feel good.....from this point onwards just ignore this dot-headed troll.

as for the topic itself -- i don't see a war breaking out between both countries because too much is at stake for both. Diplomatically however things have been on a steady to sharp decline as of late. The spats will likely continue to ensue as long as NATO forces are bogged down in Afghanistan and they look for scapegoats to blame.

Yo ex dalit. Didn't your fore fathers used to be low caste Hindus before your Turkish or Persian or whatever masters converted you by slapping chappals on your ***.

I know it's too bloody tough for you to recall your genelogy because as mixed breed you actually forgot who you are.
Stop with these silly insults guys, and Abu stop talking about malnutrition, 50% of Pakistani kids are now malnourished. Both countries have work to do, least we can do is not make fun of their misfortunes.:tdown:
All offensive posts here are reported ... Expect mods action any time
Some false flaggers are once again resorting to their desperate attempts to prove points

judging by his erratic posts, it's probably that dude Santro or whoever banned just less than a week ago......was making multiple accounts.

'visa' policy on this forum is too lax, but o well.
judging by his erratic posts, it's probably that dude Santro or whoever banned just less than a week ago......was making multiple accounts.

'visa' policy on this forum is too lax, but o well.

hey dude how about your erratic post huh!!
go fcuk goat:drag:
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