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US Politics

Indeed. Rasmussen has a well-known Republican tilt. They performed very poorly in 2012. The pollsters that I would pay attention to most are NBC News/Wall Street Journal, Survey USA, and PPP.
that LA times too isn't that bad.

Their prediction was some 0.5% behind the real result in 2012.
I'm inclined to agree with that. I was just recently talking with a friend about this exact subject.

We talked about the fact that there might be a significant amount of people out there who because of political correctness and it not currently being socially acceptable wouldn't admit that they were going to vote for Trump.

But will those numbers be enough to take him over the top in the end though? By all indications it looks like they won't be. With the way this election has been going though, I wouldn't rule anything out.
In India & Pakistan,this phenomenon is called the silent voter phenomenon

Here the voter will remain silent about his real preference to prevent any public humiliation or attacks from the opposing party or it's candidate on this voter or to protect his & his close one's lives or it counld be any other reason. etc.

Such a voter is called the silent voter

Such voters are usually found in rural areas or basically any place where you need to be silent if you aren't voting for the local hero/landlord/rich guy or are voting for a person widely hated in your area.

Such voters exist in the USA right now thanks to Donald Trump's campaign & statements.I know some Indian Americans who are in this group & intend to vote for him but haven't told many people.

Many people are keeping their support of him silent to make sure their friends don't know about it(college),to save their marriage(men) or to maintain respect in their community(minorities,mormons etc).

But whether this will help him win or not,I have no idea.

agree, this has been a weird year, Trump outperformed the expectations of the same sources that are now posted here showing Hillary's lead.
I am just waiting for November to see what actually happens.
He's broken almost EVERY rule in the American Political Arena/Western Politics. He's made about 200+ outrageous statements/acts, just one would be enough to hurt any conventional politico's chance of winning or destroy their career.

& yet he is close to winning..... O.O
Tells you how much anger there is towards the establishment & how bad a candidate Hillary is.

Still...The fact he won the nomination itself is an amazing miracle! The fact that he is at 40%+ right now is much more than a miracle.

I too am eagerly waiting for November,I believe this will end up like Brexit & the recent Columbian referendum on the peace deal with FARC.

In both cases,simple conservative nationalism won narrowly even when nobody expected them to win;not even themselves!!
Nigel Farage conceded victory hours after voting ended only to receive a pleasant surprise later.

Most of the entire establishment, businessman,Most politicians,think tanks,economists, intellectuals & actors supported staying in the EU,International figures like Obama & the IMF had nothing better to do than butt in & support staying in...

End result- Brexit will happen.All of the above were left shocked.

The entire international community supported the deal so did the govt. & the same people as above.(except Obama who probably learnt his lesson).FARC & those supporting it too wanted this deal passed.
Polls showed this deal would pass with a 60-65% +saying Yes.

End result:- the referendum to support this version of the peace deal failed. All of the above were left shock

I believe till the last few days,Donald Trump will be below Hillary & then it could possibly change. The massive bias of the MSM towards Hillary too could end up hurting her.
One point to note:- In both cases,most of those on the winning side expressed fear that they couldn't win when asked by pollsters who they thought would win.(before voting happened).

We are seeing this repeat among the Trump supporters too when they are being asked by pollsters,they believe they will lose.

Will it repeat or not?? Let's wait & see,I can't wait for this election to end.

EDIT:- Read this article
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Americans in their movie support the idea of adultery and even put sanction on others country for it ....

But now they destroyed Trump for acting lie a real sure rich American ( did you see Iron man 1 )

Trump was USA last hope , and they destroyed him ....

I'm happy and worry , Clinton will continue current USA policies and in next 15-20 years it will end USA empire .... In mean time she will split more blood in our region

When an Iranian calls Trump America;s last hope, you know how wrong the American media and the left are getting it.
that LA times too isn't that bad.

Their prediction was some 0.5% behind the real result in 2012.
Interesting, do you have a source?

