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Hillary Clinton asks Bill Clinton to vote for Trump after hearing that Madonna will give a blowjob to Hillary voters

“She has already suffered so much due to the blowjobs he has received. Even during this campaign, Trump has brought about Bill’s sexual history but thankfully, she looks set to survive that attack and head to the White House. Now she doesn’t want her life as President to start on such a note therefore, she told Bill clearly that he must vote Trump. One vote isn’t going to jeopardize her chances and she can sleep easy after winning the race”, a Clinton aide told Faking News on the condition of confidentiality.
Trump the fool has destroyed all chances of becoming the next chief destroyer of the USA. He knows it too. No one would claim that the elections are rigged before they even took place. The pu$$y scandal was Trump's last nail in the coffin. What an utter damn fool this man is. Who would even say such a thing? Grabbing a woman by her genitals LMAO Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. The elections are over. Hillary is going to win comfortably. The Republicans are left red-faced and utterly humiliated. This is how low American politics has got. This is the best they could come up with from the Republican side. The whole world has witnessed a clown fest.

The only people that are still going to vote for Trump are the predominantly "aggrieved" white racist red necks i.e. deplorables. That consists of crazy fundamentalist white evangelicals and the sort. Trump can never win the elections with only this crazy group by his side. It worked during the primaries because the Republican conservative voter base largely consists of such crazy people. The people who predicted that the general elections are going to be a different ballgame were right all along. The Republican Party has been hijacked by crazy red necks who have destroyed the conservative values. It existed once, but it began deteriorating during the Bush era. Today we are witnessing how much these values have eroded. I can safely say that they are nonexistent. A party hijacked by white KKK supremacists and religious fanatics.

The Republican party has been decimated as we know it. Trump has singlehandedly destroyed this party and it will never be the same. He has smashed some very old Republican demons such as the Bush dynasty and others. It was a long time coming and boy did they deserve it or what. That is one of the very few positives that Trump's candidacy has achieved.

You reap what you sow America. You have been harvesting hate and war for decades. Your economy has suffered enormously. I could go and on. This is the end result. Utter humiliation. Today you go around blaming everyone, but deep inside you know that only you are to be blamed. Blaming Mexicans, Muslims, disabled people, women or a dead American Pakistani Muslim soldier won't get you anywhere. Nature has a perfect way of keeping things in an equilibrium. This is mother equilibrium at full display.
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Maybe in the world you live in, but in reality he's taken very seriously, and Putin himself would call you a fool for not taking the President of the United States seriously.

Then again, you aren't in the position of responsibility that they are, so you can afford to not take him seriously.
Oh, yeah im sure Putin takes Obama seriously like how he violated Obummer's "red line in the sand" in Syria :lol:

Forget about Russia, even the Philipino President (American Ally) doesn't take Obummer seriously, :woot::

Rodrigo Duterte calls Barack Obama a 'son of a whore' – video

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We haven't seen half of it yet. The fireworks will start after the elections. There is a reason why the media keeps asking whether Trump is going accept the election result. It remains to be seen whether Trump is going to accept the outcome of the elections. I think he will not and the deplorables are going to then come into play. We know what the deplorables are capable of. It will be a purge night on a mass scale.
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Forget about Russia, even the Philipino President (American Ally) doesn't take Obummer seriously, :woot::

America is thankful Duterte is only president of the Philippines and not a leader of a more important country. :D
LOL don't downplay the importance of the Philippines. This country has been a frontline "ally" in the SCS conflict. It is a huge blow.

No problem. It's not like US wants those islands for itself, but were simply helping an ally to protect its rights in SCS. If the Philippines chooses to go a different path on them -- by making a deal with China -- so be it.
No problem. It's not like US wants those islands for itself, but were simply helping an ally to protect its rights in SCS. If the Philippines chooses to go a different path on them -- by making a deal with China -- so be it.

No, you are only helping yourself by sowing division. The Philippines is a smart country and they have figured out before it is too late.
Oh, yeah im sure Putin takes Obama seriously like how he violated Obummer's "red line in the sand" in Syria :lol:

Forget about Russia, even the Philipino President (American Ally) doesn't take Obummer seriously, :woot::

Rodrigo Duterte calls Barack Obama a 'son of a whore' – video

Putin has No respect for Obama. That is pretty obvious going by his actions. I bet that along with many Obama fans,he too will miss Obama a lot.
Add to that,I heard he is pretty racist & looks down on the Black Peoples(Regardless of nation).

@Desert Fox I have never understood this, you are a Pakistani Muslim. Then why do you support Trump??
He may/may not ban muslims from entering the USA(from some nations as he said), & he has said stuff like this http://www.thehindu.com/news/intern...on-unstable-pakistan-nukes/article8531485.ece . Why exactly do you support him??

& do you hold foreign citizenship?
Putin has No respect for Obama. That is pretty obvious going by his actions. I bet that along with many Obama fans,he too will miss Obama a lot.
Add to that,I heard he is pretty racist & looks down on the Black Peoples(Regardless of nation).

@Desert Fox I have never understood this, you are a Pakistani Muslim. Then why do you support Trump??
He may/may not ban muslims from entering the USA(from some nations as he said), & he has said stuff like this http://www.thehindu.com/news/intern...on-unstable-pakistan-nukes/article8531485.ece . Why exactly do you support him??

& do you hold foreign citizenship?

Valid questions.
Overall in the three debates Trump got absolutely crushed (esp in the first and the third) and he was made to look like a childish clown without any substantive policy. Remember that at the beginning of the first debate there was barely any difference between him and Clinton in the polls and now after 3 debates in a month or so Clinton has a healthy lead of 7-8 points. The Clinton campaign designed a strategy to bait Trump to self destruct himself and it worked perfectly. He is done, it is now just a formality.
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