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In an apparent snub to Trump for insulting the Gold Star family, many high ranking Republicans are sympathizing with the Khan Family.


The highest ranking elected Republican, Speaker Paul Ryan said, "Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military, and made the ultimate sacrifice," Ryan said Sunday afternoon. "Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan —should always be honored. Period.”

He also said: “America's greatness is built on the principles of liberty and preserved by the men and women who wear the uniform to defend it. As I have said on numerous occasions, a religious test for entering our country is not reflective of these fundamental values. I reject it." Link:usflag:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "Captain Khan was an American hero, and like all Americans, I’m grateful for the sacrifices that selfless young men like Capt. Khan and their families have made in the war on terror," McConnell said in a statement Sunday. "All Americans should value the patriotic service of the patriots who volunteer to selflessly defend us in the armed services."

"As I have long made clear, I agree with the Khans and families across the country that a travel ban on all members of a religion is simply contrary to American values," McConnell said. Link:usflag:

Senator John McCain sharply criticized Donald J. Trump’s comments about the family of a fallen Muslim Army captain, saying, “While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.”

“In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents,” he wrote of the parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan. “He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States — to say nothing of entering its service. I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers or candidates.” Link:usflag:


Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, said the Khans deserved the utmost respect: “I am appalled that Donald Trump would disparage them and that he had the gall to compare his own sacrifices to those of a Gold Star family.” Link:usflag:

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said on Sunday that Mr. Trump had crossed another inviolable line. Like his comments about Judge Curiel, Mr. Graham said, Mr. Trump’s jabs at Mr. and Ms. Khan were unacceptable. “This is going to a place where we’ve never gone before, to push back against the families of the fallen,” he said.

He added, “The problem is, ‘unacceptable’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.” Link:usflag:

Representative Mike Coffman of Colorado, a Republican who served in combat as a Marine and now represents a crucial swing district in the Denver suburbs, said Mr. Trump had disrespected American troops. “Having served in Iraq, I’m deeply offended when Donald Trump fails to honor the sacrifices of all of our brave soldiers who were lost in that war,” Link:usflag:

Texas Republican Rep. Mac Thornberry wrote, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee in a statement that said he was "dismayed" by Trump's remarks. "Service to our country is above politics," Link:usflag:

Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said , I remember how much I worried about my son Matt during his years of active duty. The Khans have made the greatest possible sacrifice for our country; they deserve to be heard and respected. Link:usflag:

New Hampshire Republican Party Chair Horn added, “As the mother of a United States Marine, I am appalled by Donald Trump's comments regarding the Kahn family and stunned by his lack of understanding for their sacrifice.” Link :usflag:

The REAL scum bag is the person who trotted them poor people out there in the first place. Killary has no shame.

...He has to be a pathological liar to be lying about so inconsequental a thing.

You don't even want to get into a 'who lies more' thing. Killary has shitloads of lies under her belt. Going back to when Bill was banging all those chicks and she covered for him by slandering Bills' babes while HE lied about it. Bengazi. Bosnian 'under enemy fire' landing. Emails...... She's learned from a real bullshit artist. Bill. :rofl:
Look up Bill Clintons draft record. Artful Dodger, to say the least. Plus, being the 'leader of the free world' he could have ... and then looked into the cameras a hundred times and lied about it. And then, he was impeached for it. Good guy.:rofl:

Yes he was, yes he did but no he wasn't, Boomslang man!
But while I agree that Clinton was not a good guy, neither
was GWB but that is no excuse to vote in a moron again!?!

I know America survived bad presidents as a good democracy
would but still, from the Washingtons, Rosevelts and Kennedys
down to a Trump*, that can't be good for nation, now can it?

I have very little esteem for Hillary ( calling her Killary while being all
gunho and bellicose is a logic flaw BTW )
but absolutely none for Trump!

If even half of the undecided voters agree with me, you're well on
your way to 12 years min. of Dem. Prez?

I mean, check RabzonKhan's post right above yours :

Ryan, Mc Connell, Mc Cain, Graham, Thornberry ... we're not citing
socialists exactly here! And yet condemnation is widespread ...
The GOP got outflanked by its lunatic fringe as most classic Right
parties in Europe 10 yeas ago, no big news.

But no reason to dishonour the presidential office ( or servicemen ) either.

Food for thought, good day to you, Tay.

* That's more than a step down, more like a stair to the sub-basement.
He was impeached by the House, BoomS but got acquitted by the Senate!
That is why he didn't have to vacate office! I agree it was a farce and yet ...

He thus became the second US prez after Andrew Johnson ( with much
more pressing charges of high crimes & misdemeanors ) to be cleared.

Just historic facts, not a judgement call here, Tay
Yes he was, yes he did but no he wasn't, Boomslang man!
But while I agree that Clinton was not a good guy, neither
was GWB but that is no excuse to vote in a moron again!?!

