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Only a despicable person lacking any morals would exploit someone else's death to emotionally manipulate voters.

Khizr Khan’s Feel Good Story

Khizr Meme 2.jpg

Donald Trump has laid out a plan to ban immigration “from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism.” Consider the following:

1.) Pakistan ranks #4. on the Global Terrorism Index. In other words, Pakistan is worse than Syria and Somalia. Of all the countries in the world, only Iraq, Afghanistan, and Nigeria have a worse problem with terrorism.

2.) Pakistan is one of the most anti-American countries in the world. A year ago, The Washington Post celebrated the fact that anti-American sentiment in Pakistan had declined from 80 percent to only 59 percent. Pakistan is still a dangerous country where Americans are routinely attacked and kidnapped by Islamic terrorists.

3.) Pakistan is a safe harbor for the Taliban which the US has spent 15 years fighting in Afghanistan.

4.) Pakistan sheltered Osama bin Laden within its borders for years.

5.) Finally, I knew I had written something about Pakistan recently, and a quick search of the archives revealed that it was the terrorist attack by the Taliban that targeted Christians in Pakistan on Easter. I guess that went down the memory hole.

The Constitution is not a passport for any Muslim terrorist who wants to come here from Pakistan. The United States would be foolish to encourage immigration from one of the most anti-American, terrorist-infested countries on earth. In 2012, 75% of Pakistanis considered Americans to be their “enemy.” The cuckservatives and the liberals who are cooing over Khizr Khan’s feel good speech at the DNC should watch the video below from Easter to refresh their memories about who they are inviting to come here.

If trump "hasn't sacrificed anything" for his country, as this individual claims, then what has his candidate Hillary sacrificed?

The only thing she's managed to do is get herself involved in numerous corruption scandals.

We all know how fond Hillary Clinton is of Muslims. In fact she's so fond of Muslims that she managed to destroy three Muslim countries, causing the deaths of millions of Muslims and a massive refugee crisis.

Hillary Sadistic Meme.jpg
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The demagogue seems to be in hot waters after the Russian hackers comment. The idiot actually tried to take his remarks back by saying he was only being sarcastic. :omghaha:

If the leftist media didn't 'conveniently' edit the clip you'd be able to hear that he WAS just goofing. Find the WHOLE clip. Listen to his next sentence. At 13: 36, after he 'asks' Russia to hack Killarys emails he says,' Let's see if THAT happens' in a clearly sarcastic tone.

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Only a despicable person lacking any morals would exploit someone else's death to emotionally manipulate voters.

Its despicable of you to attribute such cold-hearted intentions to the father and mother. You know exactly why they are speaking, and you know exactly that Trump responded in a way that not only showed the least amount of empathy, but showed an absolute thin skinned idiocy that continues to show him unqualified for dealing with the chaotic realm of global politics.

The only silver lining is this will continue to be revealed to the American people, as Trump simply can't control himself, Tiny hands Trump is just that insecure.

Hillary will trounce him in the debates, and she will win in November.
Its despicable of you to attribute such cold-hearted intentions to the father and mother.
Facts hurt, i know. If that shameless individual really honored his son he wouldn't be supporting the woman who voted for the useless war his son died in.

Lets see if Killary Rotten Corruption will win when more than half of Democrat voter base refuses to vote for her :lol:
Its despicable of you to attribute such cold-hearted intentions to the father and mother.....

Do you think Killary gives a rats @ss about those people ? As long as she has something to gain she'll keep trotting them out there. When they outlive their usefulness, they're gone. Killary is shameless.:usflag:
Do you think Killary gives a rats @ss about those people ? As long as she has something to gain she'll keep trotting them out there. When they outlive their usefulness, they're gone. Killary is shameless.:usflag:
How people easily forget that Killary bombed the living sh!t out of Muslims in the middle east is beyond me.
How people easily forget that Killary bombed the living sh!t out of Muslims in the middle east is beyond me.

That doesn't bother me that much. Afghanistan was clean. Iraq #2 and Libya were mistakes. For me, among hundreds of other things, is her nonchalant way of handling State Department info. You just know that EVERYONE hacked the shit out of her. All because she didn't want to have two smart phone. She knew it was wrong but she didn't care. And the Clinton Foundation is a cash cow for her and Bill. She talks about womens rights yet she takes millions from countries that stone women for adultry and restrict their rights. She bitches about Wall Street but no one has gotten more money from them than Killary. And I'm sure Bill can't wait to get back to the White House, and all those young interns and secretaries. :bunny:
Do you think Killary gives a rats @ss about those people ? As long as she has something to gain she'll keep trotting them out there. When they outlive their usefulness, they're gone. Killary is shameless.:usflag:

I think those people give more than a rats *** about their country, and I think what you think Hillary thinks about them is pretty irrelevant to what she actually thinks.

You are guessing on what Hillary thinks, we know what Trump thinks.

Facts hurt, i know. If that shameless individual really honored his son he wouldn't be supporting the woman who voted for the useless war his son died in.

