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US Police to Enter ‘Military Mode’ After Dallas Attack


Total number mean nothing---when you look at the prcentage in relation to population---a balck man has 5 times more chance of being taken out.

Means that every time---you come across a cop---you have a 5 times higher rate of being executed.

Or how about the belief that you might be five times more likely to be a victim of a crime when encountering a black man. If what I just said is racism, then tell it to Jesse Jackson.

Even Jesse Jackson said a few years ago, “There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”


Young black males commit crime way out of proportion to their numbers. Taking that into account when you’re out in the street is not irrational, it’s street-smart. It’s not profiling, it’s probability.
Look at the last and highlighted sentence.

If Jesse Jackson, himself a black man whose entire life is in the national spotlight from being a black activist to Presidential contender, had to exercise common sense on meeting unknown black men, why is the police wrong in doing the same ?

There is a serious CULTURAL problem in the black community and just now black leaders have finally admitted it. By 'now', I do not mean today or last month, I mean within the last few yrs.

Black militia co-founder: Dallas shooter 'shall be celebrated'

The co-founder of a black militia whose events the Dallas police shooter had attended wrote in a since-deleted Facebook post that killer Micah Johnson “shall be celebrated one day,” The Dallas Morning News reported.

Soon after Thursday night’s attack in downtown Dallas that killed five police officers and wounded nine others, the co-founder of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, Yafeuh Balogun, tweeted: “I have no remorse for the Dallas Police Officers shot downtown, it’s about time.. at the protest etc.”

The gun club was named after the radical founder of the Black Panther Party and was formed to institute armed patrols of communities in Dallas, The Dallas Morning News reported.

Babu Omowale, another co-founder of the group, told Reuters he recognized Johnson from gun club events and the shooter “wasn’t a stranger to us.”

“There’s many people that this particular individual represents,” Balogun told Reuters. “He, in a sense, spoke on their behalf and unfortunately it made a lot of officers lose their lives.”

The murdered police officers were protecting demonstrators protesting the police killings of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota last week. A robot-delivered bomb ultimately killed Johnson after a standoff.

A top elected official in Dallas said Thursday's attack looked like a "crime of opportunity."

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said authorities believed Johnson had been practicing and training for a long time, learned of the protest and knew there would be a lot of police to protect protesters.

Jenkins said Johnson had material for explosives in his home and talked of using IEDs during the police standoff. He said that indicated the killer could have done more damage with more time but used the protest in Dallas to strike in a more limited, albeit deadly, fashion.

Dallas police chief David Brown said Johnson scrawled letters in his own blood on the walls of the parking garage where officers cornered and later killed him.

Brown said the 25-year-old Army veteran wrote the letters "RB," and that investigators were looking through things found in his suburban Dallas home to try to figure out what he may have meant by that.

He also told CNN that during the roughly two-hour standoff in the garage, Johnson lied to and taunted the police negotiators.


Damn, Fox News disabled comments. Why prevent free speech?
Or how about the belief that you might be five times more likely to be a victim of a crime when encountering a black man. If what I just said is racism, then tell it to Jesse Jackson.



And that is true as well----. Many will call me a rascist as well when I say that non black ethnicities cannot tell if the black person they are coming across is going to mug them or is just another citizen being walking by.

A former Chicago Police detective shown in a photo posing as a hunter who bagged a black teenager as a trophy should not get his job back, an Illinois appellate court has ruled. Timothy McDermott had appealed the decision of a Cook County judge, who in 2014, upheld the detective’s firing for appearing in the photo. Then-Police Supt. Garry McCarthy, who had asked the Chicago Police Board to fire McDermott, called the photo “disgusting.” Also posing in the photo was Officer Jerome Finnigan, who is serving a 12-year prison term for corruption. The U.S. attorney’s office had obtained the 2002 photo during a criminal investigation of Finnigan and other officers accused of participating in a robbery ...

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Militarization And Police Violence in America
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Global Research, July 12, 2016


Hardly a day goes by without news of a police killing. And each time we hear from scholars and observers that the police is too militarized. No doubt!

In 2014, I was flattered to have been approached by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Shasta Chapter to be their keynote speaker to address Government Secrecy, Drones, and Militarization. After each police involved death, I would revisit my notes and wonder why I never published them. After watching this video clip on my FB page on July 10, 2016, I decided to share an excerpt from the ACLU address of April 13, 2014.