So we vote for a dishonest person who mishandles secrets because she wants too ? Who wants to let in 65,000 people we know nothing about. She's been told as much by all the security agencies but she wants what SHE wants. She claims to support women yet her foundation (Even Trump doesn't have one of them ) takes millions of dollars from countries that don't let women drive, sells them for marriage at young ages, stones adulterers.....Killary claims to want to 'crack down' on Wall Street yet she has taken around $ 60,000,000 from them while Trump has taken $19,000. We could go all day. KILLARY !!!:usflag:

I have very little esteem for Hillary ( calling her Killary while being all
gunho and bellicose is a logic flaw BTW )
but absolutely none for Trump!

So now you are a psychoanalyst ?

If even half of the undecided voters agree with me, you're well on
your way to 12 years min. of Dem. Prez?

And if half agree with me ? Same thing going the other way, chief.

I mean, check RabzonKhan's post right above yours :

Ryan, Mc Connell, Mc Cain, Graham, Thornberry ... we're not citing
socialists exactly here! And yet condemnation is widespread ...
The GOP got outflanked by its lunatic fringe as most classic Right
parties in Europe 10 yeas ago, no big news.

And it would be easy for me to list generals and senators for Trump. Go look into it yourself.

But no reason to dishonour the presidential office ( or servicemen ) either.

When did he 'dishonor' servicemen ?

Food for thought, good day to you, Tay.

* That's more than a step down, more like a stair to the sub-basement.
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Look up Bill Clintons draft record. Artful Dodger, to say the least. Plus, being the 'leader of the free world' he could have banged any chick he wanted yet he banged a fat one, left his spunk on her dress and then looked into the cameras a hundred times and lied about it. And then, he was impeached for it. Good guy.:rofl:

In an apparent snub to Trump for insulting the Gold Star family, many high ranking Republicans are sympathizing with the Khan Family.

View attachment 322509

The highest ranking elected Republican, Speaker Paul Ryan said, "Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military, and made the ultimate sacrifice," Ryan said Sunday afternoon. "Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan —should always be honored. Period.”

He also said: “America's greatness is built on the principles of liberty and preserved by the men and women who wear the uniform to defend it. As I have said on numerous occasions, a religious test for entering our country is not reflective of these fundamental values. I reject it." Link:usflag:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "Captain Khan was an American hero, and like all Americans, I’m grateful for the sacrifices that selfless young men like Capt. Khan and their families have made in the war on terror," McConnell said in a statement Sunday. "All Americans should value the patriotic service of the patriots who volunteer to selflessly defend us in the armed services."

"As I have long made clear, I agree with the Khans and families across the country that a travel ban on all members of a religion is simply contrary to American values," McConnell said. Link:usflag:

Senator John McCain sharply criticized Donald J. Trump’s comments about the family of a fallen Muslim Army captain, saying, “While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.”

“In recent days, Donald Trump disparaged a fallen soldier’s parents,” he wrote of the parents, Khizr and Ghazala Khan. “He has suggested that the likes of their son should not be allowed in the United States — to say nothing of entering its service. I cannot emphasize enough how deeply I disagree with Mr. Trump’s statement. I hope Americans understand that the remarks do not represent the views of our Republican Party, its officers or candidates.” Link:usflag:


Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, said the Khans deserved the utmost respect: “I am appalled that Donald Trump would disparage them and that he had the gall to compare his own sacrifices to those of a Gold Star family.” Link:usflag:

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said on Sunday that Mr. Trump had crossed another inviolable line. Like his comments about Judge Curiel, Mr. Graham said, Mr. Trump’s jabs at Mr. and Ms. Khan were unacceptable. “This is going to a place where we’ve never gone before, to push back against the families of the fallen,” he said.

He added, “The problem is, ‘unacceptable’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.” Link:usflag:

Representative Mike Coffman of Colorado, a Republican who served in combat as a Marine and now represents a crucial swing district in the Denver suburbs, said Mr. Trump had disrespected American troops. “Having served in Iraq, I’m deeply offended when Donald Trump fails to honor the sacrifices of all of our brave soldiers who were lost in that war,” Link:usflag:

Texas Republican Rep. Mac Thornberry wrote, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee in a statement that said he was "dismayed" by Trump's remarks. "Service to our country is above politics," Link:usflag:

Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said , I remember how much I worried about my son Matt during his years of active duty. The Khans have made the greatest possible sacrifice for our country; they deserve to be heard and respected. Link:usflag:

New Hampshire Republican Party Chair Horn added, “As the mother of a United States Marine, I am appalled by Donald Trump's comments regarding the Kahn family and stunned by his lack of understanding for their sacrifice.” Link :usflag:

So a group of corrupt wall street politicians who have the blood of Iraqis, Libyans, & Syrians on their hands oppose Trump? Trump must be doing something good.

