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US planning to replace India with South Korea in QUAD

You’re a funny person :)

Yes ofcourse. US has just suddenly discovered South Korea as an “alternative” to India. Let’s just forget the fact that US - South Korea alliance is decades old and there’s nothing new here that they haven’t already explored in terms of “strengthening” relations.

For India, it doesn’t matter who runs the government of the day — everyone is unanimous when it comes to maintaining our independence and sovereignty. India never wanted to join a military alliance and India has never reneged on its commitments to any of its allies or partners in the face of external pressure. What india does, we do to preserve our own interests. It’s team India all the way — and if necessary, we are willing to pay the price for it.

Remaining in quad or outside of it isn’t going change that stance. This is how great powers behave.

Pakistan could learn a thing or two from our playbook. You talk a big game until it’s time to actually deliver — when you’re found just cowering in fear and singing “hail to the King” to the next big power willing to string you along as means to an end. Even the posturing you do is on the back of ‘someone better’
you really need to learn a thing or two about this forum you have called 4 Chinese Pakistani and now an Indian troll Pakistani - either you cant see flags or are just an ignorant

Its sad to see that Pakistani people have their hearts smashed to pieces
if the same thing was said just a month ago on this forum - 4-5 posters would have been going insane by this point but even the most hardcore nationalist feel gutted to have back and forth
@peagle @Mangus Ortus Nove brothers yall kept talking about pak positive nationalism for years- it seems events of this month have devasted us to the point where we seem to be suffering from collective depression of sorts :sad:
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China is the largest trading partner of India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and the United States.
South Korea has an annual trade surplus of more than $100 billion with China.
I don't know what quad can do😂
Smart move by India if true. They can lose their north east or more if they continue to blindly follow quawk.
As for SK, they are more concerned with NK & jp while quawk solely targets China.
Remains to be seen how far SK public want to blindly follow usa.

South Korean DJ ‘Forced To Take Off Her Pants’ In Front Of American Airlines Flight Crew​

Thirty six year old South Korean DJ Hwang So-hee, known as DJ Soda, headlines Asian music festivals, streams online, and at least attempts to fly American Airlines.

She was flying New York JFK to Los Angeles on Monday while wearing sponsored pants, clothes she was paid to wear by the designer, and that’s how she ran into problems. So-hee reports she was “harassed and humiliated” and “forced out of the plane” and required to take off her pants “in front of the flight crews at the gate.”........................................................................
Despite been Anti Indian, I must admire their resistance to west and keeping a decent independent foreign Policy is admirable. Something that just randomly comes to mind that what if China/India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka/Central Asia/Malaysia/Indonesia comes together to make a economic block, imagine the man power/resources/ they can put through.
either you cant see flags or are just an ignorant
The 2 large flags can be faked, the small flag (which is probably generated by the IP address) cannot be, but that flag for some reason is visible only in logged out mode. If @WebMaster could enable that in logged in mode, it will at least clarify the members country.

On another note, I haven't seen @peagle for a long time.
Hasn't this mentality of latching on to someone given you guys enough problems.
I mean you were a full-time ally of the US. Tab kuch an kar sake ab kya ukhado ge.

Atomi quwwat.
I think Faleece johnsons mardana quwat is enough for you - Ghauri "missile" atomi quwat can satisfy your thirst later
you really need to learn a thing or two about this forum you have called 4 Chinese Pakistani and now an Indian troll Pakistani - either you cant see flags or are just an ignorant

Its sad to see that Pakistani people have their hearts smashed to pieces
if the same thing was said just a month ago on this forum - 4-5 posters would have been going insane by this point but even the most hardcore nationalist feel gutted to have back and forth
@peagle @Mangus Ortus Nove brothers yall kept talking about pak positive nationalism for years- it seems events of this month have devasted us to the point where we seem to be suffering from collective depression of sorts :sad:
People have lost trust in the leadership, they don't feel like things are going in a good direction at all, they see them as incompetent and corrupt.

Therefore they are too focused on this rather than defending Pakistan from Indians
His the rocket man. NK also is meant to have artillery pieces which are in range of Seoul enough probably to destroy or cause major damage across the city.

Number one goal of the North Korean regime is to stay in power at all costs.

Should Kimmie do what you just said, he would be obliterated right back.
You’re a funny person :)

Yes ofcourse. US has just suddenly discovered South Korea as an “alternative” to India. Let’s just forget the fact that US - South Korea alliance is decades old and there’s nothing new here that they haven’t already explored in terms of “strengthening” relations.

For India, it doesn’t matter who runs the government of the day — everyone is unanimous when it comes to maintaining our independence and sovereignty. India never wanted to join a military alliance and India has never reneged on its commitments to any of its allies or partners in the face of external pressure. What india does, we do to preserve our own interests. It’s team India all the way — and if necessary, we are willing to pay the price for it.

Remaining in quad or outside of it isn’t going change that stance. This is how great powers behave. Pakistan isn’t a great power so you wouldn’t understand how that feels. It’s natural to feel shock, awe and disbelief.

Pakistan could learn a thing or two from our playbook. You talk a big game until it’s time to actually deliver — when you’re found just cowering in fear and singing “hail to the King” to the next big power willing to string you along as means to an end. Even the posturing you do is on the back of ‘someone better than us’
An independent India is in Pakistan and China's interest, better than U.S. cannon fodder/lapdog, such as Ukraine.
An independent India is in Pakistan and China's interest, better than U.S. cannon fodder/lapdog, such as Ukraine.

India is a British creation. Indians who can’t read English can’t read their own constitution. Without English language, India would cease to be a country. The first step for Indian independence is to write their constitution in the native language so that average Indian can understand. But unfortunately, there is no one common language that bind Indian people together except English. As India is a British creation.

So for Indians to be free and independent, India need to break up.
I strongly disagree, The Indian's are not stupid and refuse to be manipulated by USA.
If they start a war with China, they will be left high and dry by these westerners.
Cowardice and Fighting skills does not come into it.
I give them credit for this.

I m proud that indian army is so coward after looking at the history except 1962 war.

I wish indian army will remain the coward
Pakistan should take full advantage of the collapsing US-India alliance.
You were with US all these decades, other than some military help, what else did you get? Your people got killed in thousands in return. if you want again become a slave of US against China, be our guest. Say goodbye to all investment from China along with CPEC.
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