(Of note, at the time of the talk, “Black Lives Matter” had not appeared on the national stage, nor had the training of police in Israel been fully exposed; as such, these very important factors were not included in the talk/excerpt below. The following is simply talking points stringed together and lacks the flow and flare of academic writing.)

Historians and political scientists have warned us about dangerous war fever sweeping the United States. Today we have gone beyond that.

The “Global War on Terror”, a war indefinite in duration, against an ill-defined and shifting enemy, al-Qaeda, [ISIS did not exist in the official narrative at the time] is now being armed in Syria [“moderates”] without a clear explanation of American strategy or a specific definition of victory, or even a way to measure progress in the struggle has taken its toll on civil liberty. The problem of militarization poses a danger to the very character of American government and society.

In his first public interview after retiring from active duty in 2003, General Tommy Franks identified the single most dangerous possibility offered by an endless war on terrorism: An attack with weapons of mass destruction “just to create casualties … to terrify” could lead “the western world, the free world” to forfeit its “freedom and liberty,” to lose its democracy, and “begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass-casualty event, … to potentially unravel the fabric of our Constitution.”

Over half a century ago, Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson concluded that “by giving way to the passion, intolerance and suspicions of wartime, it is easy to reduce our liberties to a shadow, often in answer to exaggerated claims of security.”.

That day is here. Not only are we under constant surveillance, but take for example the kill list. A list which began under the Bush administration as a rationale for murdering suspect citizens of countries with which the United States was not at war has become Obama’s kill list and the scope of the list has been expanded to include the execution, without due process of law, of U.S. citizens accused, without evidence presented in court, of association with terrorism. And this is accepted by the people. No protests.

The Framers of the Constitution recognized such dangers when they carefully subordinated the military to civilian authority and attempted to limit the power of the President to initiate war.

Gregory Foster, a former Army officer and West Point graduate who now teaches national security studies at the National Defense University in Washington said that principle of civilian control of the military—an early building block of American democracy- has become the civilian subjugation to the military.

Today, the degree to which society’s institutions, policies, behavior, thought, and values are devoted to military power and shaped by war are alarming.

The incursion of military recruiters and teachings into the public school system is well known. Presidents favor speaking to captive audiences at military bases, defense bases, and on aircraft carriers. Lawmakers’ constant use of “support our troops” to justify defense spending. TV programs and video games like “NCIS,” “Homeland” and “Call of Duty,” to reality show “Stars Earn Stripes,” demonstrate that Americans are subjected to a daily diet of stories that valorize the military while the storytellers pursue their own opportunistic political and commercial agendas

Former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged publicly in an October 24, 2003, interview in the Washington Times: “We are in a war of ideas, as well as a global war on terror. Ideas are important, and they need to be marshaled, and they need to be communicated in ways that are persuasive to the listeners.”

This was part of his Information Operations Roadmap. As part of the plan, public affairs officers were given the task of briefing journalists. In 2005 it came to light that the Pentagon paid the Lincoln Group (a private company) to plant ‘hundreds of stories’ in Iraqi papers in support of U.S. Policies

But now, we see that this war has been internalized, whether you look at drones, kill list, or militarization of the police force.

During the Clinton administration, Congress passed what’s now known as the “1033 Program,” which formalized Reagan administration’s directive to the Pentagon to share surplus military gear with domestic police agencies. Since then, millions of pieces of military equipment designed for use on a battlefield have been transferred to local cops—SWAT teams and others—including machine guns, tanks, armored personnel carriers, etc.

The Pentagon’s 1033 program has exploded under Obama.

Bill Clinton also created the “Troops to Cops” program which offered grants to police departments who hired soldiers returning from battle, contributing even further to the militarization of the police force.

In a 2005 PBS documentary, David Grossman, a retired US Army Lt. Colonel spoke of training law enforcement groups worldwise to kill: “most of what I do is I train military and law enforcement in what I call the bulletproof mind.” “Prior preparation is that one variable in the equation that we can control ahead of time, and one of the key things is embracing the responsibility to kill. So when I teach, one of the things I believe we need to do is embrace this word “kill.””

Is it any wonder that [Mayor] Bloomberg proudly bragged of “hav(ing) my own army in the NYPD” and who used that army to spy on peaceful Occupy Wall Street protestors?

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