Lets see if Killary Rotten Corruption will win when more than half of Democrat voter base refuses to vote for her :lol:
Oh please, you don't care one way or another, you will say and do anything to justify Trump, including try to (badly by the way) shame a father with the memory of his own dead son into voting for the candidate you want him to vote for, regardless of his interests.

Thankfully Trump will not win, he simply doesn't have the self control, and that will continue to show, as he has to reply to any and all insults against him. His campaign staff cant stop him, he will dig his own grave through actions just like this.

Mr Tiny hands, thin skin is pretty much gonna embarass his staff and poison the well for any who supported him, because I don't think he's capable of embarassing himself.

As for the voting, it will only get better with the debates:usflag:


Trump Complains About Debates Conflicting With NFL Games
He also said that the NFL wrote him a letter complaining about the scheduling of debates at the same time as football games


NFL denies sending Donald Trump letter over presidential debates

He has to be a pathological liar to be lying about so inconsequental a thing.
I think those people give more than a rats *** about their country, and I think what you think Hillary thinks about them is pretty irrelevant to what she actually thinks.

You are guessing on what Hillary thinks, we know what Trump thinks.

Oh please, you don't care one way or another, you will say and do anything to justify Trump, including try to (badly by the way) shame a father with the memory of his own dead son into voting for the candidate you want him to vote for, regardless of his interests.

Thankfully Trump will not win, he simply doesn't have the self control, and that will continue to show, as he has to reply to any and all insults against him. His campaign staff cant stop him, he will dig his own grave through actions just like this.

Mr Tiny hands, thin skin is pretty much gonna embarass his staff and poison the well for any who supported him, because I don't think he's capable of embarassing himself.

As for the voting, it will only get better with the debates:usflag:




He has to be a pathological liar to be lying about so inconsequental a thing.
I can care less who he votes for. But he is a shameless man for using the death of his son to emotionally manipulate voters. At least spare the dead from politics.
I can care less who he votes for. But he is a shameless man for using the death of his son to emotionally manipulate voters. At least spare the dead from politics.
tbh there was some of that from both sides, but the way the liberal media has covered it is shameful.

Benghazi mom = tragedy p0rn, Muslim immigrant dad = powerful moment, evil Trump etc

All major cities are run by Democrats and they're a mess.

Well, NYC is not doing so bad and San Diego, a major at 1.3M pop.
is run by a Republican. Maybe the American voters simply don't want
the same officials as those who cannot run a Congtess they control?

Anyway, on the Khan debate, those with the right to a voice think Trump tripped too :


Mr Khan was allowed to point out his son's gift to the nation because he is not
using it to favour a candidate over another but to prevent a man who called for
banning a whole segment of Americans on a religious basis which is forbidden
in the US by virtue of the Constitution, the very one he waved that evening.

In any case, that draft dodging Donald doesn't get to talk about military personnel at all!

8 student deferments and then this active sports participant in school suddenly
got put on the back burner for service due to an unspecified medical exemption.

Something smells fishy and yet, the low life has a negative opinion on parents of
a highly decorated KIA member of the Armed Forces and draws a wrongful rebuke
from his religious narrow mindedness and that although he's not religious himself?

No respect for this kind of clown, Tay.

P.S. Edit added :
"It is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party," McCain said. "While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.
"Lastly, I'd like to say to Mr. and Mrs. Khan: thank you for immigrating to America. We're a better country because of you. And you are certainly right; your son was the best of America, and the memory of his sacrifice will make us a better nation -- and he will never be forgotten."
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, said in a statement: "This is going to a place where we've never gone before, to push back against the families of the fallen. There used to be some things that were sacred in American politics -- that you don't do -- like criticizing the parents of a fallen soldier even if they criticize you."


Of course, McCain would dislike Trump who said about him that he prefers
those that were no captured in ref. to McCain's captivity at Vietcong's hands.
Graham on the other hand is a classic conservative.
At the very least, this showed that Muslims are not always blamed in America
and on occasion lauded.
Sadly, it took a Trump invective ( A tautology, I know! ) to showcase that.
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Republican senator slams Trump for disparaging family of slain Pakistani-American soldier
Published: August 1, 2016

US Republican Senator John McCain. PHOTO: AFP

WASHINGTON: Republican Senator John McCain slammed Donald Trump Monday for disparaging the Muslim family of a slain Pakistani-American soldier, and demanded that his party’s presidential candidate set an example for the country.

“While our party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us,” McCain said in a statement.

It was the latest in a mounting Republican backlash against Trump’s bristling response to Khizr Khan, the Pakistani immigrant who galvanised the Democratic National Convention with a tribute to his dead son in which he rebuked the billionaire Republican nominee as having “sacrificed nothing” for the country.

NY Post runs nude image of Trump’s wife

Army captain Humayun Khan was killed in Iraq in 2004, in an explosion at a military compound.

McCain, whose heroism as a former prisoner of war Trump once put down, stopped short of withdrawing his endorsement of the Republican nominee, but said he could not “emphasise enough how strongly I disagree with his statement.”

