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A summary of Killary Klinton, please google everything to get more details, dont go on my word):

Cross posting from another forum, credit to a friend of mine:

1. She is an acolyte of Saul Alinsky. She wrote her thesis on the Alinsky method.

2. As a young lawyer she got thrown off the case (Watergate) because she was a congenital liar.

3. Handler of Bill Clinton's Bimbo eruptions unit. She made sure to cover for his philandering at a minimum and his rapes of multiple women at worst.

4. Whitewater/Web Hubble indictment not easy to turn $1000 into $100k in a few short days.

5. Cattle Futures - More of #4 in a different arena.

6. People who have died around Bill and Hillary:
(this is a good list of people involved with the Clintons who have passed under "odd" circumstances) More than a coincidence given the number of people.

7. Benghazi debacle. - This goes directly to Hillary as Sec. of State.

8. Private Email server.

9. The Clinton Foundation. This "Charity" is a means of funding the Clintons and is illegal in many ways.

10. HRC's speeches. This is admittedly more typical politics rather than illegal. She takes the money from the people who will pay. Doesn't matter who. She claims to be a champion of the little people and she sucks the Wall Street Fat Cat Member as well as any $3 hooker. (Apologies to $3 hookers)
A summary of Killary Klinton, please google everything to get more details, dont go on my word):

Cross posting from another forum, credit to a friend of mine:

1. She is an acolyte of Saul Alinsky. She wrote her thesis on the Alinsky method.

2. As a young lawyer she got thrown off the case (Watergate) because she was a congenital liar.

3. Handler of Bill Clinton's Bimbo eruptions unit. She made sure to cover for his philandering at a minimum and his rapes of multiple women at worst.

4. Whitewater/Web Hubble indictment not easy to turn $1000 into $100k in a few short days.

5. Cattle Futures - More of #4 in a different arena.

6. People who have died around Bill and Hillary:
(this is a good list of people involved with the Clintons who have passed under "odd" circumstances) More than a coincidence given the number of people.

7. Benghazi debacle. - This goes directly to Hillary as Sec. of State.

8. Private Email server.

9. The Clinton Foundation. This "Charity" is a means of funding the Clintons and is illegal in many ways.

10. HRC's speeches. This is admittedly more typical politics rather than illegal. She takes the money from the people who will pay. Doesn't matter who. She claims to be a champion of the little people and she sucks the Wall Street Fat Cat Member as well as any $3 hooker. (Apologies to $3 hookers)

Who are you pleading to? Trump has already lost the elections.
Richard Cross, a lifelong Republican, who wrote the famous GOP convention speech for Patricia Smith (whose son died in Benghazi) is going to vote for Hillary. :usflag:

GOP speechwriter may vote for Hillary Clinton


Patricia Smith, the mother of a Benghazi survivor, criticized Hillary Clinton and blamed the Democratic presidential candidate for the death of her son during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland July 18, 2016. (Washington Post)

I am a lifelong political animal and a longtime Maryland Republican. I worked on the staffs of Maryland Congresswoman Helen Bentley and Congressman/Gov. Bob Ehrlich. I also served on the GOP staff of the House Financial Services Committee.

I have lived my life, proudly, as a political moderate striving to make a positive contribution in and around the political arena — not an easy feat in deep blue Maryland, where an insular Democratic establishment has dominated state politics until very recently. But I have always been GOP to the core.

Growing up, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were my icons. My sense of party fealty is such that I worked on the paid GOP convention staff in Philadelphia in 2000, and again, just recently, as a professional volunteer on the speechwriting staff in Cleveland.

But weeks after the end of the 2016 GOP convention, I am confronted by an inconvenient fact: Despite what I wrote in that nationally televised speech about Hillary Clinton, I may yet have to vote for her because of the epic deficiencies of my own party's nominee.

President Eisenhower would have never proposed banning Muslims from America. Nor would President Nixon. Nor would President Reagan. Donald Trump has betrayed and perverted their legacies. Consequently, I no longer recognize my party.

I have never voted for a Democrat for federal office, but when I hear the president criticize the GOP nominee, I can't honestly disagree with him.

I have no political home — a deeply uncomfortable place for me to be. My GOP pals regard me as a renegade, and my Democratic friends don't know quite what to make of me.

What is this election really about? It should be about the future — every election should be. But this election is about the misery of the moment.

While I'm proud of my service to the Republican party, I am not proud of the present state of American politics. I look around me; everything just feels awful and sad. The divisions in our national discourse are great, and there is no political hero waiting to rescue us from ourselves. Instead, we're confronted by the awful spectacle of a "Mothra versus Godzilla" election. And, just like in the movies, no matters who wins, Tokyo suffers.

Regardless, the reality is, I cannot vote for Donald Trump. I could never vote for Donald Trump.

So instead I am confronted by two painful choices: Vote for the most divisive political figure in the past 25 years or throw away my vote on a kooky Libertarian ticket.

