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Why Black Voters Are Turning to Trump

By Karin McQuillan
September 14th, 2018


The growing positive attitude of black voters towards President Trump is the wildcard in the coming midterm elections. It is real and it is expanding. Polls are showing anywhere from 20 percent to 36 percent of blacks approve of President Trump. The Democrats even may have lost 11 percent of black women.

The cracks in the black Democrat bloc voting are one of the most consequential results of Barack Obama’s presidency and the phenomenal effectiveness of President Trump’s pro-business policies. This could be a historic turning point.

Measurable Progress

Trump’s economic policies have improved the lives of black Americans, just as he promised they would during the election. Unlike Obama’s media hype, Trump’s progress is as real and as solid as his buildings. Black unemployment continues to fall. Good manufacturing jobs are coming back. Paychecks are rising, too.

The roots of this political watershed in the black community are more complex than job figures and will last beyond Trump’s tenure. I have been listening for hours to ordinary black Americans on the #Walkaway movement’s YouTube channel. This is a movement of former Democrats explaining why they are leaving their party. While each face, voice, and story is unique and fascinating, there are some striking recurring themes.

Ironically, the change seems to have started with President Obama’s election.

President Obama raised the hopes of black Americans to the highest they’ve been since Martin Luther King. The entire country expected he would devote himself to getting blacks better schools, more jobs, higher wages, and safer neighborhoods. Instead, Obama ignored those bread-and-butter needs. His signature initiative was to send Eric Holder to stoke up publicity and fear in the wake of the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown shootings.

In the short term, hyping fake white racism and police brutality worked to stanch the bleeding in black turnout in the 2012 election. In the long term, however, Obama’s reliance on racial fear and grievance increased black suffering. He broke people’s hearts and blew up many black voters’ loyalty to the Democrats.

The #Walkaway videos are remarkably consistent on that score. Obama got them paying attention to party politics for the first time. Next came the emotional roller coaster, as joy turned to disappointment. Obama’s identity politics agenda, now amplified by progressive Democrats, was a cynical ploy and it has become is a total turn off to those now paying attention. These black voters hate illegal immigration. Obama marked the end of their romance with the Democrat Party, not a new beginning.

Surprised by the Truth

Few of these ex-Democrats voted for Trump, but they were willing to give Trump a chance after the election. They find Trump Derangement Syndrome ludicrous. In fact, they love what he is doing. They appreciate the jobs he is creating, and they share his patriotism.

They are listening to—in some case meeting—deplorables and finding them kind, decent, and not racist.

A last, and very interesting theme, is after Obama got them engaged, most of these black Democrats started doing research on the internet. They were riveted learning the history of the Democratic Party. They care deeply and viscerally about slavery. What a shock to discover they had been lied to about it all their lives.

President Lincoln was not a Democrat, as they’d been led to think in school. It was not Republicans who were the party of racism, but Democrats. They learned for the first time that Democrats were slave owners. Over and over, they share their surprise at learning the Democrats are the party of Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan. Democrats are the party that destroyed the black family. Bill Clinton set off the explosion of black incarceration. They are done permanently as Democrats.

This is a revolutionary change of perspective on the identity of the two parties. It was mentioned in almost every video I watched.

Virtually every video begins with a statement like this one from a GenX woman: “I always followed the crowd. . . . Everybody is supposed to be a Democrat. Black people vote Democrat . . . . We were taught Republicans are all bad, racist, only care about the rich. I fell for that for quite a long time.”

Same words from a young business major: “I never truly chose the Democrat Party. Being the family I’m in, the area I’m in, the color I am. Everyone was Democrat by default . . . I never heard anyone debate any political issue . . . I was on a conveyor belt of ‘next Democrat’ . . . never had any information . . . I didn’t know which side was left (or) right. I was so uninformed, so many people around me uninformed.”

A working guy sounds a similar theme: “Way back when I was a kid, I was taught Republicans were evil white people who didn’t want to share with black people. Black people were Democrats. . . . there was a black party and a white party . . . I voted straight Democrat . . . I finally stopped voting . . . They’re all greedy, just another white man in the White House . . . I forgot all about it to be honest . . . didn’t know who was in office.”

Obama Raised Hopes—and Dashed Them

President Obama got millions of blacks interested in following politics for the first time in a long time. “Hope and change” was not an empty slogan to them. They felt it, deeply, emotionally. Even uninterested, cynical, disengaged people allowed themselves to get invested.

A young vet speaks for many. “I was so happy, I cried. I can’t believe I live in this day and age. I was told this would never happen because white America hates black people. That’s how I was raised . . . I was into him . . . I joined the military ’cause I wanted to serve Barack Obama.”

