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after Dubya and his party were rejected wholesale in '08, who would've thought a right winger "demagogue" like Trump would be the voice of reason and common sense foreign policy in 2018

how things change..

or do they change at all ? o_O

is this whole Trump phenomenon just a ruse, this time on the right ? huge rallies, a populist message.. all very reminiscent of the Obama circus '08, it's all set up very nicely for Trump just as it was for Obama to go on for another 4 - 8 years and to have enough cover to keep blaming the previous admin.

going only by their rhetoric on foreign policy, and unless you're some kind of weirdo islamist sympathizer, Trump is making all the right noises.. don't support Syrian rebels/work with Russia/no more senseless wars in the middle east/kill ISIS etc.. and he's called out Turkey and Saudia for their role in the Syrian mess.

he also just said that if he wins, he will meet Putin before he takes office in January of next year (while Obama completes his lame duck term) to stop further escalation with the Russians.

it made Rachel Maddow mad:

Trump interview:

Out comes the Jill Stein hate ever since she said she preferred Trump over Hillary (given she feels Hillary could very likely start WW3 with Russia).

Very predictable.
I wonder if he's with 'correct the record'. :lol:


@boomslang she went in a republican rally. but came out without being violated ..had it been India or Pakistan then she would have got her wish and more

Bill Clinton would flavor his cigar with her snapper juice. And Killary would defend him.:bunny:


Time for Bill Clinton to clean up this nonsense

You mean serial rapist Bill Clinton ?
Today is the third and final debate. Hillary is leading in the polls, Trump's ship is sinking, he’s the underdog and desperately needs to win this debate, not only to stop her momentum, but also to appeal to women, blacks, Hispanics, men with college degree and young voters, since with 40% voter base he cannot win the election.

All Hillary needs to do is remain calm and presidential, as she was in the previous two debates, explain her policies with depth and clarity, and don't feed the troll, let him bark, he is good in self-destruction.

Today is the third and final debate. Hillary is leading in the polls, Trump's ship is sinking, he’s the underdog and desperately needs to win this debate, not only to stop her momentum, but also to appeal to women, blacks, Hispanics, men with college degree and young voters, since with 40% voter base he cannot win the election.

All Hillary needs to do is remain calm and presidential, as she was in the previous two debates, explain her policies with depth and clarity, and don't feed the troll, let him bark, he is good in self-destruction.

'Dewey Defeats Truman' 2.
Trump came of looking like he had a real grip on issues. The "Putin's puppet" bit was clever but fell flat in the face of real issues like the war in Syria where he once again questioned her judgement to support these so called rebels when they are worse than Assad, so no regime change for Syria, very clear contrast to neocon hillary who wants to get rid of Assad, help the so called rebels, start a war with Russia (a no fly zone means war) and bring refugees from there into America.

Trump is common sense all the way, Hillary is a crazy person.
Trump destroyed Hillary Clinton tonight.

I believe it was more or less a tie

According to scott adams,isn't Hillary winning right now?

If the latest groping/kissing allegations against Trump hold up – and I assume they will, based on quantity if not credibility – it won’t matter what Wikileaks says about Clinton. She will win easily.

Trump;s refusal to accept the election results line hurt him a lot.
Was more of a tie. Trump could have used openings in better way. Chances of Trump winning is even less than 1% now.
You are wrong here..

They may be less,but less than 1% is not possible for him now.
Was more of a tie. Trump could have used openings in better way. Chances of Trump winning is even less than 1% now.
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