Many people are keeping their support of him silent to make sure their friends don't know about it(college),to save their marriage(men) or to maintain respect in their community(minorities,mormons etc).
I agree, there are certainly people who won't openly support Trump, but there are also people who won't openly support Hillary, remember, both of them are one of the most unpopular presidential candidates ever, my friend, actually it's a two Way Street.
Interesting, do you have a source?

I agree, there are certainly people who won't openly support Trump, but there are also people who won't openly support Hillary, remember, both of them are one of the most unpopular presidential candidates ever, my friend, actually it's a two Way Street.
Check their website out. The LA times did not do it,but the team of researchers behind the poll did it.

Have you done this before?
Yes, the team of researchers at USC who conduct the poll used the same technique four years ago to forecast the 2012 election.

How’d that turn out?
The poll was one of the most accurate of the year. It predicted that President Obama would be reelected with a margin of victory of 3.32 percentage points. He won by 3.85 points. Most other polls underestimated Obama’s margin by more than that.

Check this too http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2016/10/14/why_pay_attention_to_the_la_times_poll.html
I disagree on your second part.
But I won't elaborate more, I wrote a long story here but removed it on a friend's private recommendation.

I'll just say this, read what I said+understand that it's tough to support Trump or defend him if you live in a city,liberal area or an area with a good no. of minorities.

But that's not the case for Clinton
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I disagree on your second part.
But I won't elaborate more, I wrote a long story here but removed it on a friend's private recommendation.

I'll just say this, read what I said+understand that it's tough to support Trump or defend him if you live in a city,liberal area or an area with a good no. of minorities.

But that's not the case for Clinton
I can see that you deleted some of your comments/questions, may I ask why?

Sorry, no offense, but I had saved your comments/questions.

Is Clinton called a Nazi,racist,xenophobe,misoygnist,Hitler,etc etc? Did u see the news of the GOP office being firebombed in NC?
I'm a little surprised that you will even ask a question like that, okay, here we go:

if you type, hillary is racist, 51,200,000 results will show, please check them out, you'll be surprise not only right wing but even well-known far left publications are alleging that Hillary is a racist.

Here's one for you from the Huffington Post:

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign? Link

Here's another one for you, 84% of trumps supporters want her in the prison at 40% believe she is an “actual demon”

To say that this election cycle's presidential race is as polarized as any in modern history is perhaps an understatement: the PPP poll also found that 84 percent of Trump supporters believe Clinton should be in prison and—get this— 40 percent believe she is an actual “demon.” Link

Does any major publication like the Huff.Post say "F!ck you if you don't vote for Donald Trump!!" Do you see major actors,intellectuals,editorials or posts come up describing how she will destroy the USA & mess it up forever?
Here's another result from Google, hillary will destroy America 3,260,000 results came up. Link

Just wondering, don't you read, New York Post, Infowars (Alex Jones), Breitbart News?

As I said my friend, the hatred is from both sides, this election is very polarized, and both candidates are very unpopular. Many of my friends cannot believe I'm supporting Hillary, they asked me, how can a an honest man like you support a “croak” like her, she should be in jail ,etc.

Sorry, I have to run now.

I haven't watched SNL in 20 years.
Did you break your 20 year record? :D
@Darmashkian "the silent voter phenomenon" is exactly what I was thinking of, but couldn't quite encapsulate the term into words at the time.

There is definitely political speculation here that Donald Trump has a large amount of that so-called silent voter phenomenon.

I still think it's all but over for him, but with this election going the way it has been, anything is still possible.
@Darmashkian "the silent voter phenomenon" is exactly what I was thinking of, but couldn't quite encapsulate the term into words at the time.

There is definitely political speculation here that Donald Trump has a large amount of that so-called silent voter phenomenon.

I still think it's all but over for him, but with this election going the way it has been, anything is still possible.

I don't think so. Trump is quite the political suicide bomber. He has single handedly destroyed his chances of becoming the President. He knows that he has lost, this is why he is bit**ing about rigged elections.

LMAO at black Trump supporters. What is next... I hope for Pakistan's sake that Trump wins, but it is over for him. Trump is a blessing in disguise. He is going to singlehandedly destroy US reputation.