Another woman expressed what many others also said: “[Obama was] so eloquent, seemed intelligent, real cool . . . thought he’d try to get the inner cities together, get better education for black children. That’s what I assumed. Make things better for black people.”

A Millennial man who first voted in 2012 repeats the typical story. Obama got him interested. “This is going to be historic.” He began to do “binge political researching.”

Obama got these supporters involved, and euphorically hopeful. Then he let them down.

“As soon as he got in office, this dude started going sideways . . . this isn’t what we voted for,” the Millennial says. Obama focused on getting money and votes from greens, gays, feminists, and illegals, and used race-baiting to keep the black vote. They noticed nothing got better.

These are people who did not have the luxury to make excuses for Obama. Many in the black community are enduring real suffering—not the snowflake variety. They were looking for results, not left-wing virtue signaling. Obama broke the spell. Here was the ultimate Democrat who had a shot to come through and improve black lives, and he fired blanks.

Under Obama, says a YouTuber who calls himself “That Black Dude,” “I watched my paycheck decrease from $860 . . . after four more years to 690 bucks every two weeks . . . I can’t survive like this . . . and the news kept telling me that everything was great . . . this was the hope and change, and we have to get used to unemployment.”

“They just make promises and don’t do anything,” says another young black woman, “and our communities . . . education for our children are still jacked up . . . I didn’t see any progress for Americans, for working, everyday average Americans . . . Obama, all these promises he had not made and weren’t being kept.”

“Democrat Party have no plan, no direction, no future, no way of looking at growth . . . growing on hate is not what this country should be, wants to be,” says a man who goes by the handle “NtenseFit Way.”

A thoughtful young man explains his thinking in a video well worth your time:
All [Democrats] want to do is monetize white guilt . . . it’s not really productive, man, because we never address the core issues . . . . [Democrat] policies do not work . . . enough is enough. It is time to break the cycle. Me, I made a decision, man, I can no longer support the Democrat Party. Because they are not the party for black people, they’re not even the party of America. They are such a far-Left socialist party . . . I don’t know who they’re working for—it ain’t us. In every state they run . . . opportunities diminish . . . their policies are failed. . . . I can’t do it anymore. I’m conservative.
Some blame Obama by name. Many do not. But his failure to help, or even try, was their final break with the Democratic Party.

“All you seen since you were a kid and you were black were promises on things they were gonna change, things would become better. All you seen, things have become worse,” says a man who identifies himself as an ex-felon.

He asks and answers: “Who’s responsible, who’s running this system? It’s the Democrats. Destroyed the black family. Destroyed the black home . . . . They come every four years and they take take take and they don’t give you shit back. I’m tired of it, tired of the excuses.”

Identity Politics is a Loser

Hillary Clinton tried to follow in Obama’s footsteps with identity politics. But many black men feel targeted by feminism. Others are appalled by the Democratic Party’s promotion of abortion, which disproportionately targets black communities. Black men and women are furious that illegal aliens seem to receive better treatment from Democrats than American citizens. Intersectionality is failing to unite them with the other privileged grievance groups. These voters realize their interests are not identical or even similar to leftist politics.

Hillary personally was a turn-off and her corruption was appalling. A former Bernie Sanders supporter expresses his disgust, which extended from Clinton to all progressives, eventually including Sanders himself. “The thing that completely opened my eyes like someone threw cold water on you in the middle of the night . . . was the DNC rigging the election,” he says. “Those emails . . . money laundering through the Clinton Foundation . . . the whole shit show . . . The motherf—-r had all the questions to the debate, and she still lost the f—ing debate . . . starting with the election and past two years, male bovine excrement and f—ery coming from liberals.”

The progressive Democratic Party has no positive message for blacks. “Party of victimhood. Party of excuses,” says Hermes Justin Wilson. “Those who see themselves as eternal victims will always stay that way . . . using black people as a stepping stool . . . keeping them low by having them stuck in this mindset.”

And then Donald Trump happened. Trump was not a turn off to them. He is familiar. Trump was known and liked by many blacks because of “The Apprentice.” They are fine with his braggadocio and outsized personality. They admire his success as a businessman. Some know his reputation as a friend of blacks. Some were willing to give him a hearing and a chance.

Even those who did not vote for Trump are open about how much they love him now. President Trump is delivering, big time, on jobs, on crime, on actually improving their daily lives.

Making Patriotism Cool Again

Trump is delivering on another thing a lot of these #Walkaways care about: patriotism and unity.

“We live in the greatest country on earth and I am proud to be an American,” says a well-dressed man who calls himself YG Nyghtstorm. “I am so happy to see so many of my fellow citizens standing against hatred and putting America first.”

