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US, Pakistan trust very low: Feinstein

So, after it was revealed that Pakistan had allowed China to inspect wrecked stealth helicopter after Osama raids, is it possible US will even sell some drone to Pakistan.
These are just rumors. There was nothing left in the helicopter to inspect and even wreckage was returned to U.S.A after their request.
Trust will remain low as long as there is WOT because Pakistan has slightly taken it's share away from this WOT.
Get a life dude. IN 10 year WOT, what share?? These are services and we only got 10-18Billion dollar while we Lost 60 Billion dollar in WOT in 10 year, Lost 35000+ civilians and army for the betterment and peace for the world.
Your army even can't stop Taliban from your border and they are killing our civilians and army.
All Pakhtoons are not terrorist but all terrorist are Pakhtoons.
American would never realize how much they have over-withdrawn on the account of Friendship, Trust and Support and how much animity they are earning because of refusing to offer one little favor. An honest apology from American President, Prosecution of Raymond Devis and returing Afia back to Pakistan would've been healing moments for Pakistanis which they never tried or did.. and they questions themselves - why should we listen to beggars, the dependent Nation who don't have capacity to harm us. So let them say and feel whatever they feel, our saving of a person or keeping of a Pakistani daughter is minor to us but still we wouldn't like to give it up.

These are minor emotional matters, on large scale, Americans have interests and expectations from this region which collide with our interests and expectations. We cannot let a forign occupying country to have his "game plans" bolstered at the cost of our existence and future.

I see having a dual policy towards USA and USA having a dual Policy towards Pakistan have only delayed this crisis but worsened its outcome. At this stage this collapse of relatioship would result in bigger bang than it would've been otherwise. Iran has stood again USA and not just USA but entire western world who tried to get in their way of prosperity, believes and lifestyle. Pakistan has greater potential and greater strategic strength than Iran and we could afford the cost of refusal more than them. We've lost hundred thousand people, some 80 Billion Dollars, 10 years of progress and 100s of opportunities because we didn't choose the right path then. But to correct yoruself, you are never late.
Trust will remain low as long as there is WOT because Pakistan has slightly taken it's share away from this WOT.

War Of Terror is hurting us man.. we as a Nation are feeling more pain than probably those terrorists have ever gone under. Pakistan doesn't have a stake in this war. We need to have stable, friendly and non-hostile Afghanistan which in the case of America and India having their foot print is not possible. These Americans traitors have supported insurgency inside Pakistan and we should see Americans with the same eyes as we see other terrorists on our western borders.
I am waiting the day...US go for full fledged attack on Pakistan and dis-mental atom bombs
The thing is they are done with Pakistan & now they have started to play heavy mind games, massive propaganda, funding terrorism in Pakistan with the help of their side kick India, they are funding Pak Media to spread lies against Pakistan, Pakistan Army & the ISI. They want to destroy Pakistan now & they are getting good help from their political puppets to achieve their goals.

Today’s Pakistan is completely threatened by the enemies & they are finding different ways to destroy Pakistan. Pakistan’s security should always come first at least now it should always be on the top & the demands of sleeping people of Pakistan who are good for nothing should be given any importance because of their love for the corrupt & evil. Pak Army must take over now there is still time & Pakistan can be pulled out of lots of problems, the window of hope is to small & I hope Pak Army is ready to take a move to save not the dreams of the sleeping people but to save the freedom of Pakistan.

As far as this 9/11 goes I doubt the death toll, 3000 is media report. I bet it is way less then the given number because they were all pre planned attacks, any way look at what US has done up till today since the war on the so called US imaginary war on terrorism, millions of Muslims have been killed around the world & 24/7.

Totally agree with you. : :pakistan:
I am waiting the day...US go for full fledged attack on Pakistan and dis-mental atom bombs

You will be waiting for longer than eternity, let me tell you clearly.
War Of Terror is hurting us man.. we as a Nation are feeling more pain than probably those terrorists have ever gone under. Pakistan doesn't have a stake in this war.
I understand that you are content to host terrorists as long as your own nose doesn't get bled by them.

We need to have stable, friendly and non-hostile Afghanistan which in the case of America and India having their foot print is not possible.
It's only "not possible" because Pakistan believes in using force, terror, or domination with its Afghan and Indian neighbors rather than be friends with them. Pakistan doesn't treat Iran that way because (1) they're Muslim, and (2) the mullahs are a lot scarier than the terrorists, right? Really, just because you grew up in a street jungle doesn't mean you have to treat international relations that way.

These Americans traitors have supported insurgency inside Pakistan and we should see Americans with the same eyes as we see other terrorists on our western borders.
That's just a cowardly "out" to avoid making difficult moral judgments.

