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Meh, I'm not leaning much either way in terms of Democrats vs Republicans or way left or way right as I think they are all dopey. I am amused at how the Liberal Left has taken the Absolute Nutjob Award away from the Conservative Right which has held it tight for several decades.

For all the talk by MSM over the decades of the "conservative right" (tea party etc etc)....not once did senators need security details (like in the last few weeks) around them to enter the Capitol.

The reason you have this impression of the conservative right is because of the media slant/bias on it (ever since the times of Walter Cronkite tbh)....in fact much of them are not even endorsed by the republican party (unlike the progressive movement which is very much part and parcel of the Democrat party now) It is quite astounding for example how much the NYT suppressed w.r.t the communist atrocities worldwide....because it would conflict with the agenda they sought w.r.t the US political system.

I for one wonder what the MSM would report if a republican president did even 0.01% of the unleashing of the IRS on their political opponents like Obama openly did (with the tea party)....or spent even 0.01% of the money obama did on suppressing information from the media (to the tune of 36 million dollars w.r.t only Iran deal related stuff iirc) which otherwise would have been released under right to information act/free press act.

Anyways, the chickens are coming to roost now regarding who is truly the non-civil, violence prone, antifa thug type side (aided all the more by Hillary clinton literally announcing that the time for civility towards opponents only exists when the dems are in power).
Five Lessons About the Left

October 9, 2018, 12:05 am

What the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation ordeal taught us.

They can say what they want about Brett Kavanaugh. Except after Saturday, they’re going to have to say it about Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

As painful as that is for the Democrat Party and the American Left, it can’t be avoided after Saturday’s 50-48 vote in what might turn out to be the most self-destructive political gambit in the country’s recent history; we’ll know that for sure in a month, when the November midterms have come and gone and the Democrats’ supposed Blue Wave sweeping them back into power on Capitol Hill either happens or (more likely) it doesn’t.

The Democrats had to know they couldn’t stop Kavanaugh’s nomination. To do that would entail getting two Republicans to vote their way and keeping all of their red-state senators in the fold — something that wasn’t going to happen with a mainstream, qualified jurist as the nominee.

Kavanaugh turned out to be a brilliant choice by President Trump — he’s a reliable, if not by reputation rabid, conservative but one who’s very well-respected in Washington and a bit of a crossover choice within the Republican Party given his Bush pedigree (the fight over Kavanaugh has done more to bring NeverTrumpers into the fold than anyone could have imagined). And Kavanaugh’s personal record was so clean that it would take a dive into pure falsehood and insanity in order to derail him.

To which the Democrat Party said, “Hold my beer.”

The campaign to destroy Kavanaugh told us a lot about the Democrats and the Hard Left advocacy groups who control that party. The main lessons fall under five basic truths.

The Ends Justify the Means, Even if the Means Are Ridiculous and Highly Unlikely to Produce the Ends.

Give the Dems credit, because they did at least try to convince the American people Kavanaugh wasn’t a mainstream jurist first before attempting to smear him with accusations he’s a sexual predator. Where they went wrong was that when the first argument didn’t convince the public and wasn’t persuasive against the Jeff Flakes and Susan Collinses of the world, they neglected to make the best of the situation and use the impending loss of the Kavanaugh fight to motivate their voters.

Somebody atop George Soros’ network of tin pot revolutionaries got together with Tom Perez and legitimate woman abuser Keith Ellison at the DNC, not to mention Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein, and decided, to paraphrase Sen. John Kennedy, to hit bottom and start digging. Drumming up an allegation by a mentally unstable California psychology professor that Kavanaugh had been inappropriate and perhaps abusive during a high school encounter 36 years in the past, and then doubling and tripling down with even less plausible allegations, all the while leaving what looks like a fairly clear paper trail of coordination, is the kind of all-in bluff no credible political operative would say was worth the risk.

But Schumer, Feinstein et al. pushed those chips into the middle, expecting Trump and Kavanaugh would fold. When they didn’t, and when Trump went further and derisively offered a true characterization of Christine Ford’s testimony in a 36-second outburst in a Mississippi campaign appearance the entire political class treated as an unforgivable breach of presidential protocol, it became clear the entire episode was a lost cause.