Vanessa Rogers says: “I’m proud to say I’m an American. I love my country . . . Trump is doing a fabulous job.”

A Millennial who calls himself Mike Nificent says: “I am all about personal responsibility, individual liberty . . . I believe in the Constitution, I love America. I’m proud, I’m patriotic.”

A gay woman with the handle Bethegoldenera Ray explains: “I’m realizing conservative is not bad. It’s American values. I want free speech. I want the right to bear arms . . . .The only thing I heard the right say is get up, make something of yourself, this is America . . . why would people want socialism in this country? As a gay, black woman who is all about equality, I cannot believe the (Democrat) party I once believed in is so anti-American.”

The media crusade against President Trump leaves them cold. “A lot of black people like ,” says a closet Trump supporter. Rappers talk about him all the time. . . . Let’s give the guy a try . . . Once I started researching things, watching his speech and how they reported it. It really is fake news. . . . Resist? What are you resisting? He’s president.”

From a well-educated, mature man: “Convince people through evidence and facts why your point of view is superior than your opponents and why your direction of the country is better. To say Donald Trump is going to destroy America while you’re destroying America is an oxymoron, it’s hypocritical . . . You need to get control of your emotions, brother . . . if you want to convince me, show me through your policies.”

They are listening to Republicans, they’re meeting them at work. They like them and realize they have shared values. They are finding out for themselves that Republicans are not racist. These black voters have Republican values on abortion, marriage, hard work, creating opportunities for people to make something of themselves, and loving America.

A college grad says: “I like that people on the right are way more open for conversation, for dialogue . . . examples, details, facts . . . being consistent . . . people on the right are way better at that.”

He concludes: “I’m about unity. I want this country to get better. I want race relations to get better. I want America to keep building and get stronger . . . we can barely make jobs for people. . .. I’m walking away from bad policies . . . corruption . . . Drain the swamp.”

If these were the opinions of a small group of mavericks, it would be interesting. If the poll numbers of black voters liking Trump are accurate at only 11 or 14 percent, it will seriously impact the swing states, lowering Democrats chances in 2020. If the numbers actually are 21 or 38 percent, America will never be the same. Democrats tell themselves that black voters turning to Trump is not real and it will go away. It is not going away.

It's surprising the number of non-white people who voted for Trump. My father is one of them. Not because he likes Trump, but because he hates Democrats and Hillary Clinton. I always thought Democrats were arrogant when it came to treating minorities, thinking their support is automatic when it's not. Sometimes I think Democrats have a plantation mentality when it comes to minorities.
It's surprising the number of non-white people who voted for Trump. My father is one of them. Not because he likes Trump, but because he hates Democrats and Hillary Clinton. I always thought Democrats were arrogant when it came to treating minorities, thinking their support is automatic when it's not. Sometimes I think Democrats have a plantation mentality when it comes to minorities.

Democrat leadership always have kept a certain attitude deep down regarding minorities needing to be "managed" rather than truly integrated (by allowing a proper dynamic debate of free will versus responsibility....individuality versus collective morality take root across the population....free of intersectionality and identity politics)....i.e deferring to people's potential to become better and you serve them....rather than you charge to take the lead to control how they shape up because you have no inherent trust in them.

This comes from their KKK origins if you really dig back, they have just re-arranged the optics around by switching from outright oppression on the old plantation to being the new saviours on the new plantations and more subtle, nuanced suppression of true breakout of any minority group + blue collar....to fit the way the societal currents have changed. But the underlying goal is the same: political control by promoting authoritarian groupthink and dependency (on big govt i.e them).

The response of the republicans over time to this strategy of the dems has also been quite a lengthy subject. In summary I would say Trump is result of decades of frustration at no GOP figure giving it back to the dems in the same token that the dems have been running with in the national discourse against "Middle America" norms....and adding to it the larger takeover by their far leftist agents in the media (MSM), culture (hollyweird) and academia (pretty much every university esp the paper degree programs that lead to nowhere except finalise and embolden the propaganda in young adult age group as the natural conclusion of the earlier public school indoctrination....oh and saddle them with debt so you can promise optics as needed to "relieve and liberate" them later ala Bernie by more big govt elsewhere)....esp ever since two key events: Vietnam war (where the massive anti-national thought first came about in a large way among the left leaning intelligentsia) and the USSR breaking up (affording the complacency that could create more identity politics given there was no looming threat anymore).

The largest egregious recent examples are for example how John McCain took all the claims he was racist etc on the chin (in 08) instead of retaliating like an honest non democrat (instead of democrat trojan horse which he turned out to be) character would ..... and how Joe Biden loudly proclaimed Mitt Romney would put black people back in chains etc etc....not to mention Harry Reid literally admitting that the tax evasion stunt on Romney was fake from the get go but "served its purpose".