As far as this 9/11 goes I doubt the death toll, 3000 is media report. I bet it is way less -
A moment's internet search would have shown you that 2,752 death certificates were filed relating to the 9/11 attacks, and 24 people are still missing. What's your excuse for believing in a lie of convenience rather than consulting better sources or following the chain of evidence?
The trust is very low and the men that run these two countries are very low.
American would never realize how much they have over-withdrawn on the account of Friendship, Trust and Support and how much animity they are earning because of refusing to offer one little favor. An honest apology from American President, Prosecution of Raymond Devis and returing Afia back -
You already know, because you can see it around you every day, that Pakistan's leaders are great deceivers and liars who can scarcely be held accountable for their deeds. If that is how they behave when you can see what they are, why in the world do you have greater regard for them when it comes to secret and foreign relations totally beyond your ken?
American would never realize how much they have over-withdrawn on the account of Friendship, Trust[/B]

Rich and mighty can/do exploit the needy. I do not see it as friendship. US was a rich and powerful nation, can give Pakistan a lot in terms money and technology etc.

Pakistan on other hand is more of service provider. You get paid for services.

So think from that perspective, that is exactly how US sees Pakistan.
You will be waiting for longer than eternity, let me tell you clearly.
Hey!!! I guess Ure right cuz the eternity just passed......:D

You already know, because you can see it around you every day, that Pakistan's leaders are great deceivers and liars who can scarcely be held accountable for their deeds. If that is how they behave when you can see what they are, why in the world do you have greater regard for them when it comes to secret and foreign relations totally beyond your ken?
No we don't give them respect its the West giving them repect and protection even though they know them that these so called leaders are corrupt and criminals otherwise they will get the same fate as Mr. Suleiman Taseer......:smokin:
No we don't give them respect its the West giving them -
Sure you do. You believe all their nonsense about drone strikes in NWaz being "illegal" or "a violation of sovereignty" even though I show that UNSCR 1373 says otherwise, right? You take as an article of faith instilled by your leaders that Kashmiris want to join Pakistan, yes? Even Z.A.B. realized that was false after 1965 but he chose to maintain the deception. You can think of other such examples, I'm sure.

these so called leaders are corrupt and criminals otherwise they will get the same fate as Mr. Suleiman Taseer...
Better to establish your own courts with full legal teams for prosecution and defense rather than risk reflexively executing someone for supposed misdeeds. You're quite aware, I think, that Taseer wasn't assassinated because he was corrupt or criminal but because he was trying to defend someone accused of blasphemy - and his efforts to do so were by no means criminal.

What I think we've established, regular, is that it isn't only Pakistani leaders to blame but "ordinary" Pakistanis like yourself who, I suppose, feel the weight of accumulated outrages and powerlessness to the point you become blind and seek only a convenient target to take your frustrations out on. That's not the stuff of justice, regular.
Sure you do. You believe all their nonsense about drone strikes in NWaz being "illegal" or "a violation of sovereignty" even though I show that UNSCR 1373 says otherwise, right? You take as an article of faith instilled by your leaders that Kashmiris want to join Pakistan, yes? Even Z.A.B. realized that was false after 1965 but he chose to maintain the deception. You can think of other such examples, I'm sure.

Better to establish your own courts with full legal teams for prosecution and defense rather than risk reflexively executing someone for supposed misdeeds. You're quite aware, I think, that Taseer wasn't assassinated because he was corrupt or criminal but because he was trying to defend someone accused of blasphemy - and his efforts to do so were by no means criminal.

What I think we've established, regular, is that it isn't only Pakistani leaders to blame but "ordinary" Pakistanis like yourself who, I suppose, feel the weight of accumulated outrages and powerlessness to the point you become blind and seek only a convenient target to take your frustrations out on. That's not the stuff of justice, regular.
I understand what U saying and agree to it mostly cuz we got evil in ourselves.
U know only evil minded pplz are always corrupt and selfish. Sulman taseer tried to go against the constitution of the country so he was criminal and got his fate. Anyways to tell U the truth nobody is innocent within our country everybody is criminal or corrupt just looking for his chance to rob others. Thats why we have evil leaders enforced on us by God as punishment. and I guess we got no solution of the current situation other than that everybody get killed like Salman Taseer.......umm.....cuz we all deserve that punishment.........:smokin:
The thing is they are done with Pakistan & now they have started to play heavy mind games, massive propaganda, funding terrorism in Pakistan with the help of their side kick India, they are funding Pak Media to spread lies against Pakistan, Pakistan Army & the ISI. They want to destroy Pakistan now & they are getting good help from their political puppets to achieve their goals.

Today’s Pakistan is completely threatened by the enemies & they are finding different ways to destroy Pakistan. Pakistan’s security should always come first at least now it should always be on the top & the demands of sleeping people of Pakistan who are good for nothing should be given any importance because of their love for the corrupt & evil. Pak Army must take over now there is still time & Pakistan can be pulled out of lots of problems, the window of hope is to small & I hope Pak Army is ready to take a move to save not the dreams of the sleeping people but to save the freedom of Pakistan.

As far as this 9/11 goes I doubt the death toll, 3000 is media report. I bet it is way less then the given number because they were all pre planned attacks, any way look at what US has done up till today since the war on the so called US imaginary war on terrorism, millions of Muslims have been killed around the world & 24/7.

Excellent Analysis Bro.

You should contact the Economist and get them to publish this factually correct, no conspiracy drivel, with everything cited and backed up with tangible proof article. :rofl:

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