“It is time for Donald Trump to set the example for our country and the future of the Republican Party,” he said. He praised captain Khan as a “shining example” of bravery and valor.

“When a suicide bomber accelerated his vehicle toward a facility with hundreds of American soldiers, Captain Khan ordered his subordinates away from the danger. “Then he ran toward it,” McCain said.

“The suicide bomber, striking prematurely, claimed the life of Captain Khan — and Captain Khan, through his selfless action and sacrifice, saved the lives of hundreds of his brothers and sisters,” he said.

Donald Trump responds to slain Pakistani-American soldier’s dad: ‘I have made sacrifices’

He thanked the Khan family for immigrating to America, saying, “We’re a better country because of you.”

In one of several tweets he has fired off in recent days over the controversy, Trump wrote Sunday: “I was viciously attacked by Mr Khan at the Democratic Convention. Am I not allowed to respond? Hillary voted for the Iraq war, not me!”

Trump was referring to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Trump is a cowardly draft dodger, who avoided the draft on five separate occasions.

VoteVets releases Gold Star Family Members letter to Trump, demand apology for all Gold Star Families

“Ours is a sacrifice you will never know. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know.” :usflag:

WASHINGTON, DC – Family members of twenty-three fallen service-members are writing to Donald J. Trump today, expressing their dismay at his treatment of the family of CPT. Humayun Khan, and demanding an apology. The letter was organized by Karen Meredith, a Gold Star mother who serves as Military Families Coordinator for VoteVets.org.

The letter is below:

August 1, 2016Donald J Trump725 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10022
Mr. Trump,

We are all Gold Star Families, who have lost those we love the most in war. Ours is a sacrifice you will never know. Ours is a sacrifice we would never want you to know.

Your recent comments regarding the Khan family were repugnant, and personally offensive to us. When you question a mother's pain, by implying that her religion, not her grief, kept her from addressing an arena of people, you are attacking us. When you say your job building buildings is akin to our sacrifice, you are attacking our sacrifice.

You are not just attacking us, you are cheapening the sacrifice made by those we lost.

You are minimizing the risk our service members make for all of us.

This goes beyond politics. It is about a sense of decency. That kind decency you mock as "political correctness."

We feel we must speak out and demand you apologize to the Khans, to all Gold Star families, and to all Americans for your offensive, and frankly anti-American, comments.

We hope you will hear us.


Diane and Neil Santoriello, Mother and Father of 1LT Neil Santoriello, KIA, Iraq

Summer Lipford-Mickelson, Mother, Frederick Sirko, Father, Kirby Mickelson, Stepfather, Laura Sirko Samimy and Bridget Sirko Gentle, Sisters of PFC Steven Sirko, KIA, Iraq.

Sue and Randy Loudon, Mother and Father of 2ndLt. Christopher Loudon, KIA, Iraq

Melanie House, Widow of HM3 John Daniel House, KIA, Iraq

Derek and Lorene Davey, Mother and Father of Cpl. Seamus M. Davey, KIA, Iraq

Celeste Zappala, Mother of SGT. Sherwood Baker, KIA, Iraq

Sue Niederer, Mother of 2LT Seth Dvorin, KIA, Iraq

Fulvio and Gilda Carbonaro, Father and Mother of Sgt. Alessandro Carbonaro, KIA, Iraq

Karen Meredith, Mother of 1LT Ken Ballard, KIA, Iraq

Sergio Torres, Father, Lupe Torres, Mother and Beatriz Saldivar, Aunt of SGT Daniel Torres, KIA, Iraq

MG (Ret.) Paul D. Eaton, and Frank Eaton, sons of Col. Norman Eaton, KIA, Vietnam

Stephanie Fisher, mother of SSG Thomas Fogarty, KIA Afghanistan

Norma and Oscar Aviles, parents of Lcpl. Andrew J. Aviles, KIA Iraq

Cheryl Lankford, widow of CSM Jonathan"Miles"Lankford Sr., KIAIraq

Carlos and Melida Arredondo Father & Step-Mother to Lcpl. Alexander Arredondo, KIA, Iraq

Florence Sandra Penn , sister of 1 LT Charles Penn Jr , KIA Korea

Nadia McCaffrey, mother of SGT Patrick McCaffrey, KIA Iraq

Xiomara Mena, Mother of CPL Andy D Anderson KIA, Iraq

Annette Pritchard, Aunt of PFC William Ramirez, KIA Iraq

Paula Davis, Mother of PFC Justin R. Davis , KIA Afghanistan

Nooshin Razani, Sister of SPC Omead Razani, KIA Iraq

Christina Ayube, Mother of Sgt James Anthony Ayube II, KIA Afghanistan

Keavin Duffy, Brother of SGT Shane Duffy KIA Iraq
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Trump is a cowardly draft dodger, who avoided the draft on five separate occasions....

Look up Bill Clintons draft record. Artful Dodger, to say the least. Plus, being the 'leader of the free world' he could have banged any chick he wanted yet he banged a fat one, left his spunk on her dress and then looked into the cameras a hundred times and lied about it. And then, he was impeached for it. Good guy.:rofl:

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