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He's right. Crooked Hillary and co. will try to cheat him just like they cheated Bernie for the Democrat Nomination.

You and your propaganda, please explain how did they cheated Bernie?

Hillary Clinton won 3,775,437 more popular votes than Bernie

Hillary 15,805,136

Bernie 12,029,699 Link

And here’s more news for you, enjoy!

But Clinton has consolidated her support among primary voters who backed Bernie Sanders as well. Before the convention, Clinton garnered only 78 percent of Sanders supporters last weekend, with 12 percent going to Trump, 6 percent voting for neither and 4 percent voting for a third party candidate.

But now, 91 percent of Sanders backers say they will vote for Clinton and 6 for Trump, who has predicted that the Vermont lawmaker's supporters will come to his side. Link
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And still he joined their party and has one of them as his VP.:D

He had very limited options to choose from. He had to appease the party bosses in order to put up an image of unity in the party.

Sometimes you have to make concessions for political reasons.
Bills DNA dripping down the front of Monicas' blue dress enough for me.
That's but one girl, not a whole little black book?

And your use of DNA was unusually discreet of you, LOL.
I had another 3 letters word in mind. :whistle:

Still, this is "tha Net" so pics pliz!

Good evening, Tay.
If Trump were president in 2004 Capt. Khan, thousands of other American sons and daughters and countless Iraqis' would still be alive. Trump was against the Iraq war. Killary voted FOR the war so in a way she had a hand in Capt. Khans' death. I wonder if the Khan family knows about that bit of info ? Way to go, Killary !!:usflag:
Trump is a liar, the fact is, he supported the war. In an interview to Howard Stern, when Stern asked him if he supports invading Iraq, Trump said, yeah, I guess so.

And when the war started, he gave an interview to Fox News and all what he was talking was about the stock market and how the market will benefit from the Iraq war, blah blah blah.
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He had very limited options to choose from. He had to appease the party bosses in order to put up an image of unity in the party.

Sometimes you have to make concessions for political reasons.
Congratulations, Trump has become a politician! :D
...Still, this is "tha Net" so pics pliz!

Good evening, Tay.

He admitted to banging Jennifer Flowers for years, too. This is a subject you shouldn't even be trying to argue. Bill's banging chicks and they aint Killary. And it hasn't been Killary for a long time.:bunny:
He had very limited options to choose from. He had to appease the party bosses in order to put up an image of unity in the party.

Sometimes you have to make concessions for political reasons.

Trump couldn't give 2 sh*ts about party unity


The Republican party is gonna shatter with him as their representative. The Republicans will become a permanent opposition, the hardcore trump at whatever cost alt rights will start their own party (lets just call it the Trump party) that will get a perpetual 5 percent or so, and the Democrats will be the party in charge for a generation, or until the conservatives unify again.more likely both the main parties move left as the hardest right members of the party render themselves politically irrelevant.
EVERY politician is a bullshit artist. Some are better than others. If they weren't they wouldn't be politicians. Killary voted FOR the war.:usflag:

That Slate article gives the context and the nuance.
Election Update: Is Clinton’s Lead A Bounce Or A New Equilibrium?

By Nate Silver AUG 2, 2016 :cheers:

Hillary Clinton continues to poll strongly in surveys conducted after the Democratic National Convention, which show her having received a convention bounce and gaining a meaningful lead over Donald Trump. The polls are coming in quickly enough that it’s somewhat futile to tick them off one by one, but here are some highs and lows as of 10 a.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday:

  • Clinton’s smallest lead in any fully post-DNC national survey is 5 percentage points.1 She achieved that 5 percentage point lead in several polls, such as this one from Public Policy Polling.
  • Her largest lead is 15 points, in a poll from RABA Research. That poll is something of an outlier, though, with most polls showing Clinton’s lead in the 5- to 8-point range.
  • Clinton’s largest bounce in any national poll, as measured in comparison to another survey by the same pollster conducted with a full set of interviews after the Republican National Convention, is 13 percentage points. That comes from a CNN survey, which showed her turning a 5-point deficit into an 8-point lead.
  • And her smallest bounce in any such survey is from YouGov, which had her lead growing from 2 percentage points to 5 points, a 3-point bounce.
There are some hints that Clinton’s post-convention lead over Trump will eventually settle in at about 7 percentage points, give or take a couple points. The biggest tip-off is that both the national polls and the state polls we’ve seen so far look similar to the ones we were seeing in June, when Clinton maintained a lead over Trump of about 7 points after wrapping up the Democratic nomination. Since Clinton and Trump were roughly tied after the GOP convention, a 7-point lead for Clinton would mean she’d gotten about a 7-point bounce, double the size of Trump’s.

