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US plans for ‘imperial’ presence in Pakistan

All major assets and institutions already sold , political thugs now find out a new unique method to get money , now they started selling national land to US and next buyer will be Israel or India .

We need to pass the law in assembly that Pak land can not be sold to jews or their friends.

yes just like the U.S. should pass a law that bans all land sales to Muslims or their friends.

Yes that is sarcasm............That attitude really makes a lot of sense doesn't it? with twisted warped paranoid views like many post here. (if that is the dominate view) There will never be peace in the region.
If that is true, then that is fine. By the way, India doesn't need to be a 'sub-nation' of China, nor does China want that to be the case (i.e. extra-responsibility).

When I said India + China, that was USA views both as challengers to their hedgemony. India should try to be less adversarial with her neighbors and more cautious of 'friends' from afar! :azn:

you have only to look at Tibet to see China has territorial ambitions in Asia
Time has come for Pakistani to start movement Iran revolution. American had taken enough advantage of Pakistan. American can never attack their real enemy. Iran is still standing as Iraq is US former allies burring by the hand of US.
As long as Pakistan continues to suckle of the hind teat of the US and Western taxpayer this kinda apprehensions will remain. Become a nominally self sufficient state that isn't on the brink of anarchy and economic collapse every 10yrs and our influence will probably wane. That's the reality of it.
You guys make me sick.Our Intel Agencies are still here and they have far more assests then you know who.Its much better to bleed America at home if they try to do something wrong in Pakistan.
I can only guess abt the things happening in
Pakistan .:undecided:

1. Either the US wants to set up a regional intel base to launch covert ops inside the neighboring countries .
2. Or the US has formerly accepted and realized its position in Afghanistan where they cant win without the support of Pakistan and hence now have taken a swift u-turn in their major policy . Due to which now they would be providing help to Pakistani agencies & their talibanic assets in launching covert ops inside Kashmir against the Indian Forces .(Recent Past events also point towards such a scenario) . Dont know what they will get in return (Probably full support of Pakistani Milletery in war in Afghanistan):undecided:

Fellas believe it or not ! There are some major compromises and understandings which are being established btw US & Pakistan on the give and take basis (Right now we are witnessing the one end of the story) . And all the racket in the media is probably (opening of a back dore to role back this whole game(if things didn't go well ) .
The situation might be equally horrifying for the Berhamins in New Delhi as they they are for local Pakistanis :agree:.

Conditions apply (i may be right i may be wrong:undecided:) but somethings truly fishy going on out there :).
Existense of BLACK-WATER in Pakistan: CIA Blackwater mercenary

A month ago, a couple of University Town, Peshawar citizen complained to Federal Interior Ministry about mysterious activities of some American’s living in their neighbor. After investigations by Pakistani authorities, they coined that an NGO labeled under “Creative Associative International Inc.” (CAII) rented house, a Washington DC based company. Further, they told that they are working on projects in tribal areas and very astonishing that these projects are linked to US State department and their projects were not relevant with their described work of an NGO.

By the passage of time, they applied to hire security guards for their protection and next step was to demand Black-water World Wide. They were going to use Black-water to conduct a range of covert activities in Pakistan’s tribal areas, which was later on confirmed by daily “New York Times”.

In Peshawar, security officials observed by different reports that Black-water was operating from the office of CAII on Chinar Road, University Town in Peshawar companies in-charge alleged and arrested for maintaining contacts with the adversaries of Pakistan in tribal belt. At last company’s in-charge Mr. Davis expelled from Pakistan Daily “Jang” reported.

One thousand US Marines will be coming to Pakistan and will be deployed at US Mission in Islamabad, Foreign Office Spokesman, Abdul Basit Khan told media in a press briefing on 5th August, 2009 at Press Club, Karachi while replying to a query about increase in the strength of the US personnel at Islamabad Mission. Remember that US is going to establish world’s biggest mission in Islamabad in near future and marines are coming to protect the Islamabad mission.

