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US-Pakistan Relations - Do we really need each other ?


Sep 18, 2013
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It all Started on 20th October 1947, 2 months and 6 days after Islamic Republic of Pakistan gets its Independent from a Colonization Power United Kingdom, the Time when Pakistan Start to look towards the So called Free world in order Dig its feet in ground to hold a mighty enemy India , the First war between India and Pakistan Proves that these countries will not be having peace anytime soon . The British play their Cards very well, leaving the Kashmir Dispute between Two nation .. and keep the flames of Fire alive in the South Asian Region which is burning the lives of two countries till now .

US has quickly Understand that Pakistan can easily be used as a Pawn for US, a Place to spy of USSR , establishing base for any future Conflict between two Super Powers of that time . Pakistan-Unites States relationship from the beginning was all about National Interest, in which Pakistan never see or understand its own interest . As the rewards for Pakistan to play its role against he Communist USSR , Pakistan was offered to become CENTO and SEATO member, and US back us up for that .

Pakistan as a young nation still trying to learn the game between Regional and World powers , but yet we put our eggs in US basket which later proved to be worse Idea . Pakistan as a honest ally for US played a Vital role to bring US and Rising Power China closer in 1972, despite the Fact the US has abandoned us in 1971 War with India which led to the creation of a new Country called " Bangladesh " . Pakistan's blind trust on America and its Aid and help and continuous support for every Dictator taking Power in Pakistan. The Pakistani's once again betrayed by this so called Ally in 1980's when Pakistan push its nose into a Conflict between Two Super Power for Afghanistan . Pakistan was chosen by the US to do the Dirty work of Training and Arming Mujaheen Fighters, by poisoning them with the Ideology of Jihad and holy war Against a Communist Regime , What Pakistan Get in return ? A lollipop for Few F-16's and some Million Dollars . but again our Policy makers failed to see what's coming next , and they keep a blind eye on the rising trend of the Extremist and Fundamental Pakistan .

The next Gift Pakistan was given when in 1998 Pakistan's eternal Enemy India detonate its Nuclear Bomb ringing the bells of a future Nuclear war in the region . Disputes like Kashmir which cause 3 War's between Two nations was still un-solved , Pakistan-India has fought 3 Conventional wars in which the Results were mostly Neutral except 1971 in which our Allies did not have our back. but USSR proved to be a more Reliable ally than US which send its Nuclear Sub to Block Karachi Port . but in retaliation for Indian Bomb Pakistan was forced to Detonate its own Nuclear Bomb in order to keep the Power Balance in the region . and Pakistan was Gift by the same Old ally with sanctions which not just Destroy the Pakistan's Economy but also Set back Pakistan's Conventional Capabilities to 70's era .

In the next decade something happened that will change the entire fate of Pakistan-US relations . A terror incident that shake the world upside down , some Arabs Terrorist hit World Trade Center in US with two Hijacked Planes , and crashing One Plane on the Front side of Pentagon killing almost 3000 American Citizen . This incident was called the worst attack on US soil after Pearl harbor attack by Imperial Japan . After the 9/11 the US and world reach to its blowing point to take Action against the Al-Qaeda Terrorist who takes responsibility for the Attacks, what should we call it ? a con-incidence or a Pre-Planned move that AQ leadership and Fighters flee to Afghanistan neighboring Pakistan that leads US and Allied Coalition ( NATO ) to attack Afghanistan with whatever they have except Nuclear Weapons . The so Called Ally Pakistan , who was completely shocked , scared by the possible fallout was given no choice except for " Either you are with us or Against us " , and Pakistan who consider itself an Ally of US was pushed in to the eternal battle of War on Terror . Pakistani Police makers and Establishments who always consider them to be like the one student in class who sits quite but still consider one of the smartest kid .

To be Continued ....

