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US offers reassurances of support for Taiwan


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
United States
April 5, 2014, 12:09 am TWN

WASHINGTON -- An American official on Thursday reiterated the United States' commitment to Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) as part of its overall rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific region.

“The Obama administration has placed a high priority on strengthening our unofficial relations with Taiwan,” said Daniel Russel, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, in answering a question during a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Asked if the developments in Ukraine and Crimea would affect the status quo across the Taiwan Strait, Russel said that maintaining peace and stability in the region is a top priority of the U.S.

“The tolerance in the region for steps by China that appear to presage a more muscular approach has gone down as their alarm over Russian action and annexation of Crimea has increased,” he said.

The key underpinning of U.S. policy rooted in the TRA is its opposition to any effort to resolve the differences pertaining to Taiwan through intimidation, coercion or military force, Russel said.

In a later e-mail to CNA, Russel said the U.S. remains firmly committed to the U.S. one-China policy, the three joint communiques, its responsibilities under the TRA and its “six assurances.”

The assurances were made in 1982 by then President Ronald Reagan. They include not setting a date for ending U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and not pressuring Taiwan into negotiations with China.

US offers reassurances of support for Taiwan - The China Post
Yes, we are stonger

The difference is Russia pretend that they are weak but they are strong enough to do whatever they want by their military power. They even could get what not belong to them ,,,

While China pretend that they are strong, but they are so weak that they don't dare to get what ever belong to them ( I means Taiwan ).

The movement of Russia to dominate Crime .. similar to Vietnam acts to Khmer Rouge ... fast as lightning ... and great success !!!
The difference is Russia pretend that they are weak but they are strong enough to do whatever they want by their military power. They even could get what not belong to them ,,,

While China pretend that they are strong, but they are so weak that they don't dare to get what ever belong to them ( I means Taiwan )

we are not indians who are the champions of all pretendings
We are pragmatic and down to earth. We say it we'll deliver it
we are not indians who are the champions of all pretendings
We are pragmatic and down to earth. We say it we'll deliver it

China is good at making packaging only ... J15 look similar to Su33, J16 look similar to Su30 ... but inside content is a shame
China is good at making packaging only ... J15 look similar to Su33, J16 look similar to Su30 ... but inside content is a shame

unlike indians who cant even make decent 3rd gen airplane
dont be confused, We are not indians!
We are selling a good quanities of airplanes overseas without complaint
unlike indians who cant even make decent 3rd gen airplane
dont be confused, We are not indians!
We are selling a good quanities of airplanes overseas without complaint

Like this one ? crash rate : 50%



Like this one ? crash rate : 50%

indians cant even build one like that
airplane accidents are due to many reasons
Boeing Airbus Embraer Bombardier and Russian made all face one problem or another

Those are not fighter jets
Again we are not indians PERIOD

whoever made aircrafts with crash rate xx%
we are not indians who are the champions of all pretendings
We are pragmatic and down to earth. We say it we'll deliver it
This is called obession......Indian obession.
Umm, he is Vietnamese. Why are you dissing India ?
Some are programmed,this is the default setting.
this is my last post to reply to you troll you are way off topic check out the crash rate of mic-21 by iaf

mig 21 operates for so long time ... that's another matter ... ( of using spare parts with Chinese low quality components )

China Xian MA60 are brand new ... and terrible low quality
show us exactly Cheap price and really low quality in China aircraft manufacture caused heavy casualties

China fighters





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