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“I am a big fan of Hindu”: Donald Trump’s hideous love affair with Hindu nationalism


Very interesting facts about Hindu nationalist support for Trump. Explains it in a nutshell why we see some extremist nut jobs from that part of the world supporting Trump.

This Indian-American Man Is One Of Donald Trump's Biggest Donors

In an interview with The Hill, Kumar revealed he first met Trump in July and was impressed with his views on Muslim profiling, his policies on Pakistan and a stronger US-India relationship.

Kumar, who owns the electronics manufacturing company AVG Advanced Technologies, is also one of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's most powerful supporters in the US.


Among the very few Indian Americans who do appear to support Trump, some have focused on, and have even expressed admiration for, his anti-Muslim rhetoric. They are hopeful it will ultimately translate into policies tough on Pakistan and thus beneficial to India, should Trump win the White House. It is not uncommon for these views to be accompanied by the bigotry, xenophobia and prejudice that have become such hallmark features of Trump’s own campaign.

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Thats fine as long as Clinton and FBI keep appearing on the headlines.
yeah, only a day to go, hopefully the combined effect of the past 10 days will dampen the positives for her.

Explains it in a nutshell why we see some nut jobs from that part of the world on this forum supporting Trump.
where ? I don't see any Hindu nationalists on this thread.
yeah, only a day to go, hopefully the combined effect of the past 10 days will dampen the positives for her.

where ? I don't see any Hindu nationalists on this thread.

Ever looked at yourself?

There is no question about that the MSM has steered the elections toward Hillary. Not that I'd ever vote for Trump--and that's not because he's 'Anti Muslim' or 'Anti Latino' etc. But because Trump is a SPOILED BRAT! Any person who's never had to face the consequences of his/her actions or felt pressured to use his/her brain is a dangerous human being. A lose Cannon. We have our own such in Pakistan--if you know what I mean :)

I wouldn't trust my cow to Donald Trump.

Now to Hillary. Getting away from Libya and Syria fiascos by the same media which, rightly, lynched G.W.Bush for Iraq. If I HAD to pick between the two, I'd pick Hillary. But luckily, there's Jill Stein--the Green Party candidate. Yes, a vote lost while my conscience wins.

The irony is that the Trump supporter on this forum will keep throwing the accusation that Hillary is a warmonger, Muslim murderer etc. Yet, instead of voting for someone like Jill who totally opposes war and US meddling in other nations these people would opt for Trump who in reality would just up the ante. The absurdity is mindboggling. Only this absurdity is deliberate.
Election 2016: America Deserved Better


Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Election Day will be the culmination of a long painful presidential campaign that has pitted two unpopular candidates against each other in one the most offensive races in this nation’s history. The beacon of democracy has been soiled by scurrilous rhetoric that has blemished the character and stature of the United States. No matter the outcome, the healing process is sure to be long and difficult.

Republican Donald Trump fought like a pit bull to win his party’s nomination. He insulted all of his primary opponents, using demeaning language and derogatory terms to describe his foes. He succeeded to play on the anger of many citizens who feel left behind, who believe the government is not functioning properly, who are frustrated with illegal immigrants, who fear a terrorist attack, who are worried their guns will be taken away, and who are fed up with foreign wars.

Trump is a severely flawed candidate. He has been recorded on video making offensive remarks about women, even saying he would be sexually abusive to them. Now a dozen women have come forward to claim Trump made unwanted sexual advances to them, claims he has denied. This follows his long history of using degrading and slanderous insults against women.

Trump began his campaign insulting Mexicans immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, and promised to build a wall along the southern border that Mexico would pay for. He announced a ban on Muslims entering the U.S., and called for monitors to watch over mosques. He insulted Senator John McCain, saying the former POW was not a war hero. He insulted a disabled reporter, and has consistently attacked reporters covering his campaign as dishonest, which created an unsafe environment for journalists assigned to his events.