According to media reports, marines of Black-water already exist here and stepped into Pakistan during the Musharraf era. There are so many worthy scoops which declare that Black-water exists here in Pakistan. First of all, existence of CAII in Peshawar, their suspicious activities then intelligence agencies concerns about their covert activities and presence. Exploring the facts this statement seems 100% true as a foreign newspaper “New York Times” reported recently “the CIA has for several years operated Predator drones out of a remote base in Shamsi, Pakistan but has secretly added a second site at an air base in Jalalabad, Afghanistan” in this report they also mentioned that these Predator drones were fired by the Black-water.

While like CAII, which is considered to be the front line of CIA and was involved in mischievous activities in Peshawar there are several other reports about CIA’s suspicious activities in different nooks of Pakistan, a person can better understand what is the purpose of these activities protecting diplomats or espionage.

For example, wreaking havoc inside Pakistan and recovering American and Israeli manufactured weapons during this havoc, at right of the time when you are flawed to know about the supplier of these kind of weapons inside Pakistan. Thirdly, capturing of a US Woman diplomat convening a secret meeting between Indian diplomats and Pakistani Officials at 152 – Margalla Road, Islamabad and government’s letter to refrain contacts with foreign diplomats, issued in response.

Same like University Town, Peshawar and existence of Black-water marines were exposed in a televised programme of Geo TV, when Hamid Mir questioned to Nawabzada Malik Amaad, Minister for Foreign Affairs about 200 houses are rented to American’s possibly US marines, who are doing cover activities, which compelled residents to report. The most important thing both Pakistani and US authorities denied to confirm about the existence Black-water when it has already been declared by Foreign Office Spokesman.

Knowing all these bullshits, we can not deny the existence of Black-water in Pakistan but a rally of questions blow our minds to make us senseless that why an external security force is here, neglecting our own security agencies? Our agencies are not able to protect foreign diplomats or our regime + US State Department do not want to rely on them? Can they provide services to a sovereign state with having an NOC? If they have NOC? Then why not made it public? And if they have taken NOC from government then isn’t it a hard hit on the sovereignty of Pakistan? If they have not taken NOC then what is the reactions of our state?

Black-water established in 1997 by Mr. Eric D. Prince. It is a completely private owned security company. In 1990’s Mr. Prince purchased 6,000 acres (24 Km2) of the great dismal swamp, at North Carolina / Virginia border, where he established Black-water on the name of peat colored water of the swamp. Black-water World Wide replaced its name with Xe LLC after breaking their contract with Iraqi regime because they killed 17 innocent people without any cause in 2007. Xe’s founder and former CEO Eric Prince was a Navy Seal, he attended Naval Academy and was an intern in George H. W Bush’s White House.

Prince is a major financial supporter of Republic Party causes and candidates, which is the reason that 90% of the companies revenue come from the US State Department. Currently, Xe is the largest US States three private security contractors and 2/3 contracts are NO-BID CONTRACTS.

In continuation, I would like to insert here that Black-water Marines, on September 16, 2007 shoot and killed 17 innocent Iraqis and at least 14 of them were killed without any cause, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation. In November 2008 the US State Department fined million dollars to Black-water for smuggling automatic weapons to Iraq without the necessary permission. Connecting to this information, Pakistan army has already recovered American assembled weapons from terrorists inside Pakistan’s territory with highly trained terrorists came from Afghanistan. Our minds are useless to understand then why they have allowed Black Water to step into Pakistan, even they do not have registered passports.

Jeremy Scahill – an investigative journalist of Daily “The Nation” international’s report added fuel into story about a former employee of Black-water and an ex US-marine, whom made a series of explosive allegations in sworn statement, filed on August 03 in Federal Court in Virginia. One of the most flabbergasted allegations from these persons is “Mr. Eric Prince views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe”.

In addition to this statement these men told to Federal Court that Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, know and wanting them men to take every availability to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the knights of the Templar – the warriors who fought crusades. Remember, that still five persons are waiting for trials on manslaughter in Baghdad and a sixth Jeremy Ridge way has already pleaded guilty to manslaughter and helping the prosecutors.