Even then, the professional Left failed to sound the retreat. Some 567 protesters were arrested at the Capitol in the last three days of the Kavanaugh confirmation process, many for engaging in behavior that normal Americans would regard as evidence of insanity. In a campaign appearance in Kansas, Trump again skewered the Left as “ too dangerous and extreme to govern,” which is exactly the characterization the Democrats can’t afford to have the country accept where they’re concerned. And it’s exactly the characterization their antics have lent an air of truth to.

The Modern Left Is a Movement by and for People Incapable of Doing a Proper Job at Honest Work.

This isn’t just a fun thing I say in this space all the time. It can’t be disputed any more after the Kavanaugh ordeal.

We already know many, if not most, of those protesters at the Capitol were paid; we know this because they admitted as much. And their employers hardly got their money’s worth; other than when a couple of Soros-funded apparatchiks cornered Flake in an elevator and managed to get him to call for an expanded FBI background investigation into the Christine Ford and Deborah Ramirez allegations — something which raised the ire of lots of Republicans but actually ended up being a good idea, as the FBI all but confirmed those allegations were uncorroborated rubbish, building support for Kavanaugh among the nonpolitical and giving Flake, Collins, and West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin cover to support his confirmation — every time the Democrats’ protesters interacted with Republican Senators they came away looking like abject fools.

But it wasn’t just the protesters who came off looking like unemployable dunces. Consider how the hearings went for the Democrats’ supposed best and brightest. There was Mazie Hirono and her non-stop fact-free tirades about how all the men in America need to shut up, there was “Spartacus” Booker and his inanities too numerous to count, there was the comic irony of “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal, with his falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus challenge to Kavanaugh after riding a Stolen Valor claim of having served in Vietnam to the Senate in the first place, there was the hard-to-believe interrogation of Kavanaugh about references to farting in his high school yearbook.

These were not indications of people capable of being effective in their jobs. I’ve said it before, but when you embrace intersectional feminism, postmodern identity politics, and socialist economics as the three-legged stool of your political philosophy you’re not going to attract a lot of people grounded in the kind of reality necessary to do objectively good work — and sooner or later it’s going to become obvious that none of your people can make your trains run on time.

They Don’t Like Straight White Guys. At All.

This is clear enough without a lot of explanation, no? The Kavanaugh allegations were wholly unsupported by any corroborating evidence at all, something that the Republicans’ hired-gun outside counsel Rachel Mitchell exposed in a highly underrated manner during Christine Ford’s testimony, and at the end of the fact-finding process the Democrats found themselves whining about Kavanaugh’s tone. This after accusing a family man with an impeccable reputation of being a gang rapist, of all things; the effect of which was to put every male — and in particular every straight white male — in America on the defensive with eyes wide open to the threat a hypercynical and loony American Left poses to them when their New Rules migrate out of the academic fever swamps and into the real world.

But it’s worse than that, because the seething hatred for the “patriarchy” doesn’t just scare the bejesus out of the male voters the Dems used to be able to call upon to make a majority — what we’re seeing is it might even have a more corrosive effect on married women who have husbands and sons, and it’s not very helpful among black and Hispanic voters, either.

The people who used to run the Democrat Party could have told them running out with “Believe All Women” was a bad idea, and not just because it makes Bill Clinton look like a rapist; it also recalls similar sentiments used to justify the lynch mobs of Scottsboro, Alabama and Money, Mississippi. And no, switching from railroading black men to railroading white ones doesn’t help the situation.

They’ve Bought in to the Academic Left’s War on Facts and Evidence, Hook, Line and Sinker.

At Powerline and other sites there has been a good discussion of the “ Grievance Studies” scandal, in which three self-described “left-leaning liberal” academics submitted a raft of papers for peer review in a number of social science journals which were purposely filled with patent absurdities, and had five of them published — including, hilariously enough, a 3,000 word excerpt of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, rewritten in the language of Intersectionality theory and published in the Gender Studies journal Affilia.

