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US Politics

Oh and the repubs need only ten seats for the house. While demos need 70
I see it in that the world STARTED to end in 2012.:p:

may be thats what "mayan calender" meant -

The Mayan calendar will cycle back to zero on Dec. 21, 2012 for the first time since 3114 B.C. and people around the world—from Argentina to Asia and the Middle East—believe that fact to be an indicator of doomsday.

haha On the other note just heard sarah palin to sky news - "see Britain how we are “”hooking up””, brexit and now this"

Spoke like a true h00k£R, Zardari (the creep) failed. Should have taped that....
The US might be swaying from extreme liberalist radicalism (which involves strong interference and war making while feeding on the sentiments of not so productive minorities at home) to a complete Republican take over of the country.

This may be the golden opportunity for the Republican to restructure the country, preserve controlled isolationism and join China in reconfiguring a new form of major power relations.

Trump win does not make the US a friend of China; but it makes the US more predictable than an extremely formless and unpredictable Obama administration.

One thing we can, at least, agree about is how to define terrorism as terrorism, be it in Syria or in France.

If Trump eventually wins, hats off to the wisdom of the real American people, who are roughly half of the country.

It is good that Trump did not receive support from minorities (races and religion). Now he knows whose interests he represents and to whom the country really belongs.

It is not only Hillary which might lose. Obama will be the biggest loser. Many people are forgetting this. The red necks have spoken loud and clear already. This is white angry America showing its colours. No other way to put it.

You can not just hide it for too long, happens all the time on this very forum with fake I.D,s.
Race was a factor, yes. But definitely not the biggest one.

One of the biggest factors along with other major factors. You will see in the coming days if Trump really carries out his tough promises such as building the wall, banning Muslims and getting tough on black African Americans etc. by enabling the police. Race riots happening.
have they called it ? :o:

Its good as called bro. MSM doesnt want to show you the math....but I did it (just like I did for Florida earlier).

About 98% confidence now of him winning Wisconsin. For Michigan its around 70% currently (confidence level).

UPDATE: Iowa called
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