Reviewing entire facts, our current regime should have to rewind the history that CIA had already attempted to build a spy chain for accessing Pakistan’s nuclear programme, which was broken in 1978 by our intelligence agencies. This news was not made public but issue resolved on diplomatic level at Washington DC, USA. Now, their media and US States Department have already showed their concerns about threat of nuclear weapons accessibility to Taliban. CIA and Black-water’s covert activities could be a signal of another spy chain for gaining access to Pakistan’s nuclear assets but Black-water must have to remember that they have stepped into hot-waters and landed into land of suicider’s and it will not be easy to eat this pill.
Existense of BLACK-WATER in Pakistan: CIA Blackwater mercenary : PakisTan POlitics: Sports: TV: Food on Pakistanic.com
BREAKING NEWS: New US Base in Gharo, Sindh?

PakistanKaKhudaHafiz.com EXCLUSIVE

PKKH has learnt from informed sources within the Pakistan Navy that certain high-ranking individuals within the Naval forces are involved in secret construction of operational facilities in Gharo, Sindh, which are intended to serve as a base for around 200 US marines.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that a high ranking official of the Special Service Group Navy (SSGN), which is the commando division of the Pakistan Navy, is involved in the construction of a large complex in GHARO, Sindh, which is described to be purpose built to serve as a base for an army unit – comprising of halls, residential units, and storage facilities.

Some years back the Navy had decided to shift the SSGN headquarter (PNS Iqbal) from the dockyard to a coastal area, but Gharo was not the likely sight at the time. Because there has been a sudden increase in assistance to the SSGN from the US, questions are being raised whether this shifting of the SSGN to Gharo is actually a ruse to allow US Marine “trainers” to arrive there in large numbers on the pretext of training the SSGN commandos in newly-acquired weapons and tactics?

US Ambassador In Pakistan Forces A Newspaper To Censor A Known US Critic

Finally, the Americans take their revenge. Dr. Mazari single-handedly threw cold water on Washington’s plan last year to send a rabidly anti-Pakistani US army general as defense attaché to Islamabad. The Pakistani government quietly accepted the appointment. But Dr. Mazari broke the story and aborted the plan. When the new pro-US elected government seized power, Mr. Zardari’s special assistant Husain Haqqani’s first order of business was to fire Dr. Mazari from her official post. And now the US ambassador succeeds in blocking her column. Welcome to the Banana Republic of Pakistan where soon US ambassadors will have the right appoint presidents and prime ministers. Some say they already do.

United States Ambassador Anne W. Patterson intervened with one of the largest newspaper groups in Pakistan to force it to block today a decade-old weekly column by a prominent academic and critic of US policies.

Dr. Shireen Mazari, the former director of the Islamabad Institute of Strategic Studies and a mordant critic of US blunders in Pakistan and the region, was stunned when her column failed to appear in today’s edition of the newspaper. This happened after the US ambassador sent a ‘private’ letter to the management of The News International, one of the largest English-language dailies of Pakistan.

This is a new high for American influence inside Pakistan.

Never before did a US ambassador manage to force such a change in a newspaper’s policy. For those who are new to Pakistan, this is equivalent to having Maureen Dowd or Tom Friedman’s column knocked off the pages of the New York Times because Dick Cheney does not like their criticism.

Unlike Ms. Patterson in Pakistan, her colleague in London, ambassador Louis Susman, could never dream of achieving a similar feat by, say, convincing The Times of London to block a column by David Aaronovitch. Or the US ambassador in Moscow, John Beylre, Jr., who could never even think of forcing Komsomolskaya Pravda to do anything remotely similar. They have Vladimir Putin in Russian who knows how to protect his country’s interest.

Only in Pakistan, where American meddling has reached alarming proportions and risks turning this second largest Muslim country and the world’s seventh declared nuclear-armed nation into another version of Latin America’s banana republics where Washington has been known to change governments at will.

The US achieved a feat last year when it forced the country’s military establishment under a weak and insecure Pervez Musharraf to strike a ‘deal’ to forgive the questionable illegal wealth and other criminal cases against several Pakistani political figures in order to help them come to power in exchange for supporting US policies in Pakistan.