The "deplorables" are done playing "nice" when they are continually told they are the root of all evil that exists not only in the US but the whole world. Silly gimmicks by the political establishment and its paid and controlled media only further embolden this. I find it interesting they have seen in Trump something so anti-thetical to their very existence that they have gone all in with this russian collusion narrative....I figure they think they have gamed the system to the degree needed where they can gamble high stakes like this....but Trump is still here, and they seem to not realise Trump may just be the start of things to come if they continue to be brittle on power lust rather than actually reform their attitude to create something more sustainable (i.e serve the people rather than other way around).
but Trump is still here, and they seem to not realise Trump may just be the start of things to come if they continue to be brittle on power lust rather than actually reform their attitude to create something more sustainable

That is why the coming mid-terms are all important.
That is why the coming mid-terms are all important.

In more ways than one actually. If dems do take back the house and proceed with impeachment (which will be quashed in the senate for sure)...that will do something quite interesting to the trump + independent voter base in 2020....(esp if the much more clear cut case + results against Bill Clinton perjury impeachment + trial is anything to go by).

If dems don't take back the house, that is also very interesting....as to where they proceed from there w.r.t 2020 candidate (i.e will they bite the bullet and choose someone far left or play safer?).

If dems take back the house but do not proceed with impeachment is another thing to analyse w.r.t what that would do ceterus paribus to their turnout in 2020.

The X-factor is the late turnout of undecideds that are not captured in the polling that was a huge factor in Trump beating the poll odds in 2016. That will need many more cycles of data to happen before polling can capture that factor somewhat better, if that helps at all even.
In more ways than one actually. If dems do take back the house and proceed with impeachment (which will be quashed in the senate for sure)...that will do something quite interesting to the trump + independent voter base in 2020....(esp if the much more clear cut case + results against Bill Clinton perjury impeachment + trial is anything to go by).

If dems don't take back the house, that is also very interesting....as to where they proceed from there w.r.t 2020 candidate (i.e will they bite the bullet and choose someone far left or play safer?).

If dems take back the house but do not proceed with impeachment is another thing to analyse w.r.t what that would do ceterus paribus to their turnout in 2020.

The X-factor is the late turnout of undecideds that are not captured in the polling that was a huge factor in Trump beating the poll odds in 2016. That will need many more cycles of data to happen before polling can capture that factor somewhat better, if that helps at all even.

If Democrats are so focused about impeaching Trump -- and impeaching him only -- they will fail to pay attention what will happen to them in 2020. Even if Trump is gone, Pence is still there. And if Democrats nominate some socialist, Bernie Sanders type as POTUS candidate, all bets are off.
If Democrats are so focused about impeaching Trump -- and impeaching him only -- they will fail to pay attention what will happen to them in 2020. Even if Trump is gone, Pence is still there. And if Democrats nominate some socialist, Bernie Sanders type as POTUS candidate, all bets are off.

There was a recent FISA application declassification by Trump too now (which at this point looks like it will clear a lot of fuzziness about what exactly was used as the raison d'etre to spy on Trump campaign by the Obama admin). Notable dems are livid about it, and Adam Schiff is likely to come of as a complete liar too (given he was one of those that had read these already yet dismissed their relevance in the narrative he was trying to form).

Combined with the recent testimony under oath by Lisa Page (that there was no evidence of collusion when the mueller special consul was formed)....there is much danger in the Democrat strategy to go all in with this narrative....that too with the midterms coming up.

I have a hunch Trump consulted a few ppl as to when was the best time to declassify this stuff....and give the dems and media their own self-created position of taking the quite ludicrous stance that info should not be released to the US public to look for themselves as much as possible!...and at an opportune politically sensitive moment like the midterms too.

If so, well played by Trump on this...but lets see how this goes. Kavanaugh stuff is really hogging most of the discussion right now.
Unbelievable, the most hilarious news of the mid-term elections!

In a generic poll conducted by Public opinion Strategies for the Republican National committee, Nancy Pelosi beats Trump by five points. :lol:

Republican poll shows Nancy Pelosi more popular than President Trump

In a generic poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies for the Republican National Committee, Americans were more likely to say they would support a candidate backed by Nancy Pelosi (50%) than a candidate backed by Donald Trump (45%), according to Bloomberg, which obtained a copy of the poll.