@Slav Defence @Horus @Irfan Baloch @WAJsal @Oscar @Abu Zolfiqar @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox
you can put your input ... and also point out any mistakes .
Yes because they know us and we know them. In the present us congress stop to sale 8 f16, but we know they will release it soon or late. USA is the only one super power of the world we should continue relation ship with them. Other side we have not any direct threat with them. It is not the service of the nation to increase enemy for Pakistan but to increase friends for Pakistan.
We eventually need to keep this relation. Not only Pakistan needs USA, USA needs Pakistan too. As you mentioned all the points above. But there's a thing, Pakistan go all the way to keep this relation and sometimes even give priority to their orders over Pakistan. This is where we start doubting to keep this knot tie or not.
None of the country can survive with isolating itself from the other countries. So does Pakistan and USA need each other. We know that,
USA will never be sincere to Pakistan.
Yet, this relationship is the need of the time. The bottom line for both partners in this peculiar union is they doubtlessly need each other more than they dislike each other. Divorce is not an option for them.
In this modern era, everyone needs everyone. Otherwise the whole order collapses.
What is this? No one forced you to start a war , you did it on your own free will . You knew the risks , stop blaming others for your own bad judgment .
We are the only nation which currently have good relation with all 3 major power, There are ups and downs but the bottom line is we are in the friends.
Pakistan should disengage with the US and NATO. Engage Russia.

Stay away from JudeoChristian alliances. As they will never be your friend.

However this does not mean shut down your embassy in the US.
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Pak is not the only nation....Bangladesh is also there :mad:


Pakistan should disengage with the US and NATO. Engage Russia.

Stay away from JudeoChristian alliances. As they will never be your friend.

This does not mean shut down your embassy in the US.

do you know how many enemies will you make just because you are religiously intolerant.Your reason is religion based which is biggest thread to Pakistan
It all Started on 20th October 1947, 2 months and 6 days after Islamic Republic of Pakistan gets its Independent from a Colonization Power United Kingdom, the Time when Pakistan Start to look towards the So called Free world in order Dig its feet in ground to hold a mighty enemy India , the First war between India and Pakistan Proves that these countries will not be having peace anytime soon . The British play their Cards very well, leaving the Kashmir Dispute between Two nation .. and keep the flames of Fire alive in the South Asian Region which is burning the lives of two countries till now .
the problem began with the intent to "dig your heels against India" had you not done that, you would not need to find another Country's support.

do you know how many enemies will you make just because you are religiously intolerant.Your reason is religion based which is biggest thread to Pakistan

That is rich coming from an Indian. Don't Muslims just get killed for consuming beef in India? Let's not even talk about which country is religiously intolerant.

Pakistan should disengage with the US and NATO. Engage Russia.

Stay away from JudeoChristian alliances. As they will never be your friend.

This does not mean shut down your embassy in the US.

It is time to disengage and focus on regional allies. Let's get one thing straight though. The Americans have problems with many countries and Pakistan just happens to be one of them. China, Iran, Russia and Pakistan are just a few names which come to mind instantly.

Pakistan was always a thorn in the eyes of a few countries and that hasn't changed. Now that Pakistan is a strong nuclear power and able to stand its ground certain countries cannot digest this fact. They would rather invade it and do an Iraq/Afghanistan. Too bad for the ill wishers.

We eventually need to keep this relation. Not only Pakistan needs USA, USA needs Pakistan too. As you mentioned all the points above. But there's a thing, Pakistan go all the way to keep this relation and sometimes even give priority to their orders over Pakistan. This is where we start doubting to keep this knot tie or not.
None of the country can survive with isolating itself from the other countries. So does Pakistan and USA need each other. We know that,
USA will never be sincere to Pakistan.
Yet, this relationship is the need of the time. The bottom line for both partners in this peculiar union is they doubtlessly need each other more than they dislike each other. Divorce is not an option for them.

It is hard to imagine that the relation between Pakistan and the US can keep going the way it is. Full of duplicity and hypocrisy. Elections are on their way in the US and we'll have to wait for the outcome. If it was upto a madman like Trump things could really get out of hand really fast. We'll have to wait and see though.

do you know how many enemies will you make just because you are religiously intolerant.Your reason is religion based which is biggest thread to Pakistan
Pakistan already has enemies... because of her ideology...her nuclear weapons...CPEC...
The Modern Western (Judeo-Christian) Civilization is hell bent on giving to Israel the status of ruling state even at the expense of her own folks! The Judeo-Christian civilization has persecuted even authentic Christianity ... it is they who are intolerant and oppressive!
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