Another major break for Washington is Pakistan’s acquiescence in the construction in Islamabad of what will soon become the largest US embassy in the world. Recently, members of privately armed US militias have been spotted in Islamabad, in some cases roughing up Pakistani citizens, without the Pakistani government daring to take action.

But blocking Dr. Mazari’s column is a new high for American influence in Pakistani affairs.

She especially earned the ire of the Americans last year when she single handedly threw cold water on US plans to post a notoriously anti-Pakistan US army general to Islamabad. It was March 2008 when the new pro-US government in Islamabad allowed Washington to post Major General Jay W. Hood as the Chief, Office of the Defence Representative in Islamabad.

But Dr. Mazari broke the news of the appointment through her column, creating an uproar and forcing the Pakistani government to reject the appointment.

Dr. Mazari held a press conference today at the Islamabad head office of Pakistan Justice Movement, or PTI, a political party headed by cricket star Imran Khan where she is a senior official handling foreign policy issues.

Ambassador Anne Patterson is reported to have sent a letter to the management of the newspaper protesting at Dr. Mazari’s writings, especially on the question of the presence of Blackwater and other private American militias on Pakistani soil. Interestingly, Ms. Patterson said she did not want to see her letter published in the newspaper and insisted it be kept private. It is also not clear if Ms. Patterson actually threatened legal action or other form of protest or pressure if the newspaper continued to publish Dr. Mazari’s columns.

The newspaper editorial team is said to be ready to publish the blocked column later, possibly with some editing. Frankly, no one can blame a newspaper for protecting its interest when the very government of Pakistan seems incapable of protecting the national interest. Had Pakistan had a truly nationalistic government in Islamabad, one that inspired confidence, I can imagine that any newspaper would have politely deflected undue pressure from a foreign diplomat.

But the very fact that the column failed to run marks a victory for the US embassy and a fresh sign of the growing US influence and meddling in Pakistan’s internal matters.

It is not clear if Ms. Patterson sought the permission of the Pakistan Foreign Office before directly contacting a Pakistani newspaper to exert pressure.

This is the fourth attempt by the US Embassy to silence Dr. Mazari, whose incisive political commentary based on her close brush with power corridors in Islamabad over the years has given the Americans and the Brits a constant headache. Her columns are fodder for those who advocate a more nationalistic and Pakistan-centric approach in dealing with Washington instead of the current approach where the United States is reaping strategic benefits at the expense of Pakistan’s interests and stability.

In 2006, the US ambassador at the time, Ryan Crocker, is reported to have warned Pakistan’s foreign secretary Mr. Riaz Khokar, that he will consider Dr. Mazari’s writings to be reflective of official Pakistani thinking because Dr. Mazari was heading a think tank financed by the Foreign Office. The US diplomat demanded Dr. Mazari, according to her, be removed from office or told to stop criticizing US policies.

The foreign secretary resisted the pressure and Dr. Mazari continued her policy discourse. The interesting thing is that the first order of business for the present pro-US government in Islamabad after seizing power last year was to fire Dr. Mazari.

Her ousting was engineered by Mr. Husain Haqqani, Pakistan’s ambassador to Washington who is widely known in Pakistan as a staunch American apologist. Many jokingly call him ‘America’s ambassador to the Pakistani embassy in Washington.’ So it was no surprise that Dr. Mazari was fired as soon Mr. Haqqani’s government came in power.

I personally faced a similar situation when a US diplomat telephoned me in November 2007 to accuse me of spreading anti-Americanism on the state-run PTV. My crime was to start a series of talk shows discussing how our ally the US turned Afghanistan into a hub for anti-Pakistan forces in the region. The lady US diplomat used a cheap trick to intimidate me when she asked, ‘Does Musharraf know what you’re doing?’

My answer was, ‘Does President Bush know when US media frequently runs anti-Pakistan articles?’

Dr. Mazari is not disheartened by this episode. ‘They might have knocked me off this time,’ she told me today after her press conference, ‘but the last round will be mine. The Americans can’t gag me in my own country.’ And that is exactly what the newspaper, The News International, has assured her of.

While citizens and political parties are protesting against the reported presence and activities of Blackwater, now renamed Xe Services LLC, in Peshawar and other places in Pakistan.

very few know about the operations and history of the private security firm that supported the US government in its so-called war on terror.