FiveThirtyEight’s forecast models aren’t used to seeing a lot of 7-point overnight shifts, which rarely occur outside the conventions. (In recent elections, they’ve also rarely occurred during the conventions, with most convention bounces looking more like the modest one Trump got.) So the models may still need another day or two to catch up. Read more

This is a subject you shouldn't even be trying to argue. Bill's banging chicks and they aint Killary.

Man, I'm French too, remember? Our diminutive king of consensus
A.K.A. indecisive in chief prez is apparently doing every tall homely
girl he can find in a ten miles radius from the Élysée.
It's just that it really doesn't matter in the French setting as long as it
doesn't bear on state matters.

The guy that sent America to the Moon was quite a dog too, you know?
And heck, Trump's on his third trophy wife!

Up to a point, being a player is probably a pre-requiste for the job ...

Anyhow, GN, Tay.
He admitted to banging Jennifer Flowers for years, too. This is a subject you shouldn't even be trying to argue. Bill's banging chicks and they aint Killary. And it hasn't been Killary for a long time.:bunny:

What we're loosing sight of is not how many chicks Bill is banging, it's that Bill is one of historys greatest bullshit artists ( 'It depends on what your definition of 'is' is.') and he's taught Killary for 40 years how to spin shit.

Man, I'm French too, remember? Our diminutive king of consensus
A.K.A. indecisive in chief prez is apparently doing every tall homely
girl he can find in a ten miles radius from the Élysée.
It's just that it really doesn't matter in the French setting as long as it
doesn't bear on state matters.

The guy that sent America to the Moon was quite a dog too, you know?
And heck, Trump's on his third trophy wife!

Up to a point, being a player is probably a pre-requiste for the job ...

Anyhow, GN, Tay.

Jacque Cousteau had chicks everywhere. When he died, tons came out of the woodwork wanting a slice of his cash.:bunny:
I've done a lookthrough of the leaked emails using dnc as the keyword. The most i've seen is a definite preference for Hillary, which is not surprising given the different status of Bernie and Hillary in the party. One is an outsider, the other is a veteran party member.

I haven't seen any smoking gun that the DNC rigged the primaries though. If you have smoking gun proof about DNC supported vote rigging and not just dnc staffers complaining about Bernie, please provide a link to the relevant DNC email, or an article with the relevant DNC email, so I can look through for it.

My point is not about bulletproof proofs, but about suspicion and perception. See post 889 from the French guy.

To me, a hard rig would be something like what Stalin said on who counts the votes matter, reprogram the computer, or lost ballots. A soft rig would be bribery, procedural maneuverings, or media collusion. Remember 'journolist' ?


That is a soft rig.
The problem is that he does have a point, and that there will be enough skeptics of the process to side with him. Further, enough of those skeptics will come from the Bernie Sanders camp.

What the DNC did was no different than dictatorships who claimed %99 of the votes. Not %100 because that would be too obvious. %99 will do just fine.

Trump is not doing this for love of country but for love of Trump and the Trump brand. If he does not become President, even if he lose any appeal in any way, he can still later declare how magnificent he was when he ran for President that how that office was taken away from him. He will work hard to portray himself a victim with no parallel in American history. You were a black slave and your children taken away from you ? Pfft. Nothing compares to what I have suffered at the hands of the Democrats.
You have been in the US for a considerable time.....how long do you recon the republicans will continue listening to Trump even after he looses? If you look at McCain or Romney they didn't continue to have the following after they lost but Palin held on to it(among a certain fringe of the party...but she's stuck to it)....Do you think Trump will be like Palin or McCain/Romney? Because that's what matters....not what Trump cries about but whether the Republican voters stay loyal to him.
You have been in the US for a considerable time.....how long do you recon the republicans will continue listening to Trump even after he looses? If you look at McCain or Romney they didn't continue to have the following after they lost but Palin held on to it(among a certain fringe of the party...but she's stuck to it)....Do you think Trump will be like Palin or McCain/Romney? Because that's what matters....not what Trump cries about but whether the Republican voters stay loyal to him.
If Trump lose the Presidency, I predict he will be abandoned faster and farther than Sara Palin.

Call Palin goofy, if you will. But at least she is honest about what kind of political person she is, which is a genuine conservative and Republican. The Trumpsters that I know, once pressed, admit that they know what Trump is, which is a political chameleon. Their support for Trump is more the need for a vehicle to focus and express their frustrations at 'establishment Republican' in general and at Washington DC in particular, than that somehow Trump have adequately convinced them that Trump is a genuine conservative and Republican. In other words, they know the man is a fraud. It is not that they have been 'taken in' into the fraud, it is that they do not care.

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