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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

Vietnam and Philippines ? Are you FRIGGIN' KIDDING ?? They BETTER be able to take those two. AT THE SAME TIME !! BUT Chinas' airforce and navy couldn't crash and burn FAST ENOUGH against the U.S. NOW, and in TEN YEARS. You got a TON of WISHFUL THINKING while your thumb is up YOUR ARSE. Wanna make the Chinese crap their pants ? Cut the Japanese loose !! Let them militarize. Chinese flashbacks would start fast and furious !! CAN YOU SAY... NANKING ? YEAH. I THOUGHT YOU COULD.:usflag::rofl:

You talk fighting China like drink a cup of tea...LMAO...that how you WWII Mac Arthur used to said..he could finish Korea war and fly back fro Xmas. We certainly won't ley U.S navy or airforce got away without a single scratch...

U.S fight only when it saw a great huge advantage...and as for Japanese....when you fought desperately an unwinable war agaisnt the stuburn japanese...the only way out was using NUKE...

In Asia theaters such Korea, Vietnam or even WWII Japanese...you Americans have never claimed a flawless victories...
no, you couldn't. You would if you could, but you can't. Sorry. Even your satellite shootdown to try and intimidate us was a failure. We shot down a satellite 400 km up. You shot down one 150 km up. You would've shot one 400 km up if you could, but you couldn't, and that was a failed attempt at intimidating us.

1 J-20 = 100 F-15s.

TWO DAYS !! China COULDN'T sail a Navy to the U.S. You WOULDN'T make it here. But if you try, come to the EAST COAST. I NEED SOME MORE WRECKS TO DIVE. And genius, we put a guy on the MOON. We ran a thirty year shuttle program. Hubbel telescope. Mars probes... 400 KM ?... HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
I don't think so.
The difference on number of air crafts betwween North Vietnamese and USA Air-force, Vietnamese used his our tactics.
Not sure what you are trying to say here, but the Chinese are usually dishonest about these figures. Chúng nó nói sạo nhiều lắm. The North Vietnamese Air Force was not a very large force and could not challenge the Americans whenever the Americans violated North Vietnamese airspace. US air losses were mostly from missiles, not from air combat, and when there were actual shootings between fighters, the North Vietnamese used hit-and-run tactics against bomb laden fighter bombers who were slower and less maneuverable.

Operation Bolo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the North Vietnamese (and their Soviet allies who supplied the MiG-21 aircraft and helped set up the integrated air defense network), the two reverses forced them to husband their assets by grounding the MiGs for several months for retraining and devising of new tactics.
You talk fighting China like drink a cup of tea...LMAO...that how you WWII Mac Arthur used to said..he could finish Korea war and fly back fro Xmas. We certainly won't ley U.S navy or airforce got away without a single scratch...

U.S fight only when it saw a great huge advantage...and as for Japanese....when you fought desperately an unwinable war agaisnt the stuburn japanese...the only way out was using NUKE...

In Asia theaters such Korea, Vietnam or even WWII Japanese...you Americans have never claimed a flawless victories...
And you think your PLA is any different? No wonder the lot of you here are rightly conscript rejects. :lol:
China has their own GROWING PROBLEM. Sure, they're a country on the rise. They have about 200,000,000 people that are prospering and starting to 'live the dream'. BUT... they have about 1,100,000,000 people who don't have a POT TO PISS IN. SOON, those people will want 'theirs'.

Worry more about your own country..that beggers are floodding around street and ask penny for cup of coffee...so much for "sole" superpower.
TWO DAYS !! China COULDN'T sail a Navy to the U.S. You WOULDN'T make it here. But if you try, come to the EAST COAST. I NEED SOME MORE WRECKS TO DIVE. And genius, we put a guy on the MOON. We ran a thirty year shuttle program. Hubbel telescope. Mars probes... 400 KM ?... HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

Sorry, 400 km up against a dynamic target the size of a fridge moving at Mach 30 within 5 minutes is much harder than sending a bag of bolts to the moon.
A bunch of Chinese conscript rejects talking smack about war.
Sorry, 400 km up against a dynamic target the size of a fridge moving at Mach 30 within 5 minutes is much harder than sending a bag of bolts to the moon.

'Dynamic' ?? It flies the same orbit. You'd know exactly where it would be in a month. After 'talking' with you, I'm worrying less and less about the Chinese. :rofl:
Sorry, 400 km up against a dynamic target the size of a fridge moving at Mach 30 within 5 minutes is much harder than sending a bag of bolts to the moon.
And it looks like China is having a difficult time proving a missile can hit a slow moving ship. So guess who is at the disadvantage here?

some low level maintainance technicians talking as if he was a physicist or engineer.
Sure as the sky is blue everything I said went whhooosssshhh over your head.
'Dynamic' ?? It flies the same orbit. You'd know exactly where it would be in a month. After 'talking' with you, I'm worrying less and less about the Chinese. :rofl:

Not true. You must've fallen asleep in analytical mechanics. Orbits naturally precess over time, and anyhow, at the size of a fridge, sensors still need to acquire targets in real time.

What the path prediction IS true for is ballistic missiles. They're called ballistic for a reason - they follow a ballistic trajectory. Yet the US system couldn't intercept a single stone age SCUD from Saddam.
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