Though the American and Pakistani authorities have denied the presence of Blackwater or Xe, there have been growing concerns among the public and political ranks over reports of the arrival of a large number of private security guards from USA to Pakistan.

There are reports that a guesthouse and private bungalows in the University Town and a vast piece of land in Warsak, north of the city, have been rented by the company for different purposes.

Foreign security agents are frequently seen providing protection to US diplomats and officials of international bodies in the city. Their presence was deemed necessary after an attack on former principal officer of the US Consulate in Peshawar, Lynn Tracy, and killing of a US aid worker in the University Town.

Once quite secure for foreigners, Peshawar turned violent for a couple of months last year when apart from attack on the two Americans, Iranian and Afghan diplomats were kidnapped after killing of their guards and drivers.

No other attack on any foreign diplomat has taken place this year. However, foreign security personnel were reportedly hired for diplomats and officials of world bodies in the wake of recent attacks.

The main concern among Peshawarites nowadays is the presence of Blackwater or Xe Worldwide LLC, commonly known as Xe since February 13, and infamous for killing and insulting civilians.

Xe is a private military company founded as Blackwater USA in 1997 by a wealthy American, Erik Prince. He purchased about 6,000 acres of the Great Dismal Swamp, on the North Carolina/Virginia border, to establish a training camp.

Based in the US state of North Carolina, Xe operates one of the world’s largest training facilities and trains more than 40,000 people a year, mostly from America or foreign military and police services.

In 2003, Blackwater acquired the Aviation Worldwide Services (AWS), which owns and operates three subsidiaries: STI Aviation Inc, Air Quest Inc and Presidential Airways Inc. It operates several CASA 212 aircraft in addition to a Boeing 767 and several of the MD-530 helicopters.

At least 90 per cent of the company’s revenue comes from government contracts. It provided security services to US government in Iraq on a contractual basis.

Xe was one of several private security firms employed following the US invasion of Afghanistan. It was among over 60 private security firms employed during the Iraq war to guard officials and installations, train Iraq’s new army and police, and provide other support for occupation forces. Some media reports estimated that around 100,000 Blackwater personnel were once deputed in Iraq.

Blackwater’s licence to operate in Iraq was revoked by the Iraqi government on September 17, 2007, resulting from a highly contentious incident in Baghdad that occurred a day earlier during which 17 Iraqis were killed.

In November 2008, the US State Department prepared to issue a multimillion-dollar fine to Blackwater for shipping hundreds of automatic firearms to Iraq without necessary permits.

A book on Blackwater by Jeremy Scahill claimed that the leadership of Blackwater was driven by a Christian agenda deployed by ‘extreme religious zealots’. In Scahill’s account, Erik Prince, Blackwater’s founder and chairman, with his connections to right-wing Catholic groups, believes that Blackwater is an important vehicle for ensuring the central role of Christianity in US foreign policy. However, Prince had always played down any connection between his religion and his business.

In August 2009, Blackwater and its founder Eric Prince were accused of murder and of ‘failing to stop the use of prostitutes, including child prostitutes’ by their men. These accusations were initially exposed by Jeremy Scahill. Erik Prince has also been accused of harbouring hostility towards Islam and Muslims.
Maybe this is not true,but I think there is no need to provide any proof for this,just look around the world,why you americans set so many military bases in other coutries,just see what you have done to the people in so many other countries such as Iraq Iran,do you think it is still important to prove this?

Please note personally speaking I am not against you.
You mean the neighbours who are speeding up their incursion in our territory and makring territory like animals do with their piss?

LOL, we're better off with 'friends' from afar! :woot:

Marking territory like animals do with their piss ?

But how the Indians found out ? only answer= smell with thier nose !

Congrate; new found Indian piss detector !!:smitten:

Marking territory like animals do with their piss ?

But how the Indians found out ? only answer= smell with thier nose !

Congrate; new found Indian piss detector !!:smitten:


Why is that pakistani's have to get China on everything .?

Like small kid crying and getting his father by its side!!:sniper:
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