The big picture: Pelosi, who would likely become House Speaker if Democrats take control of the House in November, has become a polarizing figure, even within the Democratic party. Republicans have made her a primary target in their midterm campaigns, and Trump's tweet tirades are often directed toward her. The poll also found that criticizing Pelosi — and Hillary Clinton — often works in riling up the GOP base, and could help the GOP win over some independent women and Hispanic men, per Bloomberg. Source


Why Black Voters Are Turning to Trump

The growing positive attitude of black voters towards President Trump is the wildcard in the coming midterm elections. It is real and it is expanding. Polls are showing anywhere from 20 percent to 36 percent of blacks approve of President Trump. The Democrats even may have lost 11 percent of black women.
Now imagine, if there was a poll that shows 36% former Trump supporters, mostly middle-age whites without college degree have overnight become pro-Democrats, how many Trump supporters would believe that poll, most probably none, and as usual, they would’ve called it fake news, fake polls, and what not, but now they are cheering clearly an outlier poll. Notice, I’m not calling it a fake poll, but an outlier, which clearly it is, because no other polls even come close to the so-called 36% Blacks approve of Trump joke.

But to be fair, since Trump was elected he has increased his support among Blacks. In 2016 election he got 8% black vote, now most mainstream polls show that his support is hovering at around 12%, (his disapproval rating has averaged 84%.) but of course, not damn 36%.

Measurable Progress

Trump’s economic policies have improved the lives of black Americans, just as he promised they would during the election. Unlike Obama’s media hype, Trump’s progress is as real and as solid as his buildings. Black unemployment continues to fall. Good manufacturing jobs are coming back. Paychecks are rising, too.

The roots of this political watershed in the black community are more complex than job figures and will last beyond Trump’s tenure. I have been listening for hours to ordinary black Americans on the #Walkaway movement’s YouTube channel. This is a movement of former Democrats explaining why they are leaving their party. While each face, voice, and story is unique and fascinating, there are some striking recurring themes.

Ironically, the change seems to have started with President Obama’s election.

President Obama raised the hopes of black Americans to the highest they’ve been since Martin Luther King. The entire country expected he would devote himself to getting blacks better schools, more jobs, higher wages, and safer neighborhoods. Instead, Obama ignored those bread-and-butter needs. His signature initiative was to send Eric Holder to stoke up publicity and fear in the wake of the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown shootings.

In the short term, hyping fake white racism and police brutality worked to stanch the bleeding in black turnout in the 2012 election. In the long term, however, Obama’s reliance on racial fear and grievance increased black suffering. He broke people’s hearts and blew up many black voters’ loyalty to the Democrats.
Oh my goodness, Obama is soooooo bad, “he broke people’s hearts and blew up many black voters loyalty to the Democrats.” :D Really, looks like the author has been reading fantasy novels let’s look at some facts:

In 2008, 95% Blacks voted for Obama and 93% in 2012 presidential elections. Now the 2% drop in Pres Obama’s second term is considered normal as most of the Presidents normally get less vote in their second terms.



So, there you have it folks, the author is daydreaming and is full of hot air!

The fact is, percentagewise, majority of Blacks are still the most loyal supporters of the Democrat party.

I’m not going to waste my time responding to the rest of the nonsense.
When We All Vote

Michelle Obama gave an excellent speech at “When We All Vote” rally in Las Vegas. She warned people who might be frustrated by the current political climate that democracy continues with or without you. Believe me, “I am frustrated too. I am sick of all the chaos and the nastiness of our politics. It’s exhausting, and, frankly, it’s depressing. I understand wanting to shut it all out.”

“When you don’t vote, you’re letting other people make decisions for you,” she said. “We get the leaders we vote for. We get the policies we vote for. And when we don’t vote, that’s when we wind up with government of, by and for other people.”

In short, her message was, don’t stay home on election day, get out and vote, let’s stop Trump dangerous agenda.
Great news for Democrats, Fox News poll shows that the Democrats are on the path of winning the midterm elections:

Majority of Americans now support Obama care.

Trump’s massive tax cuts is not appealing to the Majority of Americans.

Majority of Americans reject Trump’s racist wall.

These are the three main issues that Trump and the Republicans thought they could win midterms and the 2020 Presidential election.:lol:

Poor Trump and his supporters they can’t even call it fake polls, since Fox News is their favorite. Trump is addicted to Fox News and often starts his day by appearing at his favorite show, Fox and Friends, the show normally has four hosts, two boot licking idiots and two beauties without brains.

Hands down, one of the most stupid programs of all time.


Fox News Poll: Health care boosts Democrats in upcoming midterm elections

There is a deluge of bad news for Republicans in the latest Fox News poll.

Most voters are unhappy with the direction the country is taking. Majorities disagree with President Trump on the border wall, and extra tax-cut cash is nowhere to be seen. And, by a wide margin, Democrats are considered the party that would better handle health care -- at a time when most prioritize health care in deciding their vote for Congress.