American media is leaving no stone unturned to ensure Trump Loses. The blatant bias and partiality is even worse than any third world (terms that Westerners like to use) country's media. There is no semblance of balance at all.

Btw, Does Hillary have an Open Door Policy toward immigration ?

If yes, then God Save America. :suicide:

Evil media. Evil left. Destroying the world. Hanuman Trump hero number one. LMAO
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I just found out that in the state of Nevada, there is an actual real "none of the above" option one can choose in their voting booths during elections.

I wish there was that kind of option here in my state :lol:
Surprised to learn today when the news reported the Hindu community of new Jersey is supporting Trump for better ties with India.

Normally Indians vote Democrate but this time around things are different. The attendees mentioned they believe Trump's tougher stance on terrorism is the reason for their support of the candidate.

I think Modi's right wing views and policy are resonating with the Indian community here thus the support for Trump.

The Indian-American community is voting for Clinton by a wide margin. Perhaps even more so than usual. They are already one of the most Democratic demographics in the nation. The ones that do vote Republican do so primarily for economic reasons (low taxes on the wealthy and fewer business regulations). But his anti-immigrant, nativist campaign and his inexperience in combination with his unstable personality has pushed many of them away.

that LA times too isn't that bad.

Their prediction was some 0.5% behind the real result in 2012.

Perhaps. But what's far more relevant is that it's one of the very few polls that actually show Trump in the lead. Almost all other polls show Hillary ahead, and that's a very bad sign for Trump. If the polls remain essentially the same come election day, it would be unprecedented for him to actually win.

I have no personal bias against the poll. I don't like Hillary at all, and live in the Los Angeles area.

Many people are keeping their support of him silent to make sure their friends don't know about it(college),to save their marriage(men) or to maintain respect in their community(minorities,mormons etc).

Lol. That tells you everything you need to know about the way Trump is viewed here.

In India & Pakistan,this phenomenon is called the silent voter phenomenon

There are definitely some "silent voters" who support Trump, but polls typically pick them up. They have little to lose by telling a pollster that they are voting for him, even if they might not tell their family and friends.

I too am eagerly waiting for November,I believe this will end up like Brexit & the recent Columbian referendum on the peace deal with FARC.

I do think that polls are overstating her support somewhat. Primarily because of turn-out predictions. That's the big question. It was perhaps the biggest reason the two referendums you mentioned turned out the way that they did. The winning side was more motivated than the other, and many on the losing side assumed they would win and didn't turn out to actually vote.

In a battle of two intensely disliked candidates, Hillary can still win even though the public doesn't actually like her. Because she is somewhat less unpopular than Trump, she would likely win if everyone turned out to vote. But some won't because of the disdain that Americans have for both candidates, despite what some voters tell pollsters right now. Motivation matters.

This is the one thing that could save Trump. Hillary doesn't have much appeal to young voters, economically disadvantaged voters, or leftists who feel that Democrats (especially ones like Hillary) don't accomplish much when they are elected. These were voters who favored Sanders by wide margins in the primary. Hillary, on the other hand, was the "centrist" candidate. Despite this, however, Sanders trounced her among self-described independents and Republicans as well. His appeal to all voters was significantly broader than hers. Polls showed that he would have done a lot better than her in the general election.

The two groups that she did very well with were older voters (55+) and African-Americans. Some of the most reliable voters who are mostly set in their ways, with little chance of them voting for Trump. That was enough to win the low-turnout Democratic Primary. But the general election is a very different game. Low turnout among the less reliable voters that Sanders did very well with, and lower support from independents, could doom her. The only reason that she's winning is because she's running against Trump. Replace him with just about any other Republican (except perhaps Cruz), and she would lose. Her support among these groups remains fragile.

I just found out that in the state of Nevada, there is an actual real "none of the above" option one can choose in their voting booths during elections.

I wish there was that kind of option here in my state :lol:

Tell me about it. I plan on leaving the field blank.
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