Nobody is particularly surprised at the scandal, as the declining quality of left-wing scholarship is quite well known. What the Kavanaugh hearings indicated was that the idiotic thought processes which created the Grievance Studies scandal are alive and well in the top echelons of the Democrat Party. If this weren’t true you wouldn’t see senators like Hirono and Chris Coons intone against the presumption of innocence in the Kavanaugh case. Their justification for such insane statements were that the hearings were merely a job interview — a poor attempt, to be sure, given that the Senate’s advise and consent function is a constitutional act and to disparage one of the most fundamental rights in American jurisprudence amid that process is a prima facie abuse, and also because any corporate recruiter will tell you no employer much cares about what a 51-year-old job candidate did in high school.

Drag a $100 Bill Through a Faculty Lounge, Government Bureau, or Union Hall, and You’ll Never Know What You’ll Find.

That’s a paraphrase of a quote James Carville, Clinton’s ethically-challenged political consultant, offered up about trailer parks amid the former president’s many “bimbo eruptions,” but it’s become an unmistakable characteristic of the Democrats’ politics of late. After all, it’s clear Christine Ford was recruited to produce her allegation against Kavanaugh — as time goes by we’re going to find out more about the roles Monica McLean and David Laufman, formerly of the FBI, played in producing Ford’s allegations in concert with Schumer and Feinstein.

In any other profession, the risk to Ford’s career from going national with a clearly false allegation against a Supreme Court nominee would be fatal to future job prospects. But Ford is an academic at Palo Alto University in California, and nobody seriously believes she’ll suffer from it. After all, Anita Hill didn’t.

And if you can’t find a huckleberry in the left-wing monopolized universities, there’s always the unionized state and governmental bureaucracy which doesn’t exactly tolerate a panoply of differing political views. Let’s remember that Ramirez and Julie Swetnik, whose allegations about Kavanaugh were nothing short of farcical, were government bureaucrats at least at some point in their careers (as were McLean and Laufman); there might be even less sanction against liars among the Deep State than on campus.

Just ask Valerie Plame. She’d have fit right into last week’s mess.

@cloud4000 @my2cents @Desert Fox @Hamartia Antidote @SorryNotSorry
I didñt watch the full confirmation hearings, only snippets. Democrats tried their best with their usual innuendos, insinuation of their character, only this time it made them look outright disperate and silly. Democrats have no chance to get the majority in the senate or the house this coming November elections. You will see more of those shenanigans and dishonest conduct in coming months.
For the Left: The Ends Justify the Means, Even if the Means Are Ridiculous and Highly Unlikely to Produce the Ends.

The Modern Left Is a Movement by and for People Incapable of Doing a Proper Job at Honest Work.

They’ve Bought in to the Academic Left’s War on Facts and Evidence, Hook, Line and Sinker.

The Left has been waging a total cultural war, using any and all means, even the most ridiculous ones to achieve their ends, and they have been getting away with it due to the sellouts who call themselves "conservatives" who have been giving ground to these rabid Marxists, that is up until Trump (who isn't a conventional "conservative"). This is why the Left has been deploying desparate tactics like false accusations because they know that the damage will be done regardless if the allegations are proven to be false.

Meh, I'm not leaning much either way in terms of Democrats vs Republicans or way left or way right as I think they are all dopey. I am amused at how the Liberal Left has taken the Absolute Nutjob Award away from the Conservative Right which has held it tight for several decades.
At some point you will be forced to choose a side, if not now then maybe when being a "privileged white heterosexual male" is finally criminalized.

This is the problem all throughout the West, people are still too comfortable because for many, things haven't yet started impacting their lives (or their money). Perhaps when people like Occasio Cortez and her supporters become the majority (which they are projected to become within your and my lifetimes) and a "white privilege" tax is imposed you will finally make up your mind. For your sake (and for other normies) you better hope their will still be a "nutjob" Right to defend your rights or you (& your descendants) might end up in the GULAG for not paying up their privilege tax and contributing to the wealth redistribution of the People's Soviet Socialist States of America.

