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US Politics

Trump is a hypocrite and a two-faced liar, recently he held a press conference with Bill Clinton accusers....damn crocodile tears. Link

But in 1998 interview, he called Paula Jones, the accuser of Bill Clinton, "a loser" and that her accusations were false.

Eugene, Oregon (CNN) Donald Trump on Friday accused Hillary Clinton of being "an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler" of her husband's alleged affairs and accused her of destroying the lives of his accusers. Link

But in an interview he praised Hillary, saying she was an “incredible woman” and she was “handling the pressure so well”.

Surprised to learn today when the news reported the Hindu community of new Jersey is supporting Trump for better ties with India.

Normally Indians vote Democrate but this time around things are different. The attendees mentioned they believe Trump's tougher stance on terrorism is the reason for their support of the candidate.

I think Modi's right wing views and policy are resonating with the Indian community here thus the support for Trump.
The republican party spent $80M of taxpayers money on investigating Bill Clinton and all they came up with was that he got a blowjob by an Intern, which basically is none of their business....

It is the peoples business when he does it to an intern, that's illegal and he did it in the Oval Office which shows a lack of respect for the office. But the best part was that he was found guilty of perjury for lying about it and he was impeached and disbarred. Not to mention the chicks who said he out and out raped them. There are former servicemen who are in prison for doing much less than Killary did with the personal servers. :usflag:

Yep, it's over. And while I'm not a big fan of trump, I'm also not happy that secretary Clinton will be the next president of the United States.

I like many Americans want to walk into that voting booth on November 8th and hope there is a "none-of-the-above" button to push.

Latest Rasmussen poll has Killary ahead by 4 points with a margin of error of 4 points. Basically a tie. Plus I think there is a bunch of people that will not admit to voting for Trump which skewers the numbers a bit. The Libertarian and Green candidates are siphoning off Killary votes. HAHAHAHAHA !!!:usflag:

LOL yet Hillary is going to win.

I find it so amusing how any sane being could support Trump after so many revelations. I must say that grab them by the p.... just tops the list. LMAO

The Clintons have been involved in scandals their whole public life. Looks like you've turned a blind eye to Killarys hijinx, just like the MSM has. Open borders. I lie to the public. In cahoots with the DNC against Bernie. Advocate for women yet taking millions from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Defames the women who Bill raped. The whole handling secret emails with gross negligence. 'Needy' Hispanics quote. Destroying 13 smart phones, some after Congress asks to see them. Public defender Killary gets the rapist of a 13 year old girl off and then can be heard on tape laughing about it. I could go on all day. We know these are all real . The allegations against Trump are just that. Allegations. Some of them 35 years old. These women had all this time to sue of whatever but they waited till now to come out with their stories. Fishy. Very fishy.:usflag:
One more reason, Donnie should not be the President, he's freaking insane.

The madman once sued comedian Bill Maher for claiming during a TV show appearance that he believed Trump was a son of an Orangutan. Bill Maher jokily said that he would pay Trump $5 million if he could prove that he was not the son of an Orangutan, Trump took that seriously, imagine that, the genius released his birth certificate and then sued Bill Maher's for $5 million, of course yes, he had to withdrew his stupid case without getting a penny. :lol: Link


Bill Maher, Trump and his............ :D
So how much ahead is Hillary ? 10 or, 15 points ?
Hillary beats Donny in polls, debates and fundraising, bloody loser! :lol:

Donald Trump's September fundraising lags behind Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump reported raising $100 million for his presidential campaign and the Republican party in September, a number that trails far behind Hillary Clinton’s fundraising haul in the same month.

Trump’s campaign sent a statement Saturday announcing its “new fundraising record,” which will fill the coffers for his presidential bid as well as the joint efforts of the Republican National Committee, and various state GOP parties. The
campaign said Trump himself contributed $2 million of that total.

In total, the campaign and its affiliated joint fundraising committees finished September with approximately $75 million cash on hand.

“These numbers show that Donald Trump continues to have incredible broad based support from across America,” Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s finance chairman.

But Trump’s campaign apparatus is playing a catch-up game compared to Hillary Clinton’s behemoth fundraising efforts, which drew in more than $154 million for her campaign and the Democratic Party in September alone. HFA, along with the campaign’s other joint fundraising committees, began the month of October with a combined $150 million cash on hand.

And when it comes to advertising, the numbers in the final stretch of the campaign continue the election-cycle trend of Clinton outspending Trump.

Bloomberg reports that Clinton and various super PACs supporting the Democratic nominee have booked ads through election day with buys totaling $78.3 million. The amount is more than twice what Trump and his super PAC backers have scheduled -- $50 million, according to Kantar Media. Link

Poll: Women propel Hillary Clinton into battleground lead over Donald Trump


A big swing in the women’s vote has propelled Hillary Clinton into a six-point lead across the battleground states, as seven in ten women feel Donald Trump does not respect them.

Last month the women’s vote in these key states was five points more for Clinton; today it is 15 points in Clinton’s favor – accounting for most of the swing, overall - and it even outweighs partisanship. Trump was at 84 percent among Republican women then, and has dropped to 77 percent today. Read more
Plus I think there is a bunch of people that will not admit to voting for Trump which skewers the numbers a bit

I'm inclined to agree with that. I was just recently talking with a friend about this exact subject.

We talked about the fact that there might be a significant amount of people out there who because of political correctness and it not currently being socially acceptable wouldn't admit that they were going to vote for Trump.

But will those numbers be enough to take him over the top in the end though? By all indications it looks like they won't be. With the way this election has been going though, I wouldn't rule anything out.

Surprised to learn today when the news reported the Hindu community of new Jersey is supporting Trump for better ties with India.

Normally Indians vote Democrate but this time around things are different. The attendees mentioned they believe Trump's tougher stance on terrorism is the reason for their support of the candidate.

I think Modi's right wing views and policy are resonating with the Indian community here thus the support for Trump.

Those guys are still mostly voting Hillary. Stupid I think.
I'm inclined to agree with that. I was just recently talking with a friend about this exact subject.

We talked about the fact that there might be a significant amount of people out there who because of political correctness and it not currently being socially acceptable wouldn't admit that they were going to vote for Trump.

But will those numbers be enough to take him over the top in the end though? By all indications it looks like they won't be. With the way this election has been going though, I wouldn't rule anything out.

agree, this has been a weird year, Trump outperformed the expectations of the same sources that are now posted here showing Hillary's lead.
I am just waiting for November to see what actually happens.
Americans in their movie support the idea of adultery and even put sanction on others country for it ....

But now they destroyed Trump for acting as a real super rich American ( did you see Iron man 1 )

Trump was USA last hope , and they destroyed him ....

I'm happy and worry , Clinton will continue current USA policies and in next 15-20 years it will end USA empire .... In mean time she will split more blood in our region
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