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US police officers fire 137 shots to kill 2 unarmed suspects

Better safe than sorry when dealing with violent criminals. Still, 137 shots is a bit overkill...

Fleeing driver shot by Cleveland police had extensive criminal record

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The bullet-riddled car in which Timothy Russell fled police late Thursday belonged to him, but there is disagreement on whether pursuing officers knew who was driving, or that he had a lengthy criminal record.

East Cleveland Police Sgt. Scott Gardner said that "I do not have direct information that the officers knew who was in the vehicle, but their dispatch did run the plate and provide the vehicle information to them during the pursuit." His department is leading the investigation into the chase which ended in that city with both occupants of the car dead.

However, Jeffery Follmer, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, said at a news conference Saturday that pursuing officers did not know who was in the car at the time.

Russell and Malissa Williams died in a torrent of gunfire as 13 police officers fired 137 rounds following a chase through Cleveland, Bratenahl and East Cleveland.

Russell, who would have turned 44 next Sunday, had a history of theft offenses, violent crime and, on two previous occasions, fleeing police – all since 1997.

He was found guilty of domestic violence in Summit County, had three convictions for receiving stolen property, one in Summit County and two in Cuyahoga. Russell also had four robbery convictions: Ohio law recognizes robbery as any theft offense involving force or threat of force.

One of the stolen-property offenses also carried a felony failure-to-comply charge, in Cuyahoga County in 2008. He also was found guilty of misdemeanor failure to comply in Mentor Municipal Court earlier this year.

Failure to comply is often used when a motorist is fleeing from police. The Mentor case is also noteworthy because his license was suspended, a penalty that would have been lifted only today – two days after dying while fleeing police in a car.

Hs former wife sought and received the dissolution of their marriage in Summit County in 2000, while he was in prison.

Malissa Williams, the other occupant of the car, had five drug-related convictions in Cuyahoga county between 2004 and 2008. During that time she was also charged with rape and attempted abduction. The rape charge was dropped when she pleaded guilty to the lesser attempted abduction count. The on-line record does not carry details of that case.

No gun was found in the car. But Gardner said the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's office will do a gunshot-residue test on the dead bodies to determine if either might have fired at police. That will not be completed until later in the week.

The chase begin at the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland Friday. Officers from Bratenahl, East Cleveland, the Ohio Highway Patrol and Cuyahoga County Sheriff's Deputies joined in the pursuit, which ended on a dead-end access street in East Cleveland, near a middle school.

Fleeing driver shot by Cleveland police had extensive criminal record | cleveland.com
@Safriz Their fault. They don't aim for anywhere, just tryin to be "Gangsta"
Maybe in places like Oakland or Detroit, but blacks here strive as much as any other race in America. Some of our top political leaders are black--or president is half black. Do not generalize a race because you know what you said is not true for the majority of America's black populace.
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Maybe in places like Oakland or Detroit, but blacks here strive as much as any other race in America. Some of our top political leaders are black--or president is half black. Do not generalize a race because you know what you said is not true for the majority of America's black populace.
Read post 16.
It is terrible...Cleveland need to teach thier cops to shoot...should have taken no more than one clip to put the criminal down.
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