Another great video on the Kavanaugh situation
By VertigoPolitix

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Gomig-21 @Hamartia Antidote @Metanoia
Sorry, I know you won’t like the answer. CNN final poll was quite good, it gave Hillary 5-point leads over Trump, with margin of error for results based on the total sample plus or minus 3-point. In the final vote count, Hillary won with 2.1% points, in other words, the results were under the margin of error of the poll. Link :D

I have noticed a pattern, Trump and his supporters only accept polls when they are favorable to their agenda, I really find it quite funny, our friend would have gladly accepted the results if it were the other way around, and I can prove it.

Meanwhile, there’s another new poll, Reuters/Ipsos generic congressional ballot shows that 50% of all likely voters say they would vote for Democratic candidate while about 38% say they would vote for the Republican candidate – a 12-point margin. The results are similar to the CNN polls.

This week’s Reuters/Ipsos generic congressional ballot shows that half of all likely voters say they would vote for the Democratic candidate (50%) while about two-fifths say they would vote for the Republican candidate (38%) – a 12-point margin. There is also a 7-point difference in the amount of Democrat likely voters (94%) and Republican likely voters (87%) who say they would vote for the candidate in their own party.

Trump’s approval rates currently stand at 39% amongst all Americans and 42% amongst all likely voters. Link


In his new book “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” Yale professor Jason Stanley warns about the dangers of normalizing fascist politics, writing, “What normalization does is transform the morally extraordinary into the ordinary. It makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by making it seem as if this is the way things have always been.”

Sorry, I know you won’t like the answer. CNN final poll was quite good, it gave Hillary 5-point leads over Trump, with margin of error for results based on the total sample plus or minus 3-point. In the final vote count, Hillary won with 2.1% points, in other words, the results were under the margin of error of the poll. Link :D

I have noticed a pattern, Trump and his supporters only accept polls when they are favorable to their agenda, I really find it quite funny, our friend would have gladly accepted the results if it were the other way around, and I can prove it.

Meanwhile, there’s another new poll, Reuters/Ipsos generic congressional ballot shows that 50% of all likely voters say they would vote for Democratic candidate while about 38% say they would vote for the Republican candidate – a 12-point margin. The results are similar to the CNN polls.

This week’s Reuters/Ipsos generic congressional ballot shows that half of all likely voters say they would vote for the Democratic candidate (50%) while about two-fifths say they would vote for the Republican candidate (38%) – a 12-point margin. There is also a 7-point difference in the amount of Democrat likely voters (94%) and Republican likely voters (87%) who say they would vote for the candidate in their own party.

Trump’s approval rates currently stand at 39% amongst all Americans and 42% amongst all likely voters. Link


In his new book “How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,” Yale professor Jason Stanley warns about the dangers of normalizing fascist politics, writing, “What normalization does is transform the morally extraordinary into the ordinary. It makes us able to tolerate what was once intolerable by making it seem as if this is the way things have always been.”

Yale is a leftie communist infected hellhole. There is a reason why their "profs" get triggered by the likes (just to name a few) of Sam Harris, Dave Rubin and Eric Weinstein (people on traditional left now part of the intellectual dark web thanks to the angry leftie "progressive" mob getting their feelz hurt).

As for the polling, you can have as many slaves, zombies, dead people and general serfs in commiefornia et al show up in the libtard one party state rule of west coast....as you want. What matters is the swing districts and late (non polled people) turnout:

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The Nation’s Cartoonists On The Week In Politics



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You are a nice fella @Gomig-21 , but you will have to go through a never trumper neutral guy like Ben Shapiro first at the very least to have a proper discussion on this topic with me.