With only 44 days until Election Day, maybe the thing that passes for good news for the GOP is that Democrats lead by only seven points in the generic congressional ballot among likely voters. That suggests the battle for control of the House of Representatives could still go either way.


The poll, released Sunday, shows how much Americans have warmed to Obamacare. Four years ago, 48 percent thought the law “went too far” (September 2014). That’s down to 36 percent today. And a majority believes Obamacare is “about right” (21 percent) or “didn’t go far enough” (30 percent).

Plus, 64 percent want more people insured, even if it costs the government more money.

Republican campaigning on the new tax law will have limited appeal, as 6 voters in 10 aren’t seeing additional money in their paycheck since Trump signed the law, and only 32 percent think the law has helped the economy.

Voters also disagree with the president on building a U.S.-Mexico border wall (more oppose by 12 points) and increasing tariffs (more say they will hurt than help the economy by 6 points).



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In short, her message was, don’t stay home on election day, get out and vote, let’s stop Trump dangerous agenda.

You know who stayed home during 2016 election and handed the election to Trump? It was Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives. I foresee a Democratic-controlled House, at least. What will be interesting to see how the "justice democrats" and "corporate democrats" will treat each other. I know the GOP is simply going to circle the wagon against Democrats.

Majority of Americans now support Obama care.

Trump’s massive tax cuts is not appealing to the Majority of Americans.

Majority of Americans reject Trump’s racist wall.

National healthcare is coming -- some form of it. I don't think we'll be seeing the Medicare for all scheme that Bernie Sanders is talking about, but something that will cover everybody.

People don't like tax cuts because no one is benefiting from them except corporations and, at the same time, ballooning the deficit. I don't mind tax cuts per se, but they should be coupled with spending decreases and Trump is spending even more. I don't know why people continue to believe Republicans like to cut spending. They just like to cut taxes.

The wall was always a stupid idea and will continue to be a stupid idea. But I'm afraid Democrats will compromise on this if they want some other program -- like healthcare.

All I know is 2019 is going to be interesting from a legislative point of view. There's even the possibility of impeachment.
Update on the midterm election. On November 6, voters will be electing 36 state governors, all 435 member of the House of Representatives and 35 senators. Mid-term election are normally considered as a referendum on the president and since Trump’s approval rating is the low, hovering around 40%, there is a very good chance Democrats can win back the House, win more governor races and even win back the Senate.

Most polls are showing that the Democrats have far better odds in winning back the House. At present (the 115th United States Congress) Democrats and 193, Republicans 235 and there are 7 vacancies.

According to the Cook political report, out of the 435 seats Democrats have 182 and Republican 147 solid seats.

Likely/Lean seats: Democrats have 10 and Republicans 51. Likely means, these seats are not considered competitive at this point but have the potential to become engaged. Lean means, these are considered competitive races, but one party has an advantage.

Toss-up or worse: Democrats have 3 and Republicans 42 seats.

Democrats need 23 seats to win the house, they have a clear advantage in the House race, they are focusing on Republican toss-up seats to turn them from red to blue, and they have plenty to choose from.

Republican Dana Rohrabacher VS Democrat Harley Rouda CA-48

This is one of the House races I am closely watching, I will love to see Harley Rouda wins this important race. Dana Rohrabacher is a disgrace he is so pro-Russian that he is called Putin’s favorite congressman.

Meet Harley Rouda:

One of his hard-hitting ads:

About Harley Rouda

I’m a businessman, husband, father, and a patriot – not a politician. I love this country, and I’m running for Congress because Washington politicians have failed us for too long.

I’ve spent my career working to grow businesses large and small – helping create and support thousands of jobs. We helped our workers get ahead. Hard work, honesty, fairness and respect. Those values drove us everyday.

My wife Kaira and I have worked hard to raise our four children. We’re involved in our community and Orange County charities that help the homeless; protect victims of domestic violence; support veterans, reduce gun violence, advance educational opportunities, strengthen human rights and protect our environment.

But in Washington, too many politicians only care about themselves and their special interest campaign contributors. That’s why they’ve done nothing to reduce the cost of health care and prescription drugs, fix our crumbling roads and bridges, or make college more affordable.

I’m refusing to take any money from corporate PACs – because I will only answer to you, not drug companies, the gun lobby, or Wall Street bankers.

In Congress, I’ll use common sense to find common ground. We can make health care more affordable. We can invest in schools and career training. And we can protect Social Security and Medicare. It all starts by putting country ahead of party, and people ahead of special interests.

I respectfully ask for your vote to change Washington, and make Congress work for America and Orange County.


Rouda with his family.