Pictures worth a thousand words.

You don't even want to get into a 'who lies more' thing. Killary has shitloads of lies under her belt. Going back to when Bill was banging all those chicks and she covered for him by slandering Bills' babes while HE lied about it. Bengazi. Bosnian 'under enemy fire' landing. Emails...... She's learned from a real bullshit artist. Bill. :rofl:




A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines

"It is always as amusing as it is aggravating to witness the speed with which the intolerant atheists of the political Left can, when the situation calls for it, suddenly switch on a dime and profess such love and empathy for Christianity and, in this case, Islam. The latest display of this hypocrisy is evident in the sudden "rock star" status bestowed upon one Khizr Khan, father of Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan, a Pakistani-Muslim-American soldier killed in the Iraq War, in 2004.

In this arcticle by Maggie Haberman (cough cough) and Richard Oppel (cough cough), Papa Khan is cast as the righteous victim-hero who dares to defy the evil anti-Muslim bigot who would be King. Whether Papa Khan knows it or not, this is just a goof-ball script straight out of Hollywood. Sulzberger's Slimes and the Demonrat Party couldn't possibly care any less about some dead Muslim soldier or his offended parents. Papa Khan is either a pathetic fool who can't see that he is being used, or there are some shekels coming his way in gratitude for the "historic" anti-Trump speech which he delivered during last week's Demonrat Convention in Filthydelphia. Bravo, Papa Khan, bravo -- and a shout-out to Mama Khan for her silent pictures routine.

Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times are aware of our disdain for Orange Man's ignorant obsession with the fictional phenomenon that he insists we must call "radical Islamic terrorism." However, in this particular case, we are compelled to defend Orange Man from the nasty attacks of this ignorant alien buffoon who seems to believe that his loss affords him some special moral authority that absolves him of the burden of logical thinking. Sorry Khan-Man -- nobody gets a logic pass at The Anti-New York Times!"

Continued @ http://tomatobubble.com/khizr_khan_vs_donald_trump.html

A site concerned with new world order serving to push the owner's sales
of his books / mags on a global Jewish conspiracy and insults Mr Khan
& actually pretty much everyone else?

Good, it will save time not to have to trust your links anymore, Tay.
The REAL scum bag is the person who trotted them poor people out there in the first place. Killary has no shame.

You don't even want to get into a 'who lies more' thing. Killary has shitloads of lies under her belt. Going back to when Bill was banging all those chicks and she covered for him by slandering Bills' babes while HE lied about it. Benghazi. Bosnian 'under enemy fire' landing. Emails...... She's learned from a real bullshit artist. Bill. :rofl:

Republicans did the same in their convention, so if that's the way you are arguing it's a wash.
:edit: The people speaking on either side also weren't 'trotted' out. They made their own decisions to show up and speak in support of their candidates even if they were invited by the respective campaigns. In Mr. Khan's case he wrote his own speech and fully memorized it.

I do agree that the number of speakers were a trap though. The campaign expected Trump to be unable to control himself, to fall for any number of hooks they placed in the convention. Hillary said so herself that he can't control himself.

These people made their own decision to show up, but I do think their was more than that to them showing up, and Trump took the bait.

Trump had any number of positive ways to respond, but instead he blundered in exactly to expectations. Regardless of his feelings and views, he handled it in the worst way possible. His hardcore supporters will follow him regardless, they'd follow him if he shot someone according to his own words, but we can see how he has damaged his support outside that core constituency. He chose the hill that his campaign will very likely die on. He will have to fight for what should be safe core red states like Georgia.

Republicans have tried to pin the blame on Hillary for Benghazi in SEVEN investigations and they still couldn't come up with anything, let it go.

Have you ever seen Hillary lie about something so inconsequential as NFL sending a letter to him about their dissatisfaction on the time of the presidential debates? Something that there is really no need to lie about? No obvious benefit and something so easily proven wrong by the organization in question?

Oh yea, now Trump is laying the groundwork for after the election. He knows he is going to lose, and so hes shaping the narrative already. I hope he doesn't try dodging the debates.


Trump’s already got an excuse for a November loss: the election will be “rigged"

He is going to go all the way. If he can't win, he'll try to disrupt the peaceful transition of power as much as possible. He will foment civil unrest with his accusations designed to soothe his bruised ego.

If he's going to do this I hope he slips up and goes too far so he can be arrested for inciting a riot.

He cant be charged for just saying the elections are rigged, but if he starts saying his supporters should take it to the streets and doesn't specify peaceful protesting, or if he says to start a revolution I think he could be charged, I know the actual republicans wont stand behind him while he takes a sh*t all over our history of peaceful transition of power and the democracy we have.
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