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US outraged with India for acquiring Russian jets over American F-21s

I don't think India would go for American fighter aircrafts. India doesn't trust America that much.
So we are doing next best thing, buying 2nd line defence equipment like helios and surveillance etc.
Which can be handled with ease in case of American sanctions.
And believe me you are doing very right thing
The INDIAN government is quite smart.

At minimum, they are much smarter than the Chinese SLAVES ~ those Tsai Ing Wen supporters in Taiwan. INDIAN understand that based on Price / Quality ratio, the new RUSSIAN MIG & the new SUKHOI fighters offer way higher values than the Murican F-21 * OBSOLETE & INFERIOR ... rebranded F-16.

Obviously, INDIAN realize that Murican F-21 is such an OBSOLETE &
INFERIOR plane when confronted by PLAAF ( J-10 * A,B,C ).

Only the absolutely DIMWITTED crowd that still believe that Murican F-21 & F-35 are decent.
~ Murican F-21 & F-35 are FLYING COFFINS.

Happy to BURN your Tax Payer Money
* the Flying Coffin ~ the one & only Murican F-35

usaf--F 35--burn Money--1a.jpg

Please do not mention J-20 in the same sentence as F-35.
It is such an insult to J-20.
MBS, MBZ etc. are templates...

Be like those poodles with fat check books, or don’t visit the DC...
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F21 is a capable aircraft but it would take a lot of time to set up an assembly line for it and training of pilots, logistics and maintenance crew for it. So Migs and Sukhois are being purchased as war can break out anytime.
We PAF & Chinese air Force are at a stage of overtaking Western nation's technology in avaition
Quoted for posteriority

Advanced congratulation to PAF on overtaking Western aviation

Hopefully PAF will run operation neptune spear on USA soil

Afterall Pakistani aerospace was already miles ahead of USA, China and Russia being the only nation to produce missiles which never had failed tests. So this revelation does not come as a surprise

@Capt. Karnage @Skull and Bones @manga @Nilgiri @sachin10 hear that? PAF is close to overtaking Western nations in aviation technology
IAF is doomed
Quoted for posteriority

Advanced congratulation to PAF on overtaking Western aviation

Hopefully PAF will run operation neptune spear on USA soil

Afterall Pakistani aerospace was already miles ahead of USA, China and Russia being the only nation to produce missiles which never had failed tests. So this revelation does not come as a surprise

@Capt. Karnage @Skull and Bones @manga @Nilgiri @sachin10 hear that? PAF is close to overtaking Western nations in aviation technology
IAF is doomed

Seriously dude, stop wasting your time reading nonsense posted by trolls.
Some of these are gems, cannot resist

I can see you are a senior member with your account 10 year old now. You should avoid quoting these pakistani trolls who have nothing better to do than posting anti India garbage and fake news and cheerleading for china. Let us newbies take care of them.
They needed the jets on emergency basis. F-21s won't solve that.

we already have su30mki and Mig29 in service for over 20 yrs
We have extensive training and service infrastructure for them
Adding 21 Mig29UPG and 12 Su30MKI is a logical and cost effective option , given the fact that these jets would be delivered in 6months and pilots can begin using them in combat immediately
American Jets would have taken 3 yrs plus another 1 yr of training before they can be fully utilised in combat

Their won’t by any western jet except Rafale
mmrca results are already leaked
With reports indicating a follow on purchase off 44 Rafale F3Rs for Airforce and 36 Rafale Ms for Navy, all directly from France , since it will ensure faster delivery
Quoted for posteriority

Advanced congratulation to PAF on overtaking Western aviation

Hopefully PAF will run operation neptune spear on USA soil

Afterall Pakistani aerospace was already miles ahead of USA, China and Russia being the only nation to produce missiles which never had failed tests. So this revelation does not come as a surprise

@Capt. Karnage @Skull and Bones @manga @Nilgiri @sachin10 hear that? PAF is close to overtaking Western nations in aviation technology
IAF is doomed

Some random dude's deluded quote vs official Indian deluded quotes. Which carries more weight?

As of 2012, India is a "superpower" hence foreign purchases are a form of "aid". No way they reflect badly on Indian defence industry.
Quoted for posteriority

Advanced congratulation to PAF on overtaking Western aviation

Hopefully PAF will run operation neptune spear on USA soil

Afterall Pakistani aerospace was already miles ahead of USA, China and Russia being the only nation to produce missiles which never had failed tests. So this revelation does not come as a surprise

@Capt. Karnage @Skull and Bones @manga @Nilgiri @sachin10 hear that? PAF is close to overtaking Western nations in aviation technology
IAF is doomed
Shout out For all patriotic elements and to get latest updates on my YouTube "Operation Umah" channel and subscribe to show support
PAF is decades ahead of IAF as PAF stands on its OWN feet as far as self manufacturing of fighter aircrafts is concerned. HAL is suffering from commission to corruption for past 35years & hence Hal Tejas is laughing stock of avaition industry. Talk to me when Hal Tejas actually is capable of bulk mass production okay??

For all PAF cares IAF can buy every model, type, of aircraft for it's lousy IAF and still be considered a driver rather than master of aircrafts. We PAF & Chinese air Force are at a stage of overtaking Western nation's technology in avaition and careless of buying others technology? We are not beggars nation of 1.2 billion feeding false propuganda negative information day in day out?

Jf-17 is a Chinese made aircraft with a few Pakistan specific systems that is manufactured in Pakistan. That's called licensed development. If that's your standard for indigenous production, we have been making Sukhoi mki 30 for the past 20 years. Before that, it was Mig 21s.

Please don't make a joke of yourself by comparing Pakistani technology to western technology. Pakistan has 0 contributions to any Chinese 5th generation jet project. J20 and FC31 are already built. They might someday offer to produce it in Pakistan and change a few systems like the Jf17 so that you can brag about it being indigenous, but that's basically all there is to it. China might surpass western made jets in a couple of decades, but Pakistan is nowhere in the picture. The only contribution of Pakistan to Chinese jets is as an end user buyer.

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