You know who stayed home during 2016 election and handed the election to Trump? It was Bernie Sanders supporters and progressives. I foresee a Democratic-controlled House, at least. What will be interesting to see how the "justice democrats" and "corporate democrats" will treat each other. I know the GOP is simply going to circle the wagon against Democrats.
I agree, one can argue how much role they played, but there is no doubt they played a negative role in Hillary’s defeat, and the worse was some of them even voted for Trump. I don’t see progressives as “justice Democrats”, I think majority of them are socialist, I’m not a socialist but I do agree with some of their proposals.

National healthcare is coming -- some form of it. I don't think we'll be seeing the Medicare for all scheme that Bernie Sanders is talking about, but something that will cover everybody.
I support national healthcare, if are Canadian and European friends can have it, why can’t we, but I think rather than coming up with something new, we should try to improve Obama care.

People don't like tax cuts because no one is benefiting from them except corporations and, at the same time, ballooning the deficit. I don't mind tax cuts per se, but they should be coupled with spending decreases and Trump is spending even more. I don't know why people continue to believe Republicans like to cut spending. They just like to cut taxes.
The tax cut was unnecessary, most governments increase spending and cut taxes during a recession, we were not in recession when Trump took over, but we were in heavy debt and that should have been the administration’s focus. But as you rightly pointed out Trump administration has cut taxes and increased spending putting more pressure on our debt, that’s called recipe for disaster.

The tax cut has become a liability for the Republicans, most of their candidates are not even mentioning tax-cuts in their campaigns, it’s the Democrats who are running negative ads on the tax cuts scam.

The wall was always a stupid idea and will continue to be a stupid idea. But I'm afraid Democrats will compromise on this if they want some other program -- like healthcare.

All I know is 2019 is going to be interesting from a legislative point of view. There's even the possibility of impeachment.
I hope Democrats do not impeach him for the sake of impeachment, because I think that will be a huge mistake on their part. Anyhow, interesting times ahead.
Bombshell news from New York Times.

Democrats have promised that if they win the House in midterm elections they will force Trump to disclose his tax returns. In the last two years the Democrats have tried almost 11 times in the House of Representatives to require that IRS hand over Trump tax returns, but since they do not have a majority in the House they have not been successful. I’m confident after the midterm we will find out what Trump was trying to hide, it’s just a matter of time.


Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

40 mins ago

President Trump participated in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the fortune he received from his parents, an investigation by The New York Times has found.
Mr. Trump won the presidency proclaiming himself a self-made billionaire, and he has long insisted that his father, the legendary New York City builder Fred C. Trump, provided almost no financial help.

But The Times’s investigation, based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records, reveals that Mr. Trump received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire, starting when he was a toddler and continuing to this day.

Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show. Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more. He also helped formulate a strate
gy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

These maneuvers met with little resistance from the Internal Revenue Service, The Times found. The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1 billion in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550 million under the 55 percent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

The Trumps paid a total of $52.2 million, or about 5 percent, tax records show.

The president declined repeated requests over several weeks to comment for this article. But a lawyer for Mr. Trump, Charles J. Harder, provided a written statement on Monday, one day after The Times sent a detailed description of its findings. “The New York Times’s allegations of fraud and tax evasion are 100 percent false, and highly defamatory,” Mr. Harder said. “There was no fraud or tax evasion by anyone. The facts upon which The Times bases its false allegations are extremely inaccurate.”

Mr. Harder sought to distance Mr. Trump from the tax strategies used by his family, saying the president had delegated those tasks to relatives and tax professionals. “President Trump had virtually no involvement whatsoever with these matters,” he said. “The affairs were handled by other Trump family members who were not experts themselves and therefore relied entirely upon the aforementioned licensed professionals to ensure full compliance with the law.”

The president’s brother, Robert Trump, issued a statement on behalf of the Trump family:

“Our dear father, Fred C. Trump, passed away in June 1999. Our beloved mother, Mary Anne Trump, passed away in August 2000. All appropriate gift and estate tax returns were filed, and the required taxes were paid. Our father’s estate was closed in 2001 by both the Internal Revenue Service and the New York State tax authorities, and our mother’s estate was closed in 2004. Our family has no other comment on these matters that happened some 20 years ago, and would appreciate your respecting the privacy of our deceased parents, may God rest their souls.”

The Times’s findings raise new questions about Mr. Trump’s refusal to release his income tax returns, breaking with decades of practice by past presidents. According to tax experts, it is unlikely that Mr. Trump would be vulnerable to criminal prosecution for helping his parents evade taxes, because the acts happened too long ago and are past the statute of limitations. There is no time limit, however, on civil fines for tax fraud.

The findings are based on interviews with Fred Trump’s former employees and advisers and more than 100,000 pages of documents describing the inner workings and immense profitability of his empire. They include documents culled from public sources — mortgages and deeds, probate records, financial disclosure reports, regulatory records and civil court files.

