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Trump Leading Crooked Hillary In Latest Polls:


@Nilgiri @ultron @Falcon29
May the trend continue as seen in that.

So much booing in the DNC intro videos its hillarious.

They seem to have filled the audience in with more paid hillary supporters now though hehe.
You're for trump? :o:
Red, white and where? What happened to the American flag at the DNC?
By Aaron Sharockman on Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 at 2:40 p.m.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump noticed something on the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

No American flags.

"Not one American flag on the massive stage at the Democratic National Convention until people started complaining-then a small one. Pathetic," Trump tweeted July 27, 2016.

Trump said the Democrats caved and added flags after he and others noticed.

Is that true?

Well, there is some evidence to the fact.

A false flag?

Some people noticed the flag missing during the first day of the convention on July 25, 2016. The conservative Daily Caller wrote "No Visible American Flags Present At The Democrat Convention."

"The Daily Caller is at the Democratic National Convention Monday and it doesn’t look like there are any American flags. The stage is bland and grey, with no red, white or blue present. A thorough look at the crowd present also turns up no American flags," the website wrote.

Some went further, saying the flag actually was banned at the DNC.

But what about Trump’s more-tempered claim that there was "not one American flag on the massive stage at the Democratic National Convention"?

Capture the flag

We’re here at the DNC and have seen American flags at the Wells Fargo Center. The issue -- to the extent that Trump and others are making it an issue -- surrounds the stage that Democrats built in Philadelphia.

The stage includes huge video boards that serve as the main visual element for delegates in the arena and viewers on TV back at home.

One of our editors, Amy Hollyfield, snapped this photo before the convention opened July 25, 2016. It shows the set-up we described … and sizable virtual American flags on the video board.

But where Trump and some people may have a point is that there did not appear to be physical flags on the stage during the first night of the convention.

A physical flag did appear during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. You can see it, if you don’t believe us, at 31 minutes into this video of the convention’s proceedings.

But when the color guard left, so did the physical flag.

Trump also has a point that flags were added to the stage, starting with the second day of the convention July 26, 2016.

But it wasn’t just one, and they weren’t necessarily small.

Here’s a pre-flag photo from Bernie Sanders’ speech on the first night of the convention, taken by Stephen Crowley of the New York Times.


And here’s a photo from Ruth Fremson of the New York Times from the next night.


It may be hard to see, but the DNC did add a series of flags along the edge of the stage. You can see them in the shadows in the righthand side of the photo.

Here’s a better view. This photo was taken by Stephen Crowley, also of the New York Times.


We asked DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda why flags were added to the stage Tuesday (and why they weren’t there Monday). If we hear back, we’ll let you know. We also reached out to the Trump campaign but did not hear back.

Our ruling

Trump said on Twitter, "Not one American flag on the massive stage at the Democratic National Convention until people started complaining-then a small one. Pathetic."

Trump has a point that physical flags (plural) appear to have been added to the stage for the second day of the Democratic National Convention, after some stories reported the lack of flags.

Trump is partially accurate. We rate the claim Half True.

Update: After we published, and thanks to a reader, we came across photos from the day before the convention, July 24, that showed flags on the wings of the stage. Here is a photo of the flags from Josh Haner of the New York Times:


So the flags were in place before the convention started and removed for the first day ... but reappeared on July 26. We still haven't heard back from the DNC explaining what happened.

This whole fiasco could have been avoided if Sanders was the nominee. Oh well, enjoy the chaos America... :hitwall:
:rofl: The Democratic National Convention is a MESS!!! Bernie supporters are rioting and charging the Police.

If Hillary can't even unite her own voter base, how will she unite the country??
What a inspiring moment, an American-Pakistani Khizr Khan, the father of Captain Humayun Khan, whose son gave his life to protect his fellow soldiers, (Khan was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart) kicked Trump on the face! :usflag:

Transcript of the speech given by Khizr M. Khan on Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia:

Tonight, we are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.

Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy — that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.

We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams.

Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers.

Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son "the best of America."

If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.

Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."

Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

We can't solve our problems by building walls and sowing division.

We are Stronger Together.

And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next President.




@Taygibay @Arsalan @Mugwop @F-22Raptor @AMDR @anon45 @Syed.Ali.Haider
Yeah, that was a great moment and on all news media today.

Purple Heart says it all : A big flock you to Trump!

Glad it came out, Tay.
Hillary is back, I’m lovin it! :usflag:


Clinton leads Trump by 6 points after Democratic confab: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a 6- percentage-point lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll with new wording that was released on Friday, the day after she formally accepted her party's nomination for the Nov. 8 election.

Nearly 41 percent of likely voters favor Clinton, 35 percent favor Trump, and 25 percent picked "Other," according to the new July 25-29 online poll of 1,043 likely voters, which overlapped with the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Read more

Rasmussen poll: Clinton leads Trump by 1 point

The poll finds that Clinton has 43 percent support compared to Trump's 42 percent among likely voters polled by the conservative-leaning Rasmussen. Another 10 percent of respondents like another candidate, and 4 percent are undecided. Read more
What a inspiring moment, an American-Pakistani Khizr Khan, the father of Captain Humayun Khan, whose son gave his life to protect his fellow soldiers, (Khan was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart) kicked Trump on the face! :usflag:

Transcript of the speech given by Khizr M. Khan on Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia:

Tonight, we are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country.

Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy — that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings.

We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams.

Our son, Humayun, had dreams of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers.

Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son "the best of America."

If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America.

Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."

Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

We can't solve our problems by building walls and sowing division.

We are Stronger Together.

And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next President.


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@Taygibay @Arsalan @Mugwop @F-22Raptor @AMDR @anon45 @Syed.Ali.Haider
Very powerful speech, today the parents gave interview to MSNBC with full details of what happened. They never came to any political rallies before until this DNC. All in all Captain Humyun is a great role model for muslim and Pakistani Americans.
More on that speech with video in first link :



Excerpts from second link :
During one GOP debate late last year, one Muslim said the election is like watching political football -- and American Muslims aren't playing for either team. They're the football.
So when Khizr Khan, the father of a slain American soldier, took the stage at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night and shook his copy of the Constitution at Trump, you could almost see the collective fist pump from Muslims across the country.
"At a time when Islamophobia is growing thanks to hateful demagogues like Donald Trump, it was heartening to see the Democratic party give a prime-time slot to the father of a fallen Muslim-American soldier who rhetorically slapped Donald Trump in the face with his pocket-size Constitution."
Khan, whose son, Army Capt. Humayun Khan, 27, died from a suicide bombing in Baghdad 12 years ago, said Trump's shifting proposals to ban Muslims from entering the country would have prevented his late son from serving in the military. The Khans, originally from Pakistan, immigrated to the United States in the 1970s from the United Arab Emirates.
"Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?" Khan asked Trump. "Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America -- you will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one."
"I've seen #KhizrKhan's speech a few times now," tweeted Wajahat Ali, a journalist and writer. "It takes a Desi Muslim uncle to remind America of its core values & freedoms," he added, using terms of endearment for older South Asian immigrants.

Humayun Khan's Arlington page :

Great day all, Tay.

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