My friend, being a nice fella or a jerk shouldn't be a prerequisite to have any discussion, even in disagreement, while I do appreciate the sentiment and don't want to sound ungrateful. And neither is listening to Ben Shapiro with his 1000 words a second talking ability loool. I have my opinion based on what I read and see and hear and witness, not what someone else tells me. This is the problem with some of the right wing nuts jobs out there that come out and scream LEFT LIBERAL NUTJOBS! The first thing I say to that is people aught to know that a Muslim is ultra conservative by virtue of simply being a Muslim, and what we practice in all our daily lives as Muslims is predicated on what is put in simple terms as conservative values. Some of us are truer to those values than others, that's true. But that's not to say that anything on the right necessarily resembles conservative values, either, but it certainly leans a lot more to that side than the leftist liberals you despise so much. So the argument about being leftist, or liberal, or mainstream oriented it poopooed straight out the door and is based on much more sincere thoughts and values.

That being said, the last thing I'll say about the Kavanaugh ordeal is how insulting it was to hear people like Susan Collins (and the whole Republican party) look into the camera and tell us that she believed Dr. Christine Blasy Ford was assaulted, but doesn't believe it was Bret Kavnaugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO x 1,00000000000000000000000000000000000000!
That's all I'm going to say. :lol:
. .
Democrat Mob chases
Police out of Portland, Attacks
Random cars

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Gomig-21 @Hamartia Antidote @Metanoia

They need to make special laws for these particular animals. Some of them get run over when they block roads, it's happened. And the interesting dynamic is how shy the cops were. They're apprehensive which creates this situation and the violent freaks smell that fear and take advantage of it, like rabid predators.

BTW, cruising down a river in Cape Ann and I came across this banner, thought it was hilarious. Not only the message, the fact that someone took the time to create it and hang it on these tennis courts. :D

Anyone catch that disaster of an interview with Leslie Stall on 60 minutes? loool. For anyone who had any ounce of doubt as to the intelligence of the clown in chief, that was a confirmation! I've heard interviews of 3rd world bangup country dictators hack tribal junkies that had more brains than this guy lool. I think the affirmation that this guy is ANYTHING but a genius has been confirmed once again and for all.

They haven't released the entire interview yet so this is just a snippet lol. @RabzonKhan did you see this disaster? I actually delayed watching our huge Boston sports night just to catch this and it was worth it!

LOL this is too funny. Rabid leftist lunatics vs. Trump supporters.

These Trump supporters are all classical Liberals or Libertarians, but I have to say they kept their calm in the face of these rabid Marxist Democrats and managed to use their own shaming technique against them.

There are 36 Governors’ races this year. Democrats will have to defend nine, Republican 26 and there is one independent governor. Democrats are expected to make big gains.

Here’s an interesting article on important gubernatorial races:

The 13 most important governor elections in 2018, briefly explained

With many GOP seats open, Democrats could gain a lot of ground in the 2018 gubernatorial elections.

By Stavros Agorakis and Dylan Scott Oct 15, 2018

Republicans currently hold an astonishing two-thirds of the governors’ mansions across the country, giving the GOP an overwhelming advantage in controlling state governments. This year, 26 of those seats are on the ballot.

Forecasts from leading election watchers show about 18 of the most competitive governor races in the 2018 midterm elections are currently Republican-held seats. Democrats finally have a lot of chances to regain some ground.

Beyond the usual issues, there’s one other big reason to pay attention to governors this year: Governors who are elected in 2018 will almost all still be in office in 2021, when the next round of congressional redistricting starts. In many states, governors will wield a veto pen over the new House and state legislative maps.

As in all elections this year, Donald Trump will loom large over the gubernatorial campaigns. In some major races, like Florida, his handpicked candidate is running up against an upstart Democrat who is betting on a big blue wave. Democrats are polling strongly even in states like Ohio, which Trump won by 8 points.

A few seem sure to flip: Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner in Illinois, for example, is considered all but a goner; Democrat J.B. Pritzker has a 16-point lead in the polls, on average. In Michigan, Democratic nominee Gretchen Whitmer has established an impressive 9-point lead in the polling over her Republican opponent to replace the outgoing, unpopular GOP Gov. Rick Snyder.