The investigation also draws on tens of thousands of pages of confidential records — bank statements, financial audits, accounting ledgers, cash disbursement reports, invoices and canceled checks. Most notably, the documents include more than 200 tax returns from Fred Trump, his companies and various Trump partnerships and trusts. While the records do not include the president’s personal tax returns and reveal little about his recent business dealings at home and abroad, dozens of corporate, partnership and trust tax returns offer the first public accounting of the income he received for decades from various family enterprises.

Read more

Senate election 2018

The current Senate has 51 Republican and 49 Democrats and therefore Democrats would need to flip at least two seats to take back the Senate, but unfortunately that’s not going to be easy since Democrats have to defend 26 seats and the Republican only 9 in this year’s midterm elections. On top of that 10 Democrats are running for re-election in states that Trump decisively won in the 2016 presidential election. In the coming days I’ll be posting polls from some of the most important races.


Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images French President Emmanuel Macron, left, stands next to Former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Sept. 26.

Michael Bloomberg jolts Senate battle with $20 million for Democrats

Robert Costa 22 hrs ago

Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City who is considering a 2020 presidential campaign, will give $20 million to the main Democratic Senate super PAC this week — jolting the national battle for control of the chamber just five weeks away from the midterm elections.

Bloomberg’s intervention bolsters the Democrats’ Senate chances by infusing significant late-season capital into the Senate Majority PAC, a group that had $29 million on hand at the end of August and has been purchasing advertising in expensive media markets.

Bloomberg — a former Republican and declared political independent — says the emotional national debate over sexual assault allegations against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh has energized Democratic voters and provides an opening for the party to be more competitive in rallying women and swing voters, his advisers said Tuesday, adding that he sees last week’s contentious hearings as a tipping point.

“Mike was extraordinarily disappointed in the Republican leadership in the Senate and feels increasingly passionate about changing it,” Bloomberg adviser Kevin Sheekey said. “And he’s already enthusiastic about the impact he’s having on House races and increasingly confident that he can contribute to a Democratic takeover.”

The enormous sum brings Bloomberg — who has already pledged to spend $80 million to support Democratic congressional candidates — up to $100 million in spending commitments for the 2018 election cycle, firmly positioning himself in the Democratic camp as he contemplates a bid for the White House. Read more

You know just how far demonrat scum (and MSM mouthpieces) have gone into the dirt/swamp sludge when Never trumper Ben Shapiro has this to say:

That polling analysis in the middle :D
It's a true sham that the incompetent, sexually abusing and stone-cold drunken puke of a Kavanaugh is most likely getting confirmed into the highest court of our land. But that's ok, he'll be remembered worst than that other scum sucking hog Clearance Thomas who till this day is associated with nothing but his disturbing, sexual connotations and behavior towards Anita Hill. I was a witness to that shameful part of history and watched those hearings live back then and at least that lowlife Thomas showed restraint and the temperament of someone who could hold the highest court position in our land despite the disturbing things he did. But this guy, here? This was the most despicable exhibition of a poor character with the lowest form public skills (and this guy is a judge vying for a position on the United State Supreme Court!?!?!?!?!?!?!) who showed an angry disposition that despite it being ok to show, it came out in the worst way and if there is any reason he should NEVER sit on that seat, is solely on his temperament as a human being and his inability to show restraint and professionalism.. The latter part is what has dropped off the face of the earth in these characters that hold all political positions, starting from the clown in the highest position who is in fact, destroying this country slowly but surely.

Of course Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was attacked by that POS! And to be mocked at, laughed at and treated with such indignity by the clown in chief and all his minions at that rally (and how about the mothers in that rally that were clapping...what character claps at that? I wonder how many of them would be ok with their daughters or sisters or mothers getting jumped by a drunk like this guy?) is nothing short of despicable and a sign of how low the Republican party and the extreme right loony bins have gone. Can't wait till this idiot is out of office and we can have our country's leadership back with the dignity it deserves.

And the even more disturbing part is how this guy is being confirmed strictly on partisan reasons and not a single consideration for the things that really matter! God Bless Lisa Murkowski, the ONLY republican with the decency and wherewithal to vote no on this incompetent POS. And shame on Susan Collins and Jeff Flake who after all he went through in the elevator and recommending this joke of an FBI "limited investigation" and the entire rest of the Rep. party. No guts whatsoever and all they care about is their decrepit, shrink-laden asses sitting on their seats. I hope they all get voted out because of this.

What's the matter, they couldn't find another judge out of all the federal judges in this country instead of this scumbag?!?! Was it so necessary to push this POS through for all the wrong reasons? Amazing.


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