Recent news reports have revealed that Trump cut corners and used shady tax provisions for decades to keep his companies afloat. Trump used bankruptcy laws to leave several contractors and their employees high and dry, as well as investors and would-be homeowners. Trump brags that he gives money to charities, but recent news reports have revealed he often promises a lot, and then later reneges on his promises. The now defunct Trump University is currently facing three civil suits, and the biggest lesson its students learned is not to trust Trump. Trump claims he cannot release his tax returns because he says he is being audited. There is no proof he is being audited, but an audit is not a valid a reason for him to withhold his returns from the American public in an election year. It is likely he knows if he released them he would be exposed. Regretfully, he has gotten away with his lack of transparency.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has endorsed Trump, and Trump has said kind words about Putin. Since Trump has questioned the role of NATO, a vital national security organization for the U.S., of course Putin supports Trump because he wants a weakened NATO too. Russian hackers are doing their part to tip the election Trump’s way, while Putin is supporting the rise of nationalist movements throughout Europe in an effort to undermine that region’s stability. So it should be no surprise that those with nationalist sentiments in this country, and even the Ku Klux Klan, are supporting Trump.

Trump has no military or foreign policy experience, yet we are at a time when the world is in tremendous transition, and American forces are engaged in several conflicts. For decades efforts have been made to limit existing nuclear stockpiles and stop the spread of these massively destructive weapons to other countries, as well as to terrorists. But Trump has said he would not be opposed to using these weapons, and suggested that Japan and Saudi Arabia should be allowed to have them. His lack of understanding on this issue is scary — and may have profound consequences should he be elected. The president doesn’t need Congressional approval to launch a nuclear war.

On the campaign trail Trump has been the consummate showman and entertainer. He makes outrageous comments to fire up his supporters. He has dubbed his opponent “crooked” Hillary Clinton, yet he has lied hundreds of times according to every fact-checker. This man actually had the chutzpah to announce in a debate he would launch an investigation into Clinton if he were elected president, and even said she should be in jail.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has a serious trust issue with the American electorate dating back to her time as Arkansas First Lady. There have been many investigations into both Hillary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. She has never been charged on convicted with a crime. Yet her use of a private Email server while U.S. Secretary of State has been the scandal that simply won’t go away. While she apologized, the fact that she had thousands of personal Emails destroyed that may have been relevant to an investigation into her handling of classified material has further undermined her credibility.

Clinton has enemies within the FBI. Last July, FBI chief James Comey cleared her of wrong doing but declared her handling of Emails as reckless. Republican members of Congress were sharply critical of Comey’s decision. Ten days ago former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is also a former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, appeared on Fox News and predicted something big was about to come out that would hurt Clinton. Two days later Comey sent a letter to members of Congress informing them that the FBI would expand its investigation into Emails found on the laptop of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton’s right-hand aide, Huma Abedin. Did disgruntled FBI agents tip off Giuliani? He says no. Even worse, Fox News anchor Brett Baier, quoting FBI sources, reported that an indictment was likely against the Clinton Foundation. Later he had to retract his story and apologize, but the damage was done.

The Comey letter roiled the presidential race, and now Trump is within striking distance of being elected. The stock market suffered losses Friday, and many world leaders are on edge. Despite her problems, Clinton is considered one of the most experienced, knowledgeable, and hard working candidates to ever run for president. Her time as first lady of the United States, as a U.S. Senator from New York, and as U.S. Secretary of State, have given her a deep background and extensive connections to draw upon if she is elected president.

And on Sunday, James Comey sent a new letter to members of Congress regarding the Email’s on Weiner’s laptop. Comey wrote, “based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.” This apparently ended any further investigation, according to The New York Times. Comey’s latest letter comes at a time when Clinton appears to be holding on to a slim lead over Trump in the final hours before Election Day. Not surprisingly, Clinton has the support of most women, as well as most Latinos, African Americans, Asians and younger Americans. If they turnout in massive numbers Clinton will make history as the first woman to be elected U.S. president.