But a dozen or more other races look like they could go either way. Here they are: 2018’s most competitive gubernatorial races, ranked by the current polling average, according to Real Clear Politics. Read more

Anyone catch that disaster of an interview with Leslie Stall on 60 minutes? loool. For anyone who had any ounce of doubt as to the intelligence of the clown in chief, that was a confirmation! I've heard interviews of 3rd world bangup country dictators hack tribal junkies that had more brains than this guy lool. I think the affirmation that this guy is ANYTHING but a genius has been confirmed once again and for all.

They haven't released the entire interview yet so this is just a snippet lol. @RabzonKhan did you see this disaster? I actually delayed watching our huge Boston sports night just to catch this and it was worth it!

Yes, I tried to watch it, but it was too much, I gave up, and I admit, he definitely “qualify as not smart, but genius…… and a very stable genius at that!”

I’m sure you know what I mean.:D
Trump's friend is at it again!

DHS finds increasing attempts to hack U.S. election systems ahead of midterms

Pete Williams and Ken Dilanian
23 hrs ago

WASHINGTON — The Department of Homeland Security says it's working to identify who — or what — is behind an increasing number of attempted cyber attacks on U.S. election databases ahead of next month's midterms.

"We are aware of a growing volume of cyber activity targeting election infrastructure in 2018," the department's Cyber Mission Center said in an intelligence assessment issued last week and obtained by NBC News. "Numerous actors are regularly targeting election infrastructure, likely for different purposes, including to cause disruptive effects, steal sensitive data, and undermine confidence in the election."

The assessment said the federal government does not know who is behind the attacks, but it said all potential intrusions were either prevented or mitigated.

The techniques used by the hackers are available to nation-state and non-state hackers alike, DHS said, including malicious e-mails that appear to be legitimate and denial of service attacks. The attempted hacks have been intensifying since April and were detected as recently as early October.

For example, the assessment said, three different methods were used in late August in an attempt to get access to Vermont's online voter registration database, but they were unsuccessful.

Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos confirmed that account, which had not been previously reported, describing it Monday as the kind of attempted hack that states face every day.

"The good news is that our defenses are robust, were in place, and did their job," he said in a telephone interview.

The voter registration list is backed up every day, Condos added, "so if it were somehow to be breached, we would just go back 24 hours and reset it. We'd only lose one day's worth. And we also have same-day voter resignation, which means that no one would be denied on election day."

As for attempts by foreign governments to influence the U.S. political environment, the intelligence bulletin said Russia and China remain active, though in different ways. Russia attempts to spread disinformation with hackers posing as Americans, while China is engaged in more conventional propaganda efforts.

Read more

Yale is a leftie communist infected hellhole. There is a reason why their "profs" get triggered by the likes (just to name a few) of Sam Harris, Dave Rubin and Eric Weinstein (people on traditional left now part of the intellectual dark web thanks to the angry leftie "progressive" mob getting their feelz hurt).

As for the polling, you can have as many slaves, zombies, dead people and general serfs in commiefornia et al show up in the libtard one party state rule of west coast....as you want. What matters is the swing districts and late (non polled people) turnout:

See, I told you, you won’t like the answer :D “Commiefornia”, that’s funny, you can rant as much as you want, but the fact is that California is the richest state and is now the world’s fifth largest economy, according to the data released by the Trump administration’s US Department of Commerce. Its 2017 Gross State Product was $2.747 trillion. California trails only Germany ($ 3.685 trillion), Japan ($4.872 trillion), China ($12.0153 trillion) and the United States ($16.644 trillion without California) among the world’s leading economies.

You have been missed, what did you do this time? Take it easy man, life is too short :D

Democrat Mob chases
Police out of Portland, Attacks
Random cars

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Gomig-21 @Hamartia Antidote @Metanoia
Nice try, Antifa is an anarchist terrorist organization, which has nothing to do with the Democrat party.

Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi in the past has strongly condemned them.

Here's a statement:

Pelosi Statement Condemning Antifa Violence in Berkeley

San Francisco — Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement denouncing the violent protests carried out this weekend in Berkeley, California:

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.

“In California, as across all of our great nation, we have deep reverence for the Constitutional right to peaceful dissent and free speech. Non-violence is fundamental to that right. Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate, and to remember the values of peace, openness and justice that represent the best of America.” Source
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