I believe this is a citizenship election similar to others we have had in our history. This is a time to stand up and be counted — just like supporters of the civil rights movement once chose to do.

The central question in 2016: Are Muslim Americans an equal and welcome member of the American constituency?

For me, the answer is a clear "yes." Now, the question becomes: Can we come together and find a positive solution to the issue of illegal immigration, just like President Reagan and congressional Democrats were able to achieve? The answer to that is, "we must."

To choose otherwise embraces fear, as Donald Trump has chosen to do. Fear sometimes wins you elections, but it doesn't create jobs, build schools, reduce crime or improve the quality of life for all citizens. Great political leaders help us transcend our fears.

Still, the prospect of voting for Hillary Clinton is uncomfortable to me, as if Dr. Van Helsing were compelled to vote for Dracula.

But the only prospect more terrifying than voting for Hillary Clinton is not voting for her.

The reality of American politics today is, she is the only choice.

In fact, I personally drafted the speech of the "Benghazi mom," Patricia Smith. In that speech, I concluded with the following line: "If Hillary Clinton can't give us the truth, why should we give her the presidency?" As a political speechwriter, that was something of a home run moment for me. The New Yorker called the speech "the weaponization of grief."

Richard J. Cross III is a former Capitol Hill and Annapolis press secretary and speechwriter who lives in Baltimore.
He doesn't need to vote for Hillary...just sit out this cycle bud - that way the down ticket nominees will miss out on your vote too :lol:
I go by the 'A,B,C' theory. Anyone But Clinton. This shit happened 35 years ago. When you're a 35 year old billionaire you're supposed to hit on chicks and have threesomes. I'd be worried if he didn't. Besides, Killary has gotten TWO serial rapists out off the hook . One was her husband, Slick Willy.

LOL grab them by the p.... What a moron. LMAO at ABC theory. He is going down and Trump fanboys have already dropped their heads in despair. It's over man.
LOL grab them by the p.... What a moron. LMAO at ABC theory. He is going down and Trump fanboys have already dropped their heads in despair. It's over man.

The Clintons are the most corrupt family know to U.S. politics. They make the Bushs' look like Boy Scouts. You can dig up Sadaam Husseins stinking, rotten corpse and I'd vote for him before Killary. They've had nothing but scandal since the showed up on the scene 30 years ago. Bill raping chicks and what not. It was hard for Trump and Sanders from the start. We've seen the collusion between the DNC, media and Killary. The DNC is supposed to be neutral but they all ganged up on Bernie. Killary emails came out where she said basically that she lies to the public and that she wants open borders. These are things you'd think would make the papers but low and behold, nothing. The fact that Trump has made it this far is amazing.:usflag:
The Clintons are the most corrupt family know to U.S. politics. They make the Bushs' look like Boy Scouts. You can dig up Sadaam Husseins stinking, rotten corpse and I'd vote for him before Killary. They've had nothing but scandal since the showed up on the scene 30 years ago. Bill raping chicks and what not. It was hard for Trump and Sanders from the start. We've seen the collusion between the DNC, media and Killary. The DNC is supposed to be neutral but they all ganged up on Bernie. Killary emails came out where she said basically that she lies to the public and that she wants open borders. These are things you'd think would make the papers but low and behold, nothing. The fact that Trump has made it this far is amazing.:usflag:

The turnout is going to be crazy and pretty unpredictable. The MSM is trying their level best to influence it in some way so that HRC wins in the crucial swing states.

But stay tuned, the final debate and nov 8th should be quite interesting.
The turnout is going to be crazy and pretty unpredictable. The MSM is trying their level best to influence it in some way so that HRC wins in the crucial swing states.

But stay tuned, the final debate and nov 8th should be quite interesting.

The next debate is Oct. 19th. Should be fun. Trump beat Killary like a red headed step child in the last. When he dropped the 'You'd be in jail' line, Killarys eyes started rolling up in her head and if you listen real hard I think you can hear her fart.
The next debate is Oct. 19th. Should be fun. Trump beat Killary like a red headed step child in the last. When he dropped the 'You'd be in jail' line, Killarys eyes started rolling up in her head and if you listen real hard I think you can hear her fart.

Yep that was such a good clincher haha.

Loved Bill's shifty "yep im going to hell" glances when Trump brought up his rapes.

Needs more of the same and more refinement from Trump.

Trump should bring up Hillary saying "she hates the average american people" in the Podesta emails in the final debate for example.

In fact those emails contain many gems. Trump team need to use the MSM effectively to get the anti-MSM/establishment message out. It was a good start in the last debate, next debate has to end it effectively. I could feel those hosts struggling and their clear bias stood out on numerous occasions. Needs to keep happening. This will set up the revolution that needs to happen in the republican party later if Trump loses to become a full fledged anti-mainstream party hopefully....or at least something will splinter.

This will probably likewise happen to the democrats if trump wins. Either way its long overdue and its better it happens now than later.
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