No matter the final outcome, most Americans will be relieved the presidential election is finally over. However, the country will remain deeply divided, and it will be difficult for the winner to govern the country. Meanwhile, books will be written about what went wrong with the 2016 presidential election. There will be plenty of blame to mete out, to Trump, to Clinton, to the political parties, to the presidential campaigns, to the FBI, to the media, and even to the Russians.

After all, America deserves far better.

Ever looked at yourself?
ever looked at what I post ?

not a Hindu nationalist, though I don't think there's anything wrong with being one. The 2 or 3 other Indians regularly posting in this thread don't fit that description either.

Trump's final push, high energy 8-)



. .
FBI: No charges against Hillary Clinton over emails
Trump says his opponent is 'protected by a rigged system' after FBI director rules out any charges against Clinton.

FBI Director James Comey has told Congress a review of new Hillary Clinton emails has "not changed our conclusions" from earlier this year that she should not face charges.

Comey sent the letter on Sunday, just two days before the US presidental election. It followed one he sent last week saying agents would be reviewing newly discovered emails that may be connected to Clinton.

They were found on the device of Anthony Weiner, the disgraced congressman and estranged husband of Clinton's close aide Huma Abedin.

Clinton's Republican rival Donald Trump quickly responded to Comey's latest announcement, saying Clinton is protected by a "rigged system".

"Right now she's being protected by a rigged system. It's a totally rigged system. I've been saying it for a long time," Trump told supporters in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

"Hillary Clinton is guilty, she knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it and now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8."

Since Comey dropped the bombshell that a review of Clinton's state department email practices would be revisited after new messages were uncovered, "the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock," Comey said in a widely circulated letter to lawmakers.

"During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to secretary Clinton."

Her campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri welcomed the move.

"We are glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he would, that he's confirmed the conclusions that he reached in July," Palmieri told reporters travelling with the candidate.

"And we're glad that this matter is resolved."

Clinton holds a five-point lead over Trump in the latest Washington Post-ABC Tracking Poll released early Sunday.

In a Post-ABC poll on Friday, Clinton had led Trump by 47 percent to 44 percent.

Clinton had an advantage in affirmative support, the poll said, with 55 percent of backers saying they are mainly supporting her, compared with 43 percent of Trump voters. More Trump voters say they "mainly oppose Clinton".


That is because Comey is a corrupt asshole.:mad:

Only yesterday he was 'doing his duty' and today he's a scoundrel! Typical Trump mentality!

wahhabi terrorist infested areas like Aleppo, Mosul and Raqqa need to be bombed to shit. We want American JDAMS to join in on the fun the Syrian and Russian Air Forces are having. :)

As I said people like you are ready to burn down the entire world if you can't cling to power like a blood sucking leech!
As I said people like you are ready to burn down the entire world if you can't cling to power like a blood sucking leech!
Putin is going to massively ramp up punitive military action on US jihadi proxies in Syria if crooked hillary is elected. So either way, your beloved ISIS and FSA scum are going to be bombed even harder in the days to come. :)
I don't want my Muslim brothers and sisters in USA to be in trouble other wise I really want this trump to win. He is the best thing which can happen to Muslims and people around the world who is USA messing with and worst thing for USA.
Putin is going to massively ramp up punitive military action on US jihadi proxies in Syria if crooked hillary is elected. So either way, your beloved ISIS and FSA scum are going to be bombed even harder in the days to come. :)

Giving up on Trump so soon! BTW we don't supply the IED explosives to your beloved Daesh, you do and as for FSA, they are used to being bombed by the barrel bombers but something new is going to be added to this and I'm sure you know what that is. You wanted the US JDAMS, I tell you what, your genocidal buddies will get the US JDAMs alright but before that tell your barrel bombers to have their last suppers in case they haven't had their last suppers yet.
. .
There is no question about that the MSM has steered the elections toward Hillary. Not that I'd ever vote for Trump--and that's not because he's 'Anti Muslim' or 'Anti Latino' etc. But because Trump is a SPOILED BRAT! Any person who's never had to face the consequences of his/her actions or felt pressured to use his/her brain is a dangerous human being. A lose Cannon. We have our own such in Pakistan--if you know what I mean :)

I wouldn't trust my cow to Donald Trump.

Now to Hillary. Getting away from Libya and Syria fiascos by the same media which, rightly, lynched G.W.Bush for Iraq. If I HAD to pick between the two, I'd pick Hillary. But luckily, there's Jill Stein--the Green Party candidate. Yes, a vote lost while my conscience wins.
FBI: No charges against Hillary Clinton over emails
Trump says his opponent is 'protected by a rigged system' after FBI director rules out any charges against Clinton.

FBI Director James Comey has told Congress a review of new Hillary Clinton emails has "not changed our conclusions" from earlier this year that she should not face charges.

Comey sent the letter on Sunday, just two days before the US presidental election. It followed one he sent last week saying agents would be reviewing newly discovered emails that may be connected to Clinton.

They were found on the device of Anthony Weiner, the disgraced congressman and estranged husband of Clinton's close aide Huma Abedin.

Clinton's Republican rival Donald Trump quickly responded to Comey's latest announcement, saying Clinton is protected by a "rigged system".

"Right now she's being protected by a rigged system. It's a totally rigged system. I've been saying it for a long time," Trump told supporters in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

"Hillary Clinton is guilty, she knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it and now it's up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8."

Since Comey dropped the bombshell that a review of Clinton's state department email practices would be revisited after new messages were uncovered, "the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock," Comey said in a widely circulated letter to lawmakers.

"During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to secretary Clinton."

Her campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri welcomed the move.

"We are glad to see that he has found, as we were confident that he would, that he's confirmed the conclusions that he reached in July," Palmieri told reporters travelling with the candidate.

"And we're glad that this matter is resolved."

Clinton holds a five-point lead over Trump in the latest Washington Post-ABC Tracking Poll released early Sunday.

In a Post-ABC poll on Friday, Clinton had led Trump by 47 percent to 44 percent.

Clinton had an advantage in affirmative support, the poll said, with 55 percent of backers saying they are mainly supporting her, compared with 43 percent of Trump voters. More Trump voters say they "mainly oppose Clinton".


Only yesterday he was 'doing his duty' and today he's a scoundrel! Typical Trump mentality!

As I said people like you are ready to burn down the entire world if you can't cling to power like a blood sucking leech!
He was NEVER doing his duty.o_O He was always a scoundrel. It is amazing, how people would support such a corrupt candidate.




. .
You have a twisted notion of legitimacy, it comes out of the barrel of a gun. That shows what a great democrat you are. Are you going to suggest to trump to behave like your favourite despot in Syria when he's going to lose the election? People like you are the real threat to world peace. You are ready to burn down the entire world if you can't grab the throne.
Shouldn't you be eating someone's heart like your brethren: Syrian Rebel Eats Dead Soldiers Heart- GRAPHIC

Ever looked at yourself?

The irony is that the Trump supporter on this forum will keep throwing the accusation that Hillary is a warmonger, Muslim murderer etc. Yet, instead of voting for someone like Jill who totally opposes war and US meddling in other nations these people would opt for Trump who in reality would just up the ante. The absurdity is mindboggling. Only this absurdity is deliberate.

Yes sir! Mindboggling is the right word.

Let's all sink this into our heads: Trump has no convictions, no principles, no ethics, and no morals! Oh, I wish he was in the Pakistani Parliament that day to be addressed by the Pakistani Defense Minister Kh. Asif: "Koi Sharam Hoti Hai...". Or to be addressed in U.S hearing: "At long last